Category Archives: Blogs
Kindergarten Roundup
Lowrey Elementary
Kindergarten Round-Up Invitation
If you have an incoming Kindergarten student or know of a family with a child entering Kindergarten please share this information.
Students should be 5 years old by September 1st.
On Thursday, May 14th from 1:00pm-2:00pm in front of Lowrey we will be passing out enrollment information and supplies for incoming Kindergarten students only.
Forms can also be found online on the Dearborn Public Schools site:
Lowrey School Enrollment:
Zeina Olabi 313-693-6427
If you have any questions please contact Student Services at 313-495-4004.
Week 8 Assignments
*A reminder to turn in all assignments as they will be graded. All missed assignments will be a zero.
Week 8- Assignments
All assignments are also on google classroom to turn in virtually.
Must Do: All assignments are on google classroom to turn in digitally, the assignments below are for your overview of the week’s work. Please visit classwork in google classroom for further instructions. All assignments are graded.
- spelling assignments
- 30 minutes reading DAILY
- Freckle- Reading articles and Math Practices
- Daily journal entry (Work on Writing)
Spelling practices for Week 8
- Monday– write four times each
- Tuesday-vowels in red/consonant in blue
- Wednesday-sentences using your spelling words
- Thursday– alphabetical order
- Friday– rainbow writing
Week 35: Prefixes: re-, pre-, un-, dis-
Word Bank: (Choose 5 hot words and 5 cold words)
W.O.W (Work on Writing)
Sunday, May 10th was Mother’s Day. How did you and your family celebrate your mother on Mother’s Day?
Winner!!! Winner!!! Congratulations, you have just won an “All-Expense Paid Trip” to anywhere in the world. Where would you go and why?
Hobbies are a way for people to relax. A hobby could be anything from collecting rocks, reading, cooking or walking. What are some hobbies you enjoy and why?
We don’t get to pick our names, our parents give us our names when we are born. Do you like the name your parents picked for you? Why or why not? If you think your name is a good fit for you, describe why you feel that way. If you don’t like your name, what name would you have liked to have instead and why?
Writer’s Workshop:
Use the writing process to write a narrative writing piece. Write a story about the first time you met your best friend.
Monday: Brainstorm
Tuesday: Rough Draft
Wednesday: Edit
Thursday: Revise
Friday: Final Draft
Freckle Reading and Math (daily do teacher assigned one reading and one math everyday)
class code for readworks is-MKUPDK Password is 1234
- Save Your Paper, Help Earth
- Recycling
- A Day to Celebrate Earth
- Take Care of Our Planet
Scholastic News Articles:
- Go to Grade 2
- Log in
- click on student
- our class code is Mokdad
After reading a book daily fill out the following comprehension questions ..
Fiction books
Text Type-
1. What is the author’s purpose for this book?
2. What is the problem in the story?
3. How was the problem solved?
4.How did the character in the story act throughout the story?
5. This story reminds me of a time I ….
Nonfiction Books
Text Type-
1. What is the main idea of this book?
2. The three facts I learned are….
3. After using the glossary pick two words and write the meaning.
4. The photograph that helped me understand the text more is …….. .
5. After reading this book I now know more about…..
Week 6 Assignments
Must Do: All assignments are on google classroom to turn in digitally, the assignments below are for your overview of the weeks work. Please visit classwork in google classroom for further instructions.
- spelling assignments
- 30 minutes reading DAILY
- Freckle- Reading articles and Math Practices
- Daily journal entry (Work on Writing)
Spelling practices for Week 6
- Monday– write four times each
- Tuesday-vowels in red/consonant in blue
- Wednesday-sentences using your spelling words
- Thursday– alphabetical order
- Friday– rainbow writing
- friendly
- likely
- careful
- coldness
- walkable
- helpful
- slowly
- kindness
- likeable
- washable
Work on Writing
There are people that perform jobs that are important for the citizens of a community. Without these people, our communities would not be efficient, or productive. Write about one of these people and how they are important to the community.
Bees work hard their entire lives to find nectar to make honey. This is their only job. Where do you think the idiom “busy as a bee” comes from? What is the meaning of this idiom?
. A seed needs warm temperatures, healthy soil, and water in order to begin germinating. To germinate means to sprout roots and a shoot that will turn into the plant’s stem. What is the purpose of a plant’s stem and the roots of the plant?
. Most of the Earth is covered in water. Besides drinking, what do we use water for? Give at least 3 things and describe how we use them
Writer’s Workshop (Assignment)
Informational Writing- Write about the stages of the plant cycle.What are the parts of a plant and how does it function for the plant. This should be three paragraphs with an introduction, the second paragraph with the body part of a plant with it’s function, and lastly the conclusion of why plants are so important to us. Below is a diagram of a plant and with its parts and functions to use for reference.
Freckle Reading and Math (daily do teacher assigned one reading and one math everyday)
class code for readworks is-MKUPDK Password is 1234
- Save Your Paper, Help Earth
- Recycling
- A Day to Celebrate Earth
- Take Care of Our Planet
Scholastic News Articles:
- Go to Grade 2
- Log in
- click on student
- our class code is Mokdad
After reading a book daily fill out the following comprehension questions ..
Fiction books
Text Type-
1. What is the author’s purpose for this book?
2. What is the problem in the story?
3. How was the problem solved?
4.How did the character in the story act throughout the story?
5. This story reminds me of a time I ….
Nonfiction Books
Text Type-
1. What is the main idea of this book?
2. The three facts I learned are….
3. After using the glossary pick two words and write the meaning.
4. The photograph that helped me understand the text more is …….. .
5. After reading this book I now know more about…..
Assignments week4
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Parents if you haven’t joined remind please press on this link and join, so much information is going out daily.
Week 4 Online Learning (April13-April 17)
Welcome Back: Hope everyone had a relaxing Spring Break!
Must Do:
- spelling assignments
- 30 minutes reading DAILY
- Freckle- Reading articles and Math Practices
- Daily journal entry (Work on Writing)
Freckle Reading and Writing assignments
Week 4 Spelling -(Monday– write four times each, Tuesday-vowels in red/consonant in blue, Wednesday-sentences using your spelling words, Thursday– alphabetic order, and Friday– rainbow writing.
Spelling (Irregular Plural Nouns)
- Woman
- Women
- Goose
- Geese
- Mouse
- Mice
- Man
- Men
- Foot
- Feet
Work on Writing
Compare what it is like having school from home and school in a classroom. Think about the positive and negative aspects of both. Which do you prefer and why?
What is your favorite game/activity that you are doing at home during the quarantine that you did not do as much in the past, ex. Puzzles, baking, cooking, reading, watching TV… Describe why it is your favorite.
Adjectives are describing words. We use adjectives so others can get a better picture of the things we are describing. Pick a family member and use adjectives to describe them. Describe all the things that make them special.
Write a letter to the friend you miss the most from class. Tell them why you miss them so much.
Heads up/Seven up…Hot Potato…Little Sally Walker… Red Light/Green Light…Musical Chairs
Which game that we play in school is your favorite? Why is it your favorite?
After reading a book daily fill out the following comprehension questions ..
Fiction Books:
Text Type-
1. What is the author’s purpose for this book?
2. What is the problem in the story?
3. How was the problem solved?
4.How did the character in the story act throughout the story?
5. This story reminds me of a time I ….
Nonfiction Books:
Text Type-
1. What is the main idea of this book?
2. The three facts I learned are….
3. After using the glossary pick two words and write the meaning.
4. The photograph that helped me understand the text more is …….. .
5. After reading this book I now know more about…..
Writer’s Workshop (1 Week Assignment)
Opinion Piece: Should schools stop letting students celebrate birthdays in school? Why or why not?
Scholastic News Articles:
- Go to Grade 2
- Log in
- click on student
- our class code is
How to get students to their assignments
1. Have students go
2. Students enter class code MKUPDK
3. Tell your students that their default password is 1234
Readworks – Code -MKUPDK Password-1234
Below are Fiction and Non-Fiction comprehension questions students should answer after reading each book from their reading bag. They must choose 3 questions per book to answer.
Non-Fiction Questions
1 Write 3 facts you learned from this book. | 2 What is the most interesting thing that you learned? | 3 Who do you think would be interested in the book you read? Explain why…. |
4 What was the author’s purpose? Explain how you know. | 5 Find a heading in your book. Tell me what page it is on and write what the heading is teaching us about. | 6 Choose 4 vocabulary words from your text. With each word: Describe it, illustrate it, and use it in a sentence. |
7 What are 2 questions you still have about this topic? | 8 With an adult, do some online research about your topic and write 2 NEW facts your learned (that were NOT in your book). | 9 Write a connection that you have with this topic. Why are you interested in this topic and what else are you still wondering? |
1 Do a picture walk of your story. Write down your prediction for what you think will happen. | 2 What is the problem and solution of your book? | 3 What is the author’s purpose for writing this story? How do you know? -Persuade -Inform -Entertain |
4 What is the main idea of this story? What do you think the author wanted you to learn? | 5 Retell the story: First… Next… Then… Last… | 6 Did this story remind you of anything? Write down your connection and tell me what kind of connection it is. |
7 Write 3 new or interesting words from your story and write their definition. | 8 How do you think the main character felt in this story and why? | 9 Draw a picture of your favorite part of the story and write 3 sentences about it. |
Spring Break!
Parents over Spring Break no assignments will be posted. Although for reading student can go on any of the site posted to Freckle, Readworks, and Scholastics. Have some fun and visit our music, art and gym blogs! Please check your remind and make sure student log into their emails and accept their google classroom invite! We will be starting virtual learning with their teacher after spring break!
Enjoy your break and and be safe!
Freckle Report!
Free Spectrum
Music, Gym, and Art blog
Please visit the following blogs for activities.
music blog
Gym blog
Elementary Art Blog
Food distribution
During Spring Break, lunch and breakfast distribution will continue at Fordson High School. You can also go pick up breakfast and lunch at Unis Middle school, Woodworth Middle school and Salina School.Spring Break schedule: April 6 to April 10.Only on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
From 10am to 12pm.
Food distribution today. Zaman emergency food box pick up today 12-2.
Address:Zaman 26091 Trowbridge, Inkster,Mi 48141.