Last Day of School-It’s Summer Break!!!

Hello My Wonderful Students! 

We made it through this crazy and usual year! I enjoyed and loved having you ALL in my class!!! I hope that you enjoyed your 6th grade math experience and your first year in middle school. Please continue to stay safe and healthy! Enjoy your summer vacation- play outside! We only have a few months of beautiful weather, so put the video games and electronics away! Take a good book outside and read in the shade.  Play games, ride your bike, enjoy time with family, and take a lot pictures for memories! Spread out a blanket in the grass and draw your next masterpiece.  Start a neighborhood basketball team. Learn a new skill! Be sure to check out my iBlog so that you can see the required Summer Learning for Math and ELA. Comment below how you are going to make the most of your summer!  Please stay in contact and reach out whenever you need anything!!  Have an amazing summer vacation and inshallah I will see you all in the Fall! 

Love you all!! Stay safe!!! Mrs. Makled Cool

DISTRICT: Required Summer Learning 2020!

Hello Parents and Students,

Attached below is a slide show presentation and a translated parent letter that I am sharing with all of you regarding required “Summer Learning for 2020”. Please watch the step-by-step slide show to learn about how to access summer learning, and review the requirements and expectations for each student during the summer for the fall. I am also sharing this letter via Google Classroom, Remind, and Mass School Email to all parents and students. If you have any questions, please email me.

Summer learning starts NOW! Don’t lose all of your hard work and progress by not practicing your skills this summer!

Math-ELA-Summer-Learning-2020: OZXzDdW_t4fZXxCVcWEw/edit#slide=id.g5a74bfce08_1_132

Important Census Information: Please Complete the Census!!!

Dear Parent(s),

Every year, billions of dollars in federal funding go to hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other resources based on census data.

For a better future of our city, schools, and students , please click on the link now and fill out the census. It only takes a few minutes from your time to make a difference.

Complete the Census application here:

Sincerely, Mrs. Makled


Parents,  please fill out this short but very important survey concerning your feedback on returning to school in the fall.  Please, it is crucial that you take the time to answer the questions and leave your comments. Please press on the link below to start the survey.For translation assistance, parents may call 313-580-2532 Monday June 8th through Friday June 12th 8:30a.m. through 4:30p.m.

School ReOpen Committee Parent Survey #1

,الاهل الاعزاء

الرجاء ملء هذا الاستطلاع القصير ولكن المهم جداٌ لرأيكم في إمكانية العودة الى المدرسة في الخريف المقبل. من المهم ان تأخذوا الوقت الكافي للإجابة على الأسئلة وترك تعليقاتكم.  يرجى الضغط على الرابط ادناه للإجابة.  للمساعدة في الترجمة ، يمكنم الاتصال بالرقم 3135802532 من الاثنين 8 يونيو إلى الجمعة 12 يونيو من 8:30 صباحًا حتى 4:30 مساءٌ.

Wednesday 6/3

New posts to Google Classroom- please log in to Google Classroom and read the posts carefully. Also, don’t forget today is our last BigBlueButton (BBB) meeting session. Please make sure to join for our last lesson on Integers!

Summer Food Distribution-Every Wednesday Starting June 17, 2020!

The summer meal distribution will be once a week on Wednesdays starting June 17. Food will be handed out every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to noon at the seven locations.  Each bag will contain seven breakfasts and seven lunches for each child under the age of 18.  Each child will also get a half gallon of milk.

The distribution locations will continue to be Fordson, Dearborn and Edsel Ford High Schools, Woodworth and Smith Middle Schools, Salina Intermediate, and McCollough/Unis School.

One person can pick up food for any child living in the home.  The child does not need to attend that school. 

Please Read: Railroad Safety -Hemlock Park Railroad Tracks-Tuesday 6/2

Since Canadian Pacific Police Service is unable to get into local community events and schools to provide rail safety education during these new and changing times, they are sharing some interactive on-line rail safety material for children and their families from Canadian Pacific Railroad.

With kids at home during COVID-19, we hope some time is taken to teach them about rail safety with the CP RailSense game featuring Cornelius the Conductor! This fun, interactive game teaches young kids all about being safe around tracks and trains. Once finished, kids can print their own Conductor badge to decorate! #CPRailSense #RailSafety #LookListenLive;!!Iww4!1KokOlFrX8RT vke9KIGTFniq5xve8cFLO3baHpne7BYI9cigLPoHzRg1nAVHw98ccaL-5oDHcqEfpw$

Kids and their family can also visit Operation Lifesaver for some additional kid friendly activities.