Week 2: March 23 – 27
We are changing things up a bit this week. We are going to take a break from new math lessons and just ask you to focus on reviewing specific concepts.
Writing: Today is National Puppy Day!! Click here to listen to a story about dogs. Write about the kind of puppy that you would like to get and give 2 reasons why you would want that puppy.
Reading: Go on Raz-Kids and spend some time on Epic to listen and read some new stories. Remember to complete two Raz-Kids stories by the end of the week.
Word Family for the week is the -un family. Practice writing and reading your words.
Math: Create a number bond and put these sets of numbers in their right places (whole or parts)
1, 2, and 3
4, 5 and 9
2, 3, and 5
8, 2, and 10
Writing: Today is National Agricultural Day! Click here to listen to a story about planting a seed. Write about the three important things that a seed needs to grow.
Reading: Go on Raz-Kids and spend some time on Epic to listen and read some new stories. Remember to complete two Raz-Kids stories by the end of the week.
Word Family for the week is the -un family. Practice writing and reading your words.
Math: Write your numbers 1 – 20. Count by 1s as high as you can. Can you make it all the way to 100?
Writing: Today is National Book Character Day! Click here to listen to a story about one of Mrs. Newsted’s favorite book characters. Click here to listen to a story about one of Mrs. Morey’s favorite book characters. Who is your favorite book character? Write about your opinion and remember to give reasons why you like this character.
Reading: Go on Raz-Kids and spend some time on Epic to listen and read some new stories. Remember to complete two Raz-Kids stories by the end of the week.
Word Family for the week is the -un family. Practice writing and reading your words.
Math: Write addition math sentences using these numbers. Figure out what goes after the equal sign.
4 and 3
2 and 7
9 and 1
5 and 3
6 and 0
Writing: Go find your Let’s Find Out magazine with the frog on the cover. Click here to access the magazine online. Our password is “longkdg.” Look at the different frogs on pages 2 and 3. Write about which one is your favorite.
Reading: Go on Raz-Kids and spend some time on Epic to listen and read some new stories. Remember to complete two Raz-Kids stories by the end of the week.
Word Family for the week is the -un family. Practice writing and reading your words.
Look around your bedroom for 2D shapes. How many squares, rectangles, circles and triangles can you find?
Writing: Click here to listen to “I Don’t Want to be a Frog!” After listening to the story, do you want to be a frog? Write about why you would or would not want to be a frog.
Reading: Go on Raz-Kids and spend some time on Epic to listen and read some new stories. Remember to complete two Raz-Kids stories by the end of the week.
Word Family for the week is the -un family. Practice writing and reading your words.
Social Studies: Click here to watch a video about maps. After watching the video, create a map of a magical world.
Math: Go for a walk and count how many signs of spring you see. Can you find more than 15?