February 28

Hybrid Weekly Schedule 3.1.21

Hello Families!

We are ready to ease into the hybrid schedule this week. Please make sure to check the schedule and checklist (in the schedule) for days your child will be home. This week and next we will only by in persons on Monday (group A) and Tuesday (Group B). Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday we will be remote. I’ve posted everything on Schoology, too.


This is an exciting time!!! I can’t wait to see Group A in person at 9:40, and Group B on Zoom for check in Monday!

See you soon!!!

Miss Kibilko

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February 4

Materials Pick-Up


New unit materials will be available for pick up on Friday, Feb. 5th at door 8 from 1-2. After that I will place them in the office entrance for you. We will begin using them on Tuesday! ๐Ÿ™‚

See you soon!

Miss Kibilko

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January 3


I hope everyone enjoyed their screen free two weeks ๐Ÿ™‚ I know we sure did over here! I’ve been working on the new schedule for this week and trying to get us on Seesaw that Mr. Short so generously purchased for us!! I posted directions on our schoology page and will post them here, too! Students will need the code and then their google email and passwords, same as school accounts.

This year weโ€™re going to use Seesaw to share our learning. Please join our class Miss Kibilko’s Class today!

If youโ€™re using Seesaw for the first time:

  1. Go to app.seesaw.me
  2. Choose “Iโ€™m a Student”
  3. Type in the code: ZZQU MFED. This code expires on January 10, 2021
  4. Finish creating your account using your school Google account or email address

If youโ€™ve used Seesaw before and have an account:

  1. Go to app.seesaw.me
  2. Choose “Iโ€™m a Student”
  3. Sign in using your school Google account or email address
  4. Click on your profile icon on the top left
  5. Click on the +Join Class button
  6. Type in the code: ZZQU MFED. This code expires on January 10, 2021

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December 13

SPIRIT WEEK!!! 12.14-12.18

Hello Families,

This week we will be having virtual spirit week! I post our schedule on Schoology. It will look a little different than normal since we will be having some fun this week with our holiday packet! Each day there is something new to wear or bring to class.


We will be working from our red folder this week!

Super excited for the week ahead!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

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