The following new school schedule attached below will start on Monday November 16th, 2020. Please make sure you are aware of the changes.
Week of Oct 5-9th
Next week October 5-9th, there will be a change in everyone’s schedule. The reason for this is because the school needs to take attendance for all students so the state of Michigan can document how many students attend Woodworth. This schedule change will ONLY BE FOR THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 5-9TH. After next week the schedule will go back to our normal virtual schedule. The only change being made are the synchronous hours earlier in the day. The asynchronous and learning labs will remain the same in the afternoon. Please view the attached document for more information. During A2 , teachers will review this information with students but please make sure you are familiar with this change. It is important students show up to all classes so we can get an accurate count. All of this information is also uploaded to my Schoology.
A2: 8:15am – 8:40am
1st hr: 8:45am – 9:10am
2nd hr: 9:15am – 9:40am
3rd hr: 9:45am – 10:10
4th hr: 10:15am – 10:40am
5th hr: 10:45am – 11:10am
6th hr: 11:15am – 11:40am
Lunch 11:40am – 12:10pm
Then asynchronous/learning lab hours start.
Ms. Khzouz
Learning Labs Information
Learning Labs start the week of September 21, 2020. Please review the following slideshow about information regarding learning lab and what that looks like. Learning labs are required and all students will be participating. Right now learning labs are virtual and done on zoom until it is safe to be in person in the classroom.
Click on the following link to view information about learning labs:
Ms. Khzouz
School Re-open Parent Survey
Hello Woodworth family,
We are asking for your input. Please take a few moments to take this important survey.
School ReOpen Committee Parent Survey #1
Arabic Version School Reopen Committee Dearborn Public Schools Parent Survey:
استطلاع رأي أولياء أمور مدارس ديربورن الرسمية الخاص بلجنة إعادة فتح المدارس 1 حزيران \يونيو 2020بدأت الولاية و قطاعنا التعليمي المناقشة المعقدة والمفصلة حول إمكانية إعادة فتح المدارس للسنة الدراسية 2020-2021. يجري هذه المناقشات خبراء في التعليم والعمليات والصحة العامة والنقل والخدمات الغذائية والرياضة والعديد من المجالات الأخرى التي تعد جزءًا من عمل أيرقطاع مدرسي. يرجى العلم أن أي خطط وضعتها / تضعها مدارس ديربورن الرسمية ستحتاج إلى الالتزام بالتوجيهات والأوامر التنفيذية الصادرة عن الحاكمة.
لتبني هذه الخطط على مستوى القطاع نحن بحاجة إلى أرائكم القيمة. يرجى الرد على الاستطلاع بحلول 7 حزيران/ يونيو 2020.استطلاع أولياء الأمور الخاص بلجنة إعادة فتح المدارس 2020
End of School Year 2019-2020
Hello everyone!
As we are reaching the end of the year I want to let you all know I will not be assigning any new assignments. The last assignment for this year is the Dog House design. You must watch the video in order to know what to do and how to do it. All assignments are due no later than June 8th no exceptions. Teachers must have grades done by then so I unfortunately cannot accept any assignments after June 8th. If you have any missing assignments from this card marking you can still turn them in but after June 8th I will not be accepting anymore work from students. I apologize for not being on time with grades but I will be updating them this week and next so be patient and give me some time for that. With that being said I truly miss every one of you and this year, regardless of how chaotic it was, was a joy to spend with all of you. I look forward to seeing all of you grow into successful adults and all are welcome to come visit next year. I wish everyone a safe, healthy, and happy summer. Reach out to me anytime if you need anything. I am and always will still be your teacher. I am so proud of all of you and how you all adapted to this new online learning. It was challenging for all of us but WE DID IT!
Ms. Khzouz
Google Classroom Schedule May 26-29
For this week there is only one project for you to work on. You will be working on your final design for the doghouse. The assignments is worth 20 points total. You can also earn 5 extra credit points by incorporating evaporative cooling into your design. Here is how you can organize your time this week:
Tuesday: Exterior design
Wednesday: Interior design
Friday: Written summary about design
Email with any questions!
Student Distribution Schedule
Here is the schedule for students to pick up their belongings from the school building.
Google Classroom Schedule May 18-22
Looking forward to a new week! These are the assignments to work through this week.
Monday: AOW Text Dependent Questions
Tuesday: Doghouse Design Selection
Wednesday: AOW Text Dependent Questions
Thursday: Make sure summary for AOW is following the rubric! Summaries should be at least 3 sentences long in your own words not copied from the article.
Friday: Friday Journal Reflection
Monnday and Wednesday. If you notice I’ve made an error in the grade book after Wednesday please let me know!
Google Classroom Schedule May 11-15
Hello! I hope you all enjoyed a restful weekend! This weeks work will be similar to last weeks work. There are only two days of work for Article of the Week, a lesson about conductors and insulators, and Friday Journal.
Monday: AOW Prediction/Summary
Tuesday: Conductors and Insulators Webquest
Wednesday: AOW Text Dependent Questions
Thursday: Video Conference on Big Blue Button
Friday: Friday Journal
Hope everyone had a good Mother’s Day!
Google Classroom Schedule May 4-8th
Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Here is an overview of what you will be doing for science this week.
Monday: Prediction/Summary of AOW
Tuesday: ‘No Such Thing as Cold’ Activity
Wednesday: AOW Questions
Friday: Friday Journal
Instead of 2 science lessons a week we are going to bring it down to only 1. The reason for that is a lot of you are rushing through assignments and not taking your time, giving honest and well thought out answers. The material we are giving you is what we did in class and they are the same routines you all should be familiar with. I am hoping this week we can work harder, putting in better effort. I am here to help along the way. I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy. We will get through this together!