Links We Will Be Using

Morning Parents. Below are the links we will be using over the course of the next 3 weeks. I will be assigning work throughout the next few weeks to make sure students are keeping up with their learning.

5th Grade


Language Arts


  • Mystery Science – Mystery Science features multimedia science units for K-5. Each lesson consists of a series of short videos and prompts guide student discussion. This is followed by an experiment that can be done at home. Teachers can send students specific lessons via a link. Students do not have to be logged on to Mystery Science! Click this link to MyPD to watch a video about how to find these student links and the different ways you can share the link with your class.
  • Discovery Education– Educational videos that cross grade levels.  Log in with Google.

Social Studies

Week of 03/09

  • MSTEP Practice All Week
  • Chapter 10 Review and test this week for Social Studies
  • Orders of Operation Quiz/Begin Graphing Unit this week
  • Complete Science Posters for Types of Water
  • Parent Meeting: Friday, March 13 @ 10:00
  • Friday, March 13 is a Half Day. Dismissal at 11:45 am.


Dear Becker Families,Please join us for Family Night with your children on Wednesday, March 11 at 3:35 pm in the Becker gym. We will have vendors from the community coming in (ACCESS, LAHC, National kidney Foundation) as well as a fitness instructor from Crunch that will lead two fitness sessions. We will also have GoNoodle sessions, Nutrition Activities, a Raffle, Healthy Snacks and a Parent Survey. This is a free event. We hope to see you all there!

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