Welcome To 2nd/ 3rd Grade!
November 25th-27th No Thanksgiving break
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Meeting ID: 836 8004 1457
Passcode: 780220
August 25, 2020
Dear Becker Families,
I would like to welcome you to the 2020-2021 school year! Although this is definitely an extraordinary start to a new school year, I am optimistic that we will get through this school year together and that it will be a successful one! I look forward to working with the entire Becker community to navigate our childrens’ social, emotional, and academic learning. As a parent of three children, I understand and can relate to feelings, thoughts and concerns of parents during this difficult time. I will do my best to answer some questions you may have based on common, trending questions in the key points of this letter. I appreciate and welcome all the two way communication!
Becker Remote Start Learning
As you may know, we are implementing 100% online learning until the week of October 1st, at which point the Covid situation will be reassessed by the district. Keep in mind, traditional grading will be implemented and the students will be accountable for their learning.
- Platforms: We will be using Schoology and Zoom for all remote learning. More information will be shared soon.
- Online Hours: Full days will now run from 8:55 am -3:50 pm and Half days 8:55 am-12:00 pm
- Schedule: A consistent & structured schedule will be shared during the first week of school. The schedule will include live instruction,breaks, and independent work times embedded throughout the school day. Your child will be expected to be online at 8:55 am on August 31st (your child’s teacher will be contacting you with instructions on Friday, August 28).
- Attendance: Students are expected to be online where they will be live with their classroom teacher at 8:55 am daily. Please communicate with your child’s teacher regarding potential absences.
- Home Routines: It is essential that you establish routines with your child that include consistent bedtime and morning practices, and inform them that they will need to be online daily at 8:55am for live instruction with their teacher. I also encourage you to identify and create quiet spaces or work stations for your child(ren) to support online learning.
- Learning Labs: Learning labs will begin Sept. 21. They will be virtual and/or optional in-person support, both 1-1 & small groups. Students will be selected based on academic
need. Stay tuned for more information regarding logistics and protocols. All safety protocols will be in effect as children begin to attend learning labs.
First Week of School
The 2020-2021 school year will begin on Monday, August 31, 2020. The entire first week of school will be a half-day beginning at 8:55 am and ending at 12:00 pm. Due to the pandemic, your children WILL NOT be physically reporting to school as they have in the past. Rather, by the end of the day on August 31st, your child’s teacher will be personally calling or sending out a text message on REMIND to set up an appointment for one parent and one student to come in for a brief orientation. During this orientation, the student and parent will be introduced to the teacher, receive log in information for Schoology and Zoom, and receive books and supplies that will be needed for all remote learning. It is essential that your email and cell phone number are accurate in Parent Connect to receive this phone call and other important communications. Directions to update your email and phone information are here: https://sisweb.resa.net/ParentPortal/
During the first week of school (beginning August 31), your child(ren) will work on some independent learning activities, or connect with their teacher online, while they wait for their appointment to come in for an orientation. These activities will be available on my school blog at https://becker.dearbornschools.org/ This information will also be available on teacher blogs.
School Supplies
A list of suggested school supplies will be made available on my blog this week. Please refer to this list to help you prepare your child with what they may need. https://becker.dearbornschools.org/
If your child is still not registered, please be sure to complete this immediately. Here is the district link to registering. https://dearbornschools.org/services/enroll/ Please contact the Becker school office if you have any questions at 313-827-6950.
School Year Calendar
Below is the link to the 2020-2021 school year calendar. Please refer to this for all half-days, late starts, and vacation days. https://dearbornschools.org/services/district-calendars/
Please know that our district and the Becker team are still working diligently and more answers will be forthcoming. Please be sure to subscribe to our school blog to stay connected and updated on important information https://becker.dearbornschools.org/. Thank you for your continued support, patience, and flexibility! I look forward to meeting you all soon.
Thank You,
Zahra Zreik
Becker Elementary School
Dear Parents,
If your child is attending Becker Elementary during the 2020-2021 school year and still does not have a chromebook, please visit our school tomorrow, Tuesday, August 25 between 10:00 and 2:00 to check one out. Every child will need a device. Students will not be able to share, as they will need to attend live classes beginning the week of August 31st.
Thank you,
Mrs. Zreik
Becker Elementary