Class Code: UB4E2V
5th Grade online Schedule
Zoom meeting tomorrow 9/8/20 @ 9am
Good morning 5th graders,
I hope you are doing well. I’m reaching out because we will begin class tomorrow at 9am. Please make sure you are on time as we will be taking attendance and begin our first full day of school. Below is the link for our meeting.
Mr. Hammoud
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 6025 7872
Passcode: 055041
Zoom meeting today 9/3/20 @ 12pm
Good morning 5th graders,
I hope you are doing well. I’m reaching out because I will be online at 12 pm today for a zoom meeting. This meeting will take place because I didn’t realize that Friday this week will be a no school day so we will not be able to meet on Friday. I’ll be online to answer any question you have and to check in on you to see how you’re doing. Hope to see you soon! Below is the link for our meeting.
Mr. Hammoud
Zane Hammoud is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Zane Hammoud’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Sep 3, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 864 7593 6507
Passcode: 302305
Our first 5th grade online meeting is tomorrow!
Good evening my 5th grade friends,
I would like to practice having an online meeting with you tomorrow at 2 pm. Attached below is the zoom link for our meeting. Just click on the link and it should take you there. Please try to make it, I want us to become familiar with this process. The link for our meeting is attached below.
See you tomorrow hopefully,
Mr. Hammoud
Accessing Schoology
Hello and good morning afternoon,
It was great to see many of you and your parents this morning. Hope everyone is doing well and not worrying too much, remember that online learning is new to all of us so don’t worry about making a mistake or two. I have put an assignment on our blog and on schoology. Schoology is a website we will be using to access your assignments in the future. To access schoology please follow the following instructions:
1.) Go to:
OR and navigate to the Student Portal and then to Schoology
2.) Log in using your school credentials: (this is your 8 digit student # also known as your email)
Password: ________________ (this is your child’s birthday MMDDYYYY))
Please read and look through the Miller School Welcome back slideshow!
Welcome to the 2020-2021 School year!
Good afternoon Miller friends,
My name is Mr. Hammoud and I will be your teacher for 5th grade. We will begin the school year next week online. I would like you all to go to my blog and explore. My blog is where I will be putting information relating to our class. On Tuesday, September 1st, 2020 I will be at Miller School passing out your supplies for the school year. We will pass out your supplies for the school year from 10-11:30 am during this time. Please make sure to stop by. My blog website is: I will also be contacting parents/students to notify them by phone. Please make sure to check your emails frequently. Hope to see you all soon!
Mr. Hammoud
Please read over the summer!
Please be sure to finish you iREADY diagnostic test by the end of this week! Also please be sure that you are reading a minimum of 40 minutes daily, whether iReady (recommended), books, magazine this summer. PLEASE make sure you READ, READ, READ during the break!