Just wanted to let my class and parents know what a wonderful school year this was. I truly enjoyed all the students and watching them grow and change over the school year. I will miss all the children so very much. Please have a safe and happy summer! Carrie Hall
Author Archives: Carrie Hall
Reminder Game Day and PJ Day
Remember that tomorrow is Game Day and wear PJ’s Day. Unfortunately the class picnic was canceled and will not be rescheduled. Make sure your child had a backpack tomorrow! We have a lot of stuff to be sent home. Thank you.
Sing Along
Today at 2pm we will be having the Sing Along in the back parking lot. I will have students ready to dismiss after the event if you choose to take your child early. Thank you.
Homework for June 8
Math- We skipped to Module 8 lesson 1 on page 201 do abcdefghi and on page 202 do 2abcde
Spelling- Study for Test
Reading Log- read 20 min
Parent Helpers Needed!
We are in need of parent volunteers for our field day next Tuesday, June 14. See below for the complete schedule. If your are interested in helping, please email our Gym Teacher, Mr. Borg at borgj@dearbornschools.org
The following is more detailed as described by Mr. Borg. Schedule:
10:00-10:35 4th and 5th grade
10:40-11:25 Preschool k and 1
12:10-12:55 Older SXI SCI
1:00-1:35 2nd and 3rd
1:35-2:20 Younger SXI SCI
Around 2:00 the fire department should be here. Everybody can come back out to check out the vehicles and around 2:25. They will spray the kids who want to be sprayed with the big hose!!!! Parents send in a towel for your child.
Events take place around the backside of the building.
Field Trip
Please email me if you are meeting us at the zoo and not checking in at Howe. Thanks!
Homework for Tuesday, June 7
Math- Lesson 10 page 131-132. Do 1-3, 4and 5.
Reading Log- 20 min
Field Trip Tomorrow- We go Rain or Shine!
Please bring an umbrella on the field trip tomorrow. The weather says it may rain with some storms. There are a lot of buildings for us to go into if there is lightening in the area. Thank you.
Homework for Monday, June 6
Math- Lesson 9 page 127. Do 1-5
Reading Log- 20 min
Last Week of School- Additional Information
Last Week’s Schedule!
Monday (6/13) Luau-Hawaiian Day.(Please no bathing suits!)
Tuesday (6/14) FIELD DAY! Wear Howe school shirts and gym shoes.
Wednesday (6/15) Picnic Day! Bring a towel to sit outside on and a special lunch. (No parents this year)
Thursday (6/16) Wear pjs and bring a board game from home.
Friday (6/17) Last day! 12 pm dismissal. Wear tie dye.