Wow! Hard to believe that we are in June already. I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather and finding time to get outside. This week you will be working on your last assignments and completing any others from this semester that you have not completed. You will find the assignments in Google Classroom under the Classwork tab.
Monday, May 26
This week, students will be practicing their reading comprehension by reading passages and answering questions. We have been working on using our reading voice and thinking voice in order to understand text. They will continue to practice that skill as it will help them make meaning out of text.
Continue looking at MISTAR and Google Classroom for assignments and missing work.
Monday, May 18
The students have been working hard learning about how to use their Reading Voices and their Thinking Voices and to mute their Distracting Voices. This strategy helps them with understanding what they are reading and to make meaning. We are practicing this using passages from their novels that they are reading in their English Language Arts class. The 8th graders are reading OUTSIDERS and the 7th graders are reading “OUT OF THE DUST”.
Please continue to follow Google Classroom for your assignments this week. If your work is not completed, you may still turn it in. If work has been returned to you, please review it, fix your responses, and resubmit it to me through Google Classroom.
Please feel free to contact me via email and I will get back to you as soon as I can between 8 am and 3 pm.
The week of Monday, May 11
You will be watching two video lessons this week. All of the video lessons will be posted under Classwork in Google Classroom along with the work. Be sure to open up all the tabs that go with the video lesson. Complete the work that is listed under the Classroom tab.
I can see that many of you are trying hard to complete your class work each week and are using your reading and thinking voices to help you make meaning of text. Remember that these grades do count and will be entered into MISTAR. Continue to make your best effort in lab and in all your other classes.
May 3, 2020
Hi Class,
I will be recording my lessons and posting them in Google Classroom under the Classwork Tab every Monday and Wednesday. There will be assignments that go along with them Monday – Thursday. Watch them all the way through so that you understand how to do the assignments.
If you need help, email me. I will email you back. I am happy to call you to help you as well. I can even work with you over the phone to help you go through the lesson.
It is important to keep up with all your assignments and not get behind. Effort is so important to improving as a learner.
My office hours are on Fridays from 10:00 – 12:00. Email me if you need to contact me and I will get back to you if you are unable to reach me.
April 26, 2020 Language Arts Lab
- I am posting all the work that will be due by Friday below.
Watch all of the Google Slides “Readers Have Different Voices Lesson 2”.
Fill out the worksheet. The picture is the last slide with my directions.
Work found under the Classwork Tab. - ReadSeed – Found in I-Learn – Do 2 of them each night starting on Tuesday. You should have completed 8 of them for the week. Practice reading them first before you record.
- I am available during the day for you to email me with any questions you may have.
- My office hours are on Friday’s from 9:00-11:00. I will be happy to talk with you over the phone to answer any questions you may have about Language Arts Lab. Please email me and I will get back to you.
April 19, 2020
We will begin our Google Meets on Wednesday, April 22 at 9:00 am. Since this is the first time we are meeting, I will be reviewing some of our norms as to how we will work together on line using Google Meets. I have emailed you all and am looking forward to being with you then.
Also, please use Google Classroom for announcements, dates and times for our hangouts. You will find nicknames in order to log on to our meetings in Google Classroom. Google Classroom will also have handouts and assignments needed to continue your remote learning.
ReadSeed and IXL are still listed in ILearn so that you can continue to look there to log on to those sites.
Your work for Monday and Tuesday is to log onto ReadSeed and do 8 more readings. Four on Monday and four for Tuesday. These are to be done by Wednesday.
The Week of April 13
Dear Parents and Students,
I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather we had last week. Hopefully you had a chance to go out and get some fresh air and enjoy the beautiful sunshine.
We will continue working on our ReadWorks articles found in I-Learn this week. The assignments will be posted there and as usual an email message will be sent to notify you as to what you will be working on. Be sure to rearead the question and go back into the text to find your answer.
Please email me if you have any questions this week.
Monday, March 30
Language Arts Lab –
Monday – Readworks using Google Classroom – This is automatically assigned to you.
Wednesday and Thursday – ILearn- Readseed Read at least 4 short passages and answer the questions. Please remember to read clearly and loudly for the microphone to hear you.
Thank you for your hard work and keeping up with the assignments given. Remember – “You play as you practice.” Miss you all! If you have any questions, please contact me.
March 24
So happy that many of you are making an effort to keep up with your work. It is so important to practice your reading and writing on a daily basis. Please remember to use the QAR reading strategy you learned in class to answer the questions. I will be emailing you with suggestions and answering any questions you may have. I have given extra time to work on assignments if you need.