And another year is in the books…….never in my wildest dreams have I imagined that our school year will look like this!!!!!!!!!With all its ups and downs, I am grateful (more than ever) about the little things in life. Grateful for walks, homemade recipes, nature, card games, puzzles, gardening, my family, my community, my health and you. My students and their families have stepped up to the challenge. Parents, in addition to the many hats that you wear on a daily basis, you became full time teachers, researchers, lesson planners. It was hard and at times you felt like giving up but the next day, you woke up saying…..I can’t give up! It is my child, I need to help them. Yes, welcome to our world. As teachers, we say that all the time, after every assessment, every tantrum, every weekend. We say: it is my child….I can’t give up, I need to help them. Thank you more than ever for being our partners in education and in supporting “our” child’s growth.
Enjoy your summer and God bless.