Google nickname for today’s chat!
Hey guys the nickname for our google hangout is dobertsportsmedicine. Use the website See you at 11:15!!!
Google nickname for today’s chat!
Hey guys the nickname for our google hangout is dobertclinicals. Use the website See you at 10!!!
Google nickname for today’s chat!
Hey guys the nickname for our google hangout is dobertalliedhealth. Use the website See you at 9!!!
New Hangout Time for Tuesdays & Thursdays
Hi guys, I am so sorry to do this but I am moving your time to 11:15, which is our class start time. I have meetings at noon myself that I didn’t take into account when making my schedule. See everyone tomorrow at 11:15. I will post the nickname within a half hour of meeting […]
Google Classroom and AES Learning Code
Google Classroom code is szdgzch AES Learning code is 32VVA. (Go to to get started if you haven’t already!)
Google Classroom and AES Learning Code
Google Classroom code is xch5rht AES Learning code is LDXZR (Go to to get started if you haven’t already!)
Google Classroom and AES Learning Code
Google Classroom code is m2pixcy AES Learning code is 4KXSS (Go to to get set up if you aren’t already!)