Ryan Cook is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Science Meeting
Time: Apr 3, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 986 934 500
I know some of you have class at 2:00 this is just a quick hello to check in, then more “class” after break.
March 22 End of Virtual Week 1
For the work collected this week..I graded it as 5 extra credit points (depending your score) for the crossword and up to 5 for the resources. If I happen to forget anyone just forward me the email I sent back to you. Check google class starting tomorrow for this weeks educational opportunities. Stay safe!
Google Classroom
Well boys and girls, I’ve officially set up Google classroom which is where I’ll be posting all your assignments for the next few weeks. Make sure you join my classroom using the code for the hour you are in.
1st Hour Class Code: c2t2yie
2nd Hour Class Code: gw5juyq
4th Hour Class Code: asm66uz
5th Hour Class Code: sx5bygd