Please come out and see all the wonderful items your students are working on at our Holiday store! Students have been working hard and have made porch signs, dog treats, holiday décor, candles and more. We are very proud of the progress they have made. Santa will be making a vist so bring your camera if you want a photo with him! Store will be Thursday December the 15th from 4-7 at Howe classroom D-104
Share the Warmth
Michael Berry center is taking collections for new hats and gloves to donate. All donations will go to the Salvation Army. Thank you
ASD parent Meeting
Special Education Parent Meeting
PLease click on the link to view information for our special education parent meeting next Monday.
Happy Monday!
we had our first school store to show off all the items the students are making as part of the vocational classroom. Here are a few of the items we had. Students have started making candles and soap dispensers as well. Very proud of all of them
Remember this is a peanut/tree nut, orange free classroom due to student allergies. Thank you very much for not sending any of the items in for snack. Please enjoy the student made items!

Tuesday September 20, 2022
Good morning!
Tomorrow, Wednesday the 21st is a late start day. School starts one hour later. I sent home a police registry form to fill out. This is to register your child with the Dearborn police so that in case of an emergency, or your child is lost, the police department will will have your child’s information on file to better assist you. Please fill out this form and return tomorrow.
Class has been going well, we are settling in to a routine. We continue to do our centers where the students are learning vocational skills, as well as daily living skills. Please go over safety procedures at home such as basic first aid, home phone number and address and emergency procedures.
I have attached a couple pictures of our items we are making for our Halloween/Fall store
Thank you for all of your continued support

Good morning!
This week we continue to work on our vocational program and staying on task and schedule. Students are continuing to learn how to change centers for different learning experiences, and staying at the center for a set duration of time. our incoming freshman are doing a great job learning the new routine!
We have begun making items for our store as part of our vocational program. Students are doing well managing the different tasks and tools involved. We will have a school store to display and sell student items mid October. I will send out an invite as we get closer to the date. I look forward to seeing everyone there.
Thank you for everything and as always please reach out if you have any questions!
Jennifer Chapman
Safety Social Stories
These are some social stories we listened to together this week as a part of our safety lessons. Please continue to review at home. Thank you!
Jennifer Chapman
Hope everyone had a wonderful labor Day weekend.
— Open house for the vocational program will be this Wednesday from 6:00-7:30. My room is D-104 on the Howe side of the building. I hope to see you there to show you what we do.
–Remember this Saturday is the Fun Fair. I sent home flyers last week. You must sign up for the event. There will be wrist bands for admittance for those who signed up.
There will be a parent meeting this Friday, September 9, from 9:30-11:00 at the Administrative Center at 18700 Audette
Thank you for all of your support!