Archive for the ‘Blogs’ Category

Greetings Maples Family!

I want to take a moment and thank all of you for playing such an important role in your child’s remote learning experience. Without your support and encouragement none of this would’ve been possible. As we make it through our last week of the year, please continue to push your child to complete his/her missing work. This week, no new assignments will be assigned. This gives students the opportunity to make up any missing work from April 13th onwards. The last day to submit these assignments is June 10th as grades are due June 11th. All assignments can either be emailed to me or sent through class dojo.

Have a wonderful week!:)

Greetings Smith Families!

It is official! We have reached our last week of the school year. I want to take a moment and truly thank you for being so supportive and encouraging during the difficult time we all went through. I know things were not easy for any of us, but together we were able to get through it all.

This week there are no new assignments. Students have the opportunity to submit any late assignments that they have missing. If your child has turned in all their assignments and is not happy with their current grade, I will also give them the opportunity to redo any of these assignments. All work must be submitted by June 10th. Grades are due June 11th so I need time to grade all assignments.

Thank you and have a wonderful week!

Greetings Maples Family!

I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine! It is officially June and our kiddos are ready for summer vacation. However, we need to encourage our kids to read daily EVEN during summer vacation in order to keep their minds intrigued and challenged. This week’s assignment prepares them for some summer reading with family members. My students are used to me reading to them but this week I challenge them to read to others.

Here’s the challenge:

Choose a book of your choice.

Choose a younger/older sibling or parent to read to.

Stop mid story and ask your audience some questions to make sure they are understanding/listening

Stop and discuss the pictures/ characters/ events in the book.

When your child is done, have them write a few sentences about their experience reading to someone else. Did you enjoy it? Was it difficult? How did the other person react to your reading? This can be sent to me through dojo or email.

The goal of this assignment is to encourage our kiddos to LOVE and ENJOY reading whether they are doing it alone or with others. The more practice they get reading to an audience, the more proficient them become in public speaking/reading 🙂

Ms. Alsuraimi

Greeting Smith Families!

It’s finally June and we are getting plenty of sunshine! Summer vacation is right around the corner and we are reaching the very end of our school year. Please continue to push your child to have their assignments turned in on time. As of Sunday May 31st all grades are updated so please log in to parent connect and view your child’s grades. Any missing assignments must be completed in order to earn a grade otherwise it a zero (and we definitely do not want any zeros in the grade book).

Like I’ve mentioned before, students are welcome to complete any missed assignments from April 13th and onwards. Anything before April 13th will not be counted towards your child’s final grade.

Here is the plan for this week:

7th grade: Finish “Dead End in Norvelt” Menu project- Due 6/3/20. Complete any missing work or resubmit work for a higher grade.

8th grade: Finish “The Outsiders” Menu project- Due 6/5/20. Complete any missing work or resubmit work for a higher grade.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Ms. Alsuraimi

Greetings Maple Families,

I hope you all had a restful weekend and were able to enjoy the holidays. We have three weeks of school left so continue pushing and encouraging your kiddos to complete their assignments. This week’s assignment allows students to choose their grade level and navigate through many interesting word games. These word games cover concepts like alliteration, rhyming words, syllables, contractions, and many more interesting concepts that have been covered in their home classrooms. Have your child access the link below, choose their grade level, and work on at least THREE of these assignments. Students can pick whichever lesson they are interested in.

Like usual, when your child is done, you can either snap of picture of them working on one of these lessons explaining why they chose this specific lesson or have them write down which three lessons they chose and why. This work can be submitted through dojo or email.

These are fun and interactive lessons that students will surely enjoy!

Have a wonderful week and please reach out if you have any questions.

Ms. Alsuraimi

Hello Smith Families!

I hope your four day weekend was restful. We have reached our final stretch so please continue doing what you’ve been doing so amazingly and keep pushing your child to complete his/her assignments. Here is a quick overview of what students are working on for this week:

7th grade: Completing the novel “Dead End in Norvelt” and working on a plot activity (plus working on a final project that is due June 3rd)

8th grade: Working on their middle school reflection paper. This paper MUST be turned in by May 29th in order to be published in the 8th grade book. The 8th grade teachers and I have a publication deadline and if your child does not turn in their reflection by May 29th at 12pm, their entry will not be published in the 8th grade book. I have sent out emails to parents regarding this project so if you haven’t checked your email, please do so for clarification.

Have a wonderful week!

Ms. Alsuraimi

Hello Maple Families,

I hope you are all doing well.  We are heading into week six of our remote learning. Please continue to encourage your child to complete the Media assignments and have them submitted through class dojo or through my email. 

This week’s assignment calls for a lot of creativity. Students will create bookmarks that they can use to keep their place in a book and to enable them to easily return to it. 

Have your child use construction paper/computer paper/lined paper/popsicle sticks (whatever you have available) and let their creativity lead them into creating a bookmark with their favorite colors, characters, words, phrases, shapes, etc. There are many ways to be creative with this interactive and fun assignment. When your child is done, snap a picture of the bookmark and submit it through dojo or my email. I am SO excited to see what my creative students have to show me this week!

Have a great week!

Ms. Alsuraimi

Greeting Smith Families!

I hope you are staying safe and healthy. As we are getting closer to the end of the school year, I ask that you continue to push your children to complete their weekly assignments. It is very important that these assignments are completed so they can receive a grade. If you are curious as to what assignments your child has or has not completed in the past five weeks, you can access this information through parent connect. All grades are updated as of 5/17/20. Again, students are welcome to complete any work from April 13th forward, as these are the assignments going toward final grades. 

Office hours remain the same:

7th grade: Tuesdays (3-4pm)

8th grade: Tuesdays (4-5pm)

BBB sessions:

7th grade: Thursday (3-3:45pm)

8th grade: Thursday 4-4:45pm)

Below are the 7th and 8th grade weekly calendars.
Have a great week!

Ms. Alsuraimi

Greeting Maple Families,

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. This week, students will practice their typing skills. Below is a link to a website that gives students the opportunity to practice typing in various stages. Students will enjoy these fun and interactive typing lessons. Send me a picture of your child typing through dojo or email! 🙂

Have a great week! 🙂

Ms. Alsuraimi

Greetings Smith Families,

I hope you had a restful weekend. As we dive into a new week, please keep in mind that all assignments are being graded so please ENCOURAGE your child to keep up with the work. Students are welcome to complete any work from April 13th forward, as these are the assignments going toward final grades. Office hours will remain the same on Tuesdays (3-4pm for 7th grade and 4-5pm for 8th grade). ilearn BBB will also remain the same on Thursdays (3-3:45pm for 7th grade and 4-4:45pm for 8th grade).

Below is the 7th and 8th grade weekly calendar. Have a wonderful week! 🙂