Greeting Smith Families!
I hope you are staying safe and healthy. As we are getting closer to the end of the school year, I ask that you continue to push your children to complete their weekly assignments. It is very important that these assignments are completed so they can receive a grade. If you are curious as to what assignments your child has or has not completed in the past five weeks, you can access this information through parent connect. All grades are updated as of 5/17/20. Again, students are welcome to complete any work from April 13th forward, as these are the assignments going toward final grades.
Office hours remain the same:
7th grade: Tuesdays (3-4pm)
8th grade: Tuesdays (4-5pm)
BBB sessions:
7th grade: Thursday (3-3:45pm)
8th grade: Thursday 4-4:45pm)
Below are the 7th and 8th grade weekly calendars.
Have a great week!
Ms. Alsuraimi
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