Mrs. Chromicz

Dearborn Public Schools


Countdown for matching campaign: one day left
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From Mr. Attee

Virtual Learning Program meetings

Dearborn Public Schools has launched its system for parents who want to opt-in for online only learning this school year through the Virtual Learning Program.

Every school building has a time the week of Aug. 11 to 14 when parents interested in the program can stop in and talk to the principal or other staff to get more information about the Virtual Learning Program program and to see if online learning is a good fit for their child. Those who cannot attend the meeting are encouraged to email their principal or call the school building.

The hope is that every family intending to use the program will speak with a school official to ensure they understand what is needed for their child to be successful with online learning.  After that, parents will be able to complete a commitment form to officially switch their child or children to the online program.  

Information about the opt in date for DuVall is:


Thursday, Aug.13th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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Summer Reading Fun

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Healthy Eating Webinar

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Happy Mother’s Day!

PEANUTS on | Happy mothers day, Snoopy love, Snoopy quotes
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GSRP Preschool Enrollment

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Happy Star Wars Day!

May The 4th Is Star Wars Day
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ABC countdown

ABC Countdown to Summer!

AMay 5Wear your favorite athletic shirt OR make a paper airplane
BMay 6Blow bubbles or play a game with a ball
CMay 7Make cookies with an adult or decorate your sidewalk with chalk
DMay 8Design a card or picture for your mom or aunt or grandma.  Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 10th!
EMay 11Exercise with Go Noodle or on Mr. Tapp’s blog
FMay 12Facetime or call a Friend
GMay 13Play a board game with someone
HMay 14Wear your favorite hat
IMay 15Eat ice cream or play I-Spy or wear your clothes inside out
JMay 18Jump rope for at least two minutes or do 20 jumping jacks
KMay 19Tell a knock knock joke or kiss your mom or dad and thank them for everything they do
LMay 20Write a letter and mail it to a friend
MMay 21Make something (legos, cooking, blocks, fort, art)

ABC Countdown to Summer!

NMay 26Do something nice for someone or take a nifty trip to a virtual museum
OMay 27Do something outside or eat something orange
PMay 28Have a picnic or eat popcorn
QMay 29Quick! Run! Create an at-home obstacle course or go on a quest to find flowers that are blooming
RJune 1Read your favorite story or rock out to your favorite song
SJune 2Wear silly socks or sing a song from Mrs. Meyer’s or Mr. Keramaris’ blog
TJune 3Tell a story to someone
UJune 4Think about 4 things that are Unique about you and make a list
VJune 5Offer to vacuum for your parents
WJune 8Go for a walk outside or do water play outside
XJune 9Do something Xtra special for someone that is Xtra special to you
YJune 10Eat something yellow or do yoga on Go Noodle
ZJune 11Do Zig Zag art or draw your favorite zoo animal
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An Earth Day Story

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