-All assignments will be on my blog:
-You will get one assignment per week. The directions will tell you how to turn them in. The assignment you need for this week has already been posted there.
-my email is
Here is what they say grading will be like for the district:
- Students who do the following will earn the grade of A recorded:
- Engage in at least 75% of the remote lessons and hangouts.
- Submit and earn a passing grade on at least 75% of the assignments.
- Students who do the following will earn the grade of G which awards credit:
- Engage in 60-74% of the remote lessons and hangouts.
- Submit and earn a passing grade on at least 60-74% of the assignments.
- Students who do the following will earn the grade of N which is no credit given:
- Engage in less than 60% of the remote lessons and hangouts.
- Submit and earn a passing grade on less than 60% of the assignments.
Check comments in student connect for feedback if you did turn something but was not good.
So here is what this means. Your grade from before is gone. You have 3 grade options now.
To get an A:
-You have to do 75% of the work and it has to actually be decent. This means for some of you this will be the easiest A you’ve ever had or for some of you the only A you’ll ever have. Take advantage! From my understanding colleges will take this as an A.
I will not count work that is only partly done, has obviously horrible answers, or seem like they are plagiarized.
To get a G:
-This is kind of like getting a D. It’s passing but is not good. From my understanding colleges will take this as a D.
To get an N:
-This is failing. This means if you do nothing from here on out or do less than 60% of the work. This means night school/summer school.
So in summation, always check my iBlog. Get your assignments done.
Check gradebook too.
If there is anything getting in the way of you doing the work (illness, economics, technological, etc.) please let me know! We can’t help you if we don’t know what is going on.