PLEASE make sure you get your student a pair of headphones to use during Zoom. Help to make sure these are plugged into the chromebook and functioning properly. Many families have background noise or other students in the household learning and this makes it VERY difficult for you child to focus on our lesson! A great place to find inexpensive headphones is the dollar store, gas stations, CVS, etc. If you need help finding headphones, please message me privately so I can assist.
2- SUPPLIES- I am noticing some students drawing on whiteboards or flipping through journals/workbooks during videos/stories/while I am speaking. This is not allowed. Students should only be using materials when directed, as their focus should remain on the lesson currently happening!
3- SNACK- I give snack time from 9:45-10:00. This is the time for your child to use the bathroom, HAVE A SNACK, take a play break. Please make sure snack is completed during this window (just like it would be in the classroom). Students should NOT be eating or drinking during the zoom lesson AT ALL. This is a distraction to their own learning and to the other students as well!
4- This week and next week- We will begin in person assessments in the afternoons (schedule coming soon). After our morning session on zoom- students will break for lunch recess from 11:05-11:40. At 11:45-12:20, students will need to come back onto Zoom to complete their writing/science/social studies assignment. This can be found on schoology under the weeks folder and day of the week. All videos and read alouds used during the morning zoom class can be found here as well for reference-under video recordings. The daily special begins at 12:20 each day.
Daily ASSIGNMENTS on Schoology!
Please log on to ZOOM through Schoology!
It is so important that your child has a chromebook. If you are still in need of a chromebook PLEASE message me so I can help you obtain one! Please do not hesitate to message me with questions on how to log into schoology or find the assignments. I am more than happy to help you the best I can! I appreciate you all for trying your best and staying patient with me and technology when things don’t go as planned! I apologize for any mistakes. I appreciate your help throughout this learning process.
Thank you,
Miss Wentland