I know the times are tough right now. Keeping up with you health is a must (physically and mentally). It’s hard being cooped up inside but there are things that can be done to help out with this. Weekly meetings will consist of helping out with this. We will meet and share ideas, check in and make sure you are understanding what is expected and give several ideas to keep up with your log.
In order for you to receive a Pass in this class we are asking you to create a “Fitness Log” either on Google Doc or a piece of paper. You need to make sure you are getting 30-60 minutes 5 times a week of physical activity, and writing/ typing it in your log. NEXT WEEK we will be discussing where you will be uploading your log weekly.
It is also required for you to attend the weekly meetings on https://meet.google.com (your codes were emailed to you twice, if you didn’t receive them please email me so I can get that to you. (This being a public forum I do not want to share those here).
Mondays 6th Grade 4:30-5:30
Tuesdays 7th Grade 4:30-5:30
Wednesdays 8th grade 3rd hour 4:30-5:00 6th hour 5:00-5:30
If for whatever reason you miss, do not understand something, feel like you would like to talk outside of the virtual class, or have any questions feel free to email me and we can set something up to virtually meet or if I can help you through email I am happy to help! suttlen@dearbornschools.org
If you would like to join REMIND I will send out a reminder for the meetings the codes are below:
6th Grade: @suttlesp
7th Grade: @7sut
8th Grade: @8sut
Other resources for you..
Twitter: @DearbornPE
Instagram: lowrey_pe
PE Blog: https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/middleschoolphysicaleducation/
DEARBORN SHINES (Daily Activity)
Middle School Lessons in English:https://dl.orangedox.com/DSHINESMSLessonsEnglish
Middle School Lessons in Arabic:https://dl.orangedox.com/DSHINESMSLessonsArabic