Schoology Log-in Information

Schoology Log-in Information

How to log on to Schoology:

  1.  Go to the Dearborn Schools webpage:
  2. Click on Student Portal.
  3. Click on Schoology.
  4. Sign in using your child’s school email address and password.  This information can be found on the front of the red folder found in the backpack given to your child by the school.
  5. Click on courses at the top.
  6. Click the course with Mrs. Stanford’s picture (1st Grade Bilingual).
  7. Click on the folder for the week.
  8. Click on today’s date.
  9. Click on an assignment to see the directions.

*The Zoom link will always be found in Schoology and will never change.  This is the link we will always use.  It is the same link that we have been using on my blog.

*For RazKids, you do not have to submit a picture or document. Just type “done” and  click submit.  I will see what they did in RazKids on my teacher account reports.

*For other assignments you can either type in a response or attach a picture or document.  Then you will click submit.

First Grade Specials Schedule

First Grade Specials Schedule

Each day from 12:20-1:14pm, students will be participating in specials.  Recorded lessons or Live lessons will be available through Schoology for each special.  You will open the course for each day in Schoology and complete the activities and assignments in there.  Please follow the schedule below so you know which special course to open each day.


Materials Pick-Up

Materials Pick-Up

Great job this week! Everyone is getting the hang of logging on to zoom- including me!  Students are doing an awesome job at being in charge of pressing mute/unmute when called on! Way to go!

Parents- please make sure your student has a paper and something to write with for our morning classes. It is a good idea for them to also wear headphones if you feel necessary to help focus (if you have other students in the household or other noises). I know this is very different to have school happening in your homes so it may help a little!

No school FRIDAY or MONDAY. Enjoy the long weekend!

Next week we will resume on Tuesday at 8:15 am. Please be sure to be present on zoom after the lesson is over at 10:00am. I will hold an online orientation after for all parents so I can explain what we can expect this year and go over our daily schedule and expectations. Your child does not need to be present during this orientation. This would be a good time for them to have a snack/use the bathroom/move around!

Materials/Supplies Distribution will be on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. I have created a schedule with a specific time allotted for each family that must be followed in order to practice social distancing. YOU MUST COME AT YOUR DESIGNATED PICK UP TIME. Please do not come at any other time other than when you are scheduled because other families will be picking up and everyone’s safety is our first priority!

This will be held outdoors at door #2 by the flag pole!

Masks MUST be worn to cover your mouth and nose!

Only ONE family member per student allowed at pick up!

We’ll talk more about this Tuesday during the zoom orientation at 10:00am.

Material/Supplies Pick up Schedule for Tuesday afternoon (9-8-20)

12:15- Fares, Hesham, Anas

12:30- Rateal, Farah

12:45- Hussein, Lazaam

1:00- Ali Lin, Shaima

1:15- Abbas, Amar

1:30- Shaza, Hassan Hage

Material/Supplies Pick up Schedule for Wednesday afternoon (9-9-20)

12:15- Ali Ali, Asil, Fatmah

12:30- Layth Kahail, Yousef

12:45-  Laith Kareem, Mohammad

1:00- Dena, Hassan Rida

1:15- Ahmad, Ali Schuman

***Reminder: Lunch distribution for students will begin Tomorrow Thursday September 3rd, 2020 from 10:30-1:00 pm and Every Friday thereafter. 

****Next week will be on Friday September 11th. Location will be from Door # 16 off of Bingham Street