Tuesday June 9th
Physical Activity
The weather is heating up, so let’s have some fun with water! Today’s activity is fun to do with others – so grab some siblings, neighbors, or parents and get ready to get active…and wet!
Water Relay
You’ll needed: 2 buckets per team, 1 small towel or an old t-shirt
- Divide participants between two teams
- Fill one bucket with water for each team; place it at the beginning line where you’ll start the game
- Place the empty bucket at the end line, about 100 yards from your starting line. Mark the bucket with a fill line near the top.
- Place the towel or t-shirt in the full bucket of water
- On “go” the first person on each team will grab the soaked towel, run to the other side and wring it out into the empty bucket.
- When the water is deposited in the bucket, the participant will carry the towel/t-shirt back to the starting line and drops it back into the water bucket.
- The next person in line repeats the process. The first team to fill the empty bucket with water (to the fill line) is the winner!
Nutrition and
Nutrition and Healthy Eating
Here’s a riddle for you- what runs but never walks? If you guessed water, you are correct! As we have discussed these past 12 weeks, water is the healthiest way to stay hydrated – today we are pulling two of our most popular hydration tips that you can use all summer long!
Use our Wonderful Rainbow Water tips to liven up your water in multiple ways! Add:
• RED: watermelon and/or strawberries
• ORANGE: orange slices
• YELLOW: lemon slices
• GREEN: cucumbers slices
• BLUE: blueberries
• VIOLET: blackberries
• RAINBOW: build a rainbow drink by adding any or all of the above options
Fruity Ice Cubes will keep you cool all summer
To Make:
• Choose your favorite fruit/s (canned, frozen, or fresh- canned pineapple, frozen berries or fresh oranges)
• Chop them into small pieces
• Drop into each cube of the ice tray
• Pour water over the fruit
• Freeze for six hours or overnight

Posted in Class News by Adam Stage with no comments yet.
Monday June 8th
Physical Activity
Summer is a time for lots of outdoor activity, including camping! Unplug your wi-fi and get outdoors for a camping adventure this summer. No access to the woods? The good news is that you don’t have to head to nature for a great camping adventure – you can pitch a tent right in your own backyard or make a fort in your living room! Here are some great ways to add in some physical activity to your camping fun:
• Grab some pals or siblings and play flashlight tag or capture the flag
• Use chalk on your driveway or paper plates in your yard for a giant game of twister
• Go on a nature scavenger hunt
• If you have a partner, play human Rock, Paper, Scissors
• Try Geocaching or Letterboxing for a local treasure hunt
Is it rainy or you’re stuck inside? Give these indoor activities a try:
• Blow up a balloon or two and play indoor baseball or volleyball
• Use what you have to do some indoor bowling or make your own indoor golf course
• Dust off your acting skills with “bag-o-stuff improv skits”
• And, if all else fails, play some classic camp card games
Nutrition and Healthy Eating
Healthy Camping Treats: Banana S’mores
Camping (at a site or in the backyard) is a great way to soak in some vitamin D while appreciating nature- and today we’re sharing an easy way to keep campfire eating fun AND healthy! This summer as you pitch a tent, make sure to try our Campfire Banana S’mores!
· medium ripe banana
· 1 small handful of mini marshmallows (10-15)
· 1 spoonful of dark chocolate chips
· 2 low-fat graham crackers
· Foil
· Ask an adult to cut through the peel on the inside curve of the banana, but leave the banana in the peel. Cut the banana in half lengthwise (not through bottom peel); then cut crosswise. Add marshmallows into the banana and top with chocolate chips.
· Place the prepared banana in the foil and crimp closed.
· Cook the S’more packet on the campfire until the s’more is warm and melty (about 5-8 minutes). Use graham crackers for scooping.

Posted in Class News by Adam Stage with no comments yet.
Friday June 5th
It’s the last Friday of the school year — you’ve made it! It’s been a crazy year with unexpected twists and turns but ultimately we worked together and will make it to the finish line. Congrats to you all!
Physical Activity
Today, let’s try some fun fitness challenges! These are sneaky workouts – they are all the duration of a single song – but they will work your muscles and endurance!
- Give the 🎶 Bring Sally Up 🎶 Challenge a try! Follow the beat and listen to the words for a quick (3 minutes!) and challenging exercise. There are lots of ways to do this challenge – here are some good options – try one or several!
• Lunges
• Plank
• Glute Bridge
• Squats
• Push Ups
• Leg Lifts - Now try another song fitness challenge! Pick a few of your favorites and sweat it out for a song or two!
• Cha Cha Slide Plank Challenge
• Cupid Shuffle Plank Challenge
• 7 Rings Ab Challenge
• Baby Shark Ab Challenge
Nutrition and Healthy Eating
Easy Tropical Smoothie
With all the warm weather all of a sudden are you feeling like you could use a cold, creamy smoothie? Try our simple smoothie recipe today that is sure to be a refreshing, tasty treat!
Basic ingredients:
• Handful of ice
• 4 oz. canned pineapple tidbits in 100% juice
• 1 cup skim milk (or a milk alternative like almond, oat, or cashew milk)
Optional additions:
• Frozen fruit: mango, kiwi, papaya, or strawberry
• Banana
• Boosts: spinach, kale, flax or chia seeds, vanilla protein powder
Instructions: Blend all ingredients together in a blender or food processor until smooth.
Serve and Enjoy!

Posted in Class News by Adam Stage with 1 comment.
Tuesday June 2nd
Physical Activity
Handout: Mindful Moon Flow
The digital world we live in makes it easy to spend LOTS of time in front of a screen, right? Many of us spend countless hours each week sitting behind a computer screen, watching our phones, and playing video games. Yet the statistics are clear— kids and teens who exercise regularly are more likely to develop healthier lifelong habits than those who don’t. So, taking time for your (or your child’s) health now will continue to benefit you (or them) in the long run.
- Today’s yoga, the Mindful Moon Flow, from the Kids Work It Out, is named in honor of the cooling moon. This flow will stretch the spine and hamstrings while building strength in your arms, back, and core. • Video: https://youtu.be/5ipbCJAPzJI (Time: 7:45)
• Handout: Mindful Moon Flow - After you are done with the Kids Work It Out yoga, try this 10 Minute Family Fun Cardio that will allow the whole family to have fun.
• https://youtu.be/t7nrOBBfcYI (Time: 13:08)
Nutrition and Healthy Eating
Handout: Farmer’s Market Word Search
Dine on a dime: Shop local!
Choosing to shop locally and directly from farmers for fruits and vegetables has many benefits – the prices are often lower than in the grocery store, it supports local businesses, and even helps to reduce our carbon footprint! Check out this word search to learn more about Farmer’s markets. The resources below will help you find a market in your area and shop for the freshest, in-season produce:
Find a Farmers’ Market:
• LittleGuide Detroit’s Local Market Guide
• Michigan Farmers’ Market Association Guide
Produce Availability Guide:
• Michigan Guide for Fruits and Vegetables
If you find yourself with too many farmers’ market veggies, a great option is to pickle the leftovers – they make a yummy addition to other recipes, toppings for burgers or sandwiches, or in salads. Better yet? It’s easy! Check out this quick (30 seconds!) video on a basic how-to for pickling summer veggies.

Posted in Class News by Adam Stage with 2 comments.
Monday June 1st
Physical Activity
Today we will begin with a warmup GoNoodle activity, then do an at home HITT workout for kids! Finally, cool down your body with a yoga activity with Cosmic Kids Adventure. If you feel like being more active, try and practice your favorite sport at some point during the day!
- Flex – Awesome Sauce | GoNoodle (Time: 1:26)
○ Start your day with a nice, energizing GoNoodle video
○ https://youtu.be/1VV7MZynk44 - HIIT workout with the kids at home (Time: 15:43)
○ This a fun workout video you can do with the whole family.
○ https://youtu.be/XT8hRx64jDE - Parsnip The Cat | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure! (Time: 14:46)
○ This is a fun yoga video to calm the mind and body
○ https://youtu.be/Nfd6e4wBQho - Play a Sport
○ Grab the gear for your favorite sport and play a game! Whether its baseball, soccer, basketball, etc. get outside and have some fun.
Nutrition and Healthy Eating
In general, humans eat a LOT of meat. Eliminating meat just one day a week can make a big difference for your health and the health of our planet. Replacing meat with plant-based choices has potential health benefits, like reducing risk for heart disease and diabetes, and helps take action against climate change by reducing your carbon footprint and helping you conserve precious environmental resources. Planning a “Meatless Monday” is a great place to start! Give it a try this week with a delicious meatless chili.
Meatless Chili
• 1 (15 ounce) can diced tomatoes
• 1 (15 ounce) can no salt added pinto (or chili) beans, un-drained
• 1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste
• 1 cup of frozen chopped green peppers
• 1 cup of frozen chopped onions
• 1/2 tablespoon chili powder
• 1 teaspoon cumin
• salt and pepper, to taste
• Optional chili toppings: cheese, green onions, plain Greek yogurt
In a large stockpot, combine all ingredients. Heat oven medium heat until warm, and serve with your favorite toppings.

Posted in Class News by Adam Stage with no comments yet.
Friday May 29th
Physical Activity
Have you ever heard of geocaching? It’s like a gigantic outdoor treasure hunt with millions of prize-filled containers hidden around the world! Geocaching is a great way to get outside, discover new sites in your town, and even learn about navigation. This is a great activity to do with your family, so head outdoors today and find some treasure!
To get started, just create a free account at geocaching.com, scan the map for geocaches near you, and use a cell phone’s GPS to search for these hidden treasures using the coordinates provided. Once you discover the cache, sign and date the logbook, and note your score online. Even cooler? Prizes! Typically, geocaches include a small trinket for a ‘prize’ for finding the treasure. Depending on your comfort level, it’s fine to take the prize in the cache as long as you leave behind something of equal or greater value for the next geocachers to find.
Happy hunting!
Nutrition and Healthy Eating
Have some leftover frozen cauliflower rice from the recipes earlier this week? We have the perfect way for you to use it up. For something sweet- why not try our hidden cauliflower smoothie- we promise the cauliflower will just give your smoothie a creamier texture and your kids won’t taste it at all!
• 1 cup frozen riced cauliflower
• 1 cup frozen strawberries or berries
• 1 small frozen banana
• 1 ½ cup low fat milk
• 1 tablespoon nut butter
• Add chosen ingredients to a blender and blend until very smooth, stopping to scrape down the sides of the bowl and adding more liquid, if needed. Serve immediately.
Posted in Class News by Adam Stage with no comments yet.
Thursday May 28th
Physical Activity
Handout: Move into the Silliness Yoga; ABC Elementary Workout Handout
Today, begin with a stillness workout from Kids Work It Out, and end with an ABC workout of the day.
- In today’s yoga practice with Kids Work It Out, students and families learn how to “Move Into Stillness” by warming up the entire body with energizing and strengthening yoga poses, flows, spinal stretches for organ health, and a final meditation to increase tolerance by focusing on the breath.
○ Video: https://youtu.be/AoWzmXG6Ss0 (Time: 12:48min)
○ Handout: Move into the Silliness Yoga - This ABC Workout of the Day is a great way to get a workout in while having fun. To finish your workout right today, spell your first and last name out using the ABC workout handout.
○ ABC Elementary Workout Handout
○ Don’t forget to check out the videos that are embedded in the handout
Nutrition and Healthy Eating
Handout: Using Seeds in your Garden
If you want to plant a garden, you need a few things: soil, water, sunlight, and SEEDS!
• But what is a seed? AND How do plants come out of something so small?! Have your kids watch this video to see how a tiny seed grows into a full plant.
• You can also have them listen to this podcast where kids ask all kinds of questions about how seeds grow.
• As they listen, have them think about a question they have and try to find the answer online or in a book.
Once they’ve learned all about seeds it’s time to plant some! You can buy vegetable seeds at the store and they are usually very inexpensive! Make sure to try to find some in the foods you eat – this handout will show you and your kids how to find and plant seeds.
Interested in some extra tips? Check out this website that goes into some more details!

Posted in Class News by Adam Stage with no comments yet.
Wednesday May 27th
Physical Activity
Today, let’s try a short warm-up with GoNoodle, and then a Lego toys workout video. Take a fun adventure with Cosmic Kids Yoga and then end the day with a fun treasure hunt!
- Run The Red Carpet – Hot Ticket | GoNoodle
○ Start your day with a nice, energizing GoNoodle video.
○ https://youtu.be/d_GNRDic17E (Time: 4:18) - Kids Workout / LEGO TOYS Kids Workout Videos! (age 3 -10)
○ Engage with a fun Lego toys workout. This video is targeted for kids ages 3-10 so if your child is a little older, feel free to visit the middle school lesson!
○ https://youtu.be/IlBdkdawb4I (Time: 14:58) - Babs the Beaver | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!
○ This is a fun yoga video to calm the mind and body.
○ https://youtu.be/KFEurjMsh4I (Time: 19:05) - Treasure Hunt
○ Treasure hunts are pretty easy and depending on how many items there are, could last a while. Hide anywhere from 10 to 20 items around the house to keep kids occupied for a few hours. Hide some useful things and ask the child to spell the name and use of that thing once he/she found it.
Nutrition and Healthy Eating
We’re heading into summer which means we’re also heading into watermelon season. Watermelon is a healthy snack option because it contains Lycopene a fight-o-chemical (phytochemical) that helps fight off sickness. Did you know that you don’t just have to eat it off the rind? Try this week’s snack hack for a fun new twist on serving up watermelon!
Watermelon popsicles: 1. Chop up watermelon into small chunks and puree in the blender 2. Pour the pureed watermelon into small paper cups (or popsicle molds). 3. Cover each cup with plastic wrap or foil and insert a popsicle/craft stick (or plastic spoon) through and into the cup. 4. Freeze until hard. 5. Optional: add chopped strawberries, pineapple, or grapes to the molds too!
Feeling extra adventurous? Check out this website for 10 additional and fun ways to serve watermelon to your kids.

Posted in Class News by Adam Stage with no comments yet.
Tuesday May 26th
I hope you all had a wonderful, long weekend and are ready to “get back at it” today.
Physical Activity
Handouts: SUN A-B-C Yoga Flow
Today we will begin with a yoga practice from Kids Work It Out, then try a stuffed animal
workout with the whole family. Finish with a fun old-fashion game of monkey in the middle.
- Today’s yoga, the SUN ABC Yoga Flow, from the Kids Work It Out program takes
students through a full traditional yoga warm-up practice that begins with the breath as a
foundation, then uses breath to carry the body through three separate yoga flows meant
to strengthen and ignite body, spirit and mind.
o Video: https://youtu.be/rAJtSL2MHZM (Time: 15:32)
o Handout: SUN A-B-C Yoga Flow - Kids Workout / Stuffed Animal Workout (age 3-8)
o This a fun workout video you can do with the whole family.
o https://youtu.be/ZeztHq-vpZ4 (Time: 16:57) - Want a break from technology, try to involve everyone in your house with playing an old
fashion game of Monkey in the middle.
o You try to keep the ball away from one person while throwing it back and forth
with your partner. If the person does get the ball, whoever threw it is now the
monkey in the middle. No points, no winning, just keeping away.
Nutrition and Healthy Eating
Dining on a Dime- Riced Cauliflower Two-Ways
This week we’re featuring frozen riced cauliflower as a cheap, versatile and healthy way to swap
out grains for veggies in many of your favorite dishes. Cauliflower is a powerhouse veggie- with
each serving packing a punch of fiber and B vitamins, but did you also know it is a great
substitute for rice? Try one of our recipes below- we bet your kids won’t taste the difference!
Simple Veggie Stir Fry
• 2 cups frozen riced cauliflower
• 1 cup frozen mixed veggies ( we like:
edamame, peas, carrots and onions)
• 3 tablespoons of reduced sodium soy sauce
• 2 tsp Olive Oil
• Optional: chopped green onions for garnish
Instructions: Heat olive oil in a large skillet on medium heat. Add in riced cauliflower and frozen veggies and cook for 10 minutes. Remove from heat- stir in soy sauce and green onions. Serve and Enjoy!
Deconstructed Veggie Burrito Bowl
• 2 cups frozen riced cauliflower
• 1 cup canned black beans (drained)
• 2 tsp. Olive oil
• 1/2 tsp. Ground cumin
• 1/2 cup chunky salsa
Instructions: Heat olive oil in a large skillet on medium heat. Add in riced
cauliflower and black beans. Season riced cauliflower and black beans with
ground cumin. Cook on medium heat for 10 minutes. Stir in salsa and heat
ingredients together for another 5 minutes. Serve and Enjoy!

Posted in Class News by Adam Stage with 2 comments.
Thursday May 21st
Physical Activity
Handout: Centered Yoga Flow
Today’s yoga flow is a great way to build stamina and confidence and enjoy the activity while you’re doing it! Then find ways that your family likes to be active – including this new Pokemon adventure!
- Today’s KWIO yoga sequence is a “Centered Flow” which focuses on knowing that your center of existence and personal power comes from within you! We’ll concentrate on cultivating our body’s sense of center.
o Video: https://youtu.be/pKgwWT8SfUc (Time: 9:09)
o Handout: Centered Yoga Flow - Family Exercise At Home / Pokémon Workout For Kids (Duration: 12:14)
○ https://youtu.be/uMZ733wKZg4
○ This a fun workout video you can do with the whole family. - Tag
○ Try a different type of tag this week: Laser Tag, Dart Tag, Ball Tag or Hide and seek tag. When you get found by the person who is it, run! Or you’ll be IT!
Nutrition and Healthy Eating
Handout: Growing Veggies
Gardening Greats: YOU can grow veggies!
Gardening is a great activity for children but is sure can seem like a daunting task! Good news – you don’t need garden beds or even a yard to grow your own vegetables – there are many things you and you children can grow in a small space or in a pot on your patio! Some of the best options for pots or small containers are:
• Sweet peppers
• Tomatoes
• Chili peppers
• Kale and Lettuce
• Spinach
• Onions
• Radishes
• beans
You can start with seeds, but a cool way to start a kid-friendly garden is to start with scraps from the vegetables you buy at the grocery store. Check out this video for how to do this to grow carrots, onions, garlic, lettuce, and lots of herbs from what you’d otherwise throw away!
As your children grow their own veggies, they can see that the part of the plant that you actually eat varies – sometimes it’s the leaves (like with lettuce), the stems (asparagus and celery), the roots (carrots and potatoes), fruit (tomato and pepper), seeds (chickpeas), or flower (broccoli and cauliflower). This worksheet will help them figure out which part of the plant they’re eating!

Posted in Class News by Adam Stage with no comments yet.