Hello Parents!
We are EXCITED to announce that our Bed Bug Presentations are next week! Presentations are in groups and will be held on Monday, January 13 and Tuesday, January 14 . Please get the Bed Bug Presentation notice from us for our presentation day. ALL PARENTS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND presentations. If you are available, you can only attend presentations on your child’s presentation day during their science class/hour. If you can attend, please check in at the office and get a Visitors Pass before coming to our class (room 126) on the first floor. To avoid disruptions, PLEASE BE IN THE ROOM BEFORE CLASS STARTS. The class starting times are listed below:
1st hour: 8:00 A.M.
3rd hour: 10:02 A.M.
5th hour: 12:58 P.M.
If possible, please try to stay the entire hour to prevent disruptions OR exit quietly between group presentations.
We hope you can make it!
8th Graders and Mrs. Simmons