Book Distribution

Today (1/13) from 2:00pm-3:30pm

All second grade classes are having another book distribution today. Students will come to the side door by the playground (and by my classroom) to turn in their old books and get new books.

Please have students return all old reading books that have a sticker with my name on them. They will be getting new books to read at their new reading levels.

You do not need to return any Benchmark or math books.

Please wear a mask to keep everyone safe!

See everyone soon!

Book Distribution

This is the email I sent to all parents regarding our next book distribution.

Hello everyone,

We are going to have another book distribution day! Students will come to the school between 2:00-3:30pm on Thursday (10/29) to pick up their new books

Please have them bring back old reading books of mine, so they can recieve new books. They do not need to return their paper Plants and Animals in Their Habitats book or their math books. They will be getting new books for reading class and new math books. 

Please come to the side door closest to the school playground. I will be there passing out the books. Masks will still be required. 

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Have a great night,

Ms. Siciliano 

Digital Library Cards

Hello everyone.

Students will need to be reading for at least 20 minutes every night. This is VERY important for their reading development. I know that students may not have as many books at home as they did at school, so one way to access more books is by getting a library card.

I have a Dearborn Public Library card and use it all the time to check out books to read to my class.

Click this link to sign up for a digital library card from home!

Special Classes

Good afternoon!

I was so happy to see all of you on Zoom today! What a great start to the school year!

I know there was some confusion about Specials today. Special Classes are from 1:00-1:50 Monday-Friday(please see the schedule below). When your child logs into Schoology they will see all of their courses, including the Special Area teachers courses. However,  Mrs. Burek has not been added yet(Science Enrichment). Her course will be up next week. They need to find the special area teacher’s course and click on it. They only have an assignment to complete! They will not see a live teacher. A zoom link will be provided only if they need help completing the assignment. I hope this helps! 

Here is the schedule that we will follow this year:

** Reminder!!!  Independent work time is right after specials from 1:55- 3:50.  Please look in the folder for that day. They need to complete and submit their assignments each day.