Thursday August 31, 2023

Here is what we worked on:

Reading: Identified title, authors, and illustrators on books, independent reading practice, beginning, middle, and ending sounds in words, and choosing good fit books.

Writing: Good Writing Skills- Writing using correct capital and lowercase letters.

Math: Eureka Math Unit 1 Lesson 2- Counting and Comparing Numbers 0-10

Social Emotional Learning: Recognizing and appreciating our differences. We are all different but together we make a family!

Special: Gym

**In your child’s backpack you will find their Blue Homework Folder. Please check and return to school daily.**

Today RED folders will also be going home. These are their Reading Everyday Folders. Please read instructions in the front of the folder. You should return the folder daily.

Homework: Math Unit 1 Lesson 2

Tuesday’s Lunch Choice: Fish Sticks / Sunbutter & Jelly Sandwich

Tuesday’s Special: Music 2

Wednesday August 30, 2023

Today was our second full day of school! Here is what we worked on:

Reading: Identifying authors and illustrators on books, Independent reading practice, beginning, middle, and ending sounds in words.

Writing: Good Writing Skills- Adding details and labels to our drawings.

Math: Eureka Math Unit 1 Lesson 1- Counting and Comparing Numbers 0-10

Social Studies: Manners and classroom expectations

Special: Art

**In your child’s backpack you will find their Blue Homework Folder. Please check and return to school daily.**

Homework: Math Unit 1 Lesson 1

Tomorrow’s Lunch Choice: Cheese Pizza / Veggie Ranch Wrap

Tomorrow’s Special: Gym

Tuesday August 29, 2023

Today was our first full day of school! Here is what we worked on:

Reading: Identifying authors and illustrators on books!

Writing: Good Writing Skills- Drawing and labeling our drawings

Math: What a mathematician is/does- We are all mathematicians. We measure, count, add, subtract, use math tools, teach others, solve math problems, etc.

SEL (Social Emotional Learning): How to identify and express how we are feeling. Self Portraits

Special: Music (Check Mrs. Faryniarz’s Blog/ Dojo)

Tomorrow’s Lunch Choice: Nachos & Cheese / Sunbutter & Jelly Sandwich

Tomorrow’s Special: Art

Welcome to First Grade!

We did such a great job for our first day of first grade! I am so happy we get to work with each other and learn from one another this school year!

back to school

Tomorrow is a full day of school. We will be reading, practicing writing skills, discussing what a mathematician is and does, and drawing a self portrait!

I can’t wait to see you all bright and early tomorrow!