Virtual Pumpkin Carving Contest

Chromebook, Math Workbook & Supplies

Good Evening River Oaks Families.  The staff at River Oaks Elementary would like to thank you for your patience and understanding during the opening of the 2020/2021 school year. 

On Monday, August 31st   from 1:00-3:00pm chromebooks, math workbooks and supplies will be distributed.  This will be a drive thru system.    Please pull up and pop your trunk.  A staff member will place your child’s materials in your car. 

Meet & Beep

Summer School


For those that were a part of my summer school (Ms. Khuja), today was our last day of summer school. It flew by! The kids did a great job! We covered fiction and non-fiction, as well as narrative, informational, and opinion writing. This was a great way to refresh their memory and get them ready for the new school year. The first day of school is August 31. We will be starting off online. As always, please contact me if you have any questions. You can send me a message on Dojo or email me at
Take care and stay safe!

A message from Mr. Martin…

Hi Parents & Students,

Please see the letter regarding the Dearborn Virtual Leraning Plan. A few staff members and I will be at school on Wednesday August 12, from 9am – 2 pm to answer any questions you have about Dearbron Virtual Learning. I hope all of you have had a nice summer. Thanks, Mr. Martin

Parent Survey

Dear Parents: 

Please complete the following parent survey.

Thank you!

Personal Belongings from lockers and classroom desk pick up

Students can come to pick up their personal items from your lockers and desk on Wednesday or Thursday, June 3rd or 4th from 12-2 pm.  It will be a drive-through system.  Please bring any library books, LLI books classroom books that you have at home they can be returned at that time.  

Everything has been bagged up with your name on the bag. It will be a drive-through system for pick up.

Happy EID!

Happy Eid ul-Fitr 2018: Wishes, Quotes, WhatsApp and Facebook ...

Kindergarten Registration

Parents please click on the link below for information about the 2020-2021 school year.

Cause and Effect

Listen to the read aloud and see how many cause and effect relationships you can find.