We made it through a whole full week! The kids are doing SO good!
If you haven’t already done so, please check out our classroom photo album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/AqzdXmLUv5AXU2ri9
What have we been up to?
We have been very busy! The children are learning our routines and procedures, they are learning how to not only find their independence, but also to work as a team with the other children. We are learning each other’s names, and how to use good manners when we talk and interact with people at school.
What can I do from home to help?
*Please keep working on bathroom independence! Children should be able to use the restroom, including wiping, and pulling up their underwear + pants on their own
*Opening packages/eating independently: have your child attempt to open snacks, bags, etc. on their own. Tearing and ripping is harder than you might think! 😉 Children should also be feeding themselves, and not being spoon fed by an adult, this will help them to practice knowing when they are full, how to use utensils properly, etc.
Folders will only come home when I have items to send home. In the first few weeks a lot of what we do is within the classroom, so not a ton will come home.
Please NO food from home, just water! This includes birthdays …. per our state grant policy
Our 2nd parent meeting will take place on October 14th! It is on your PreK calendar that was sent home last week! Be sure to make note. Children will come with their parent on this day, and will leave with their parent as well. More info to follow.
THANK YOU for dropping off and picking up ON TIME! This is super helpful to our daily routines, and helps keep up that much needed consistency for the kids!
Have a wonderful weekend! See you on Monday!