Monthly Archives: October 2021

Week of October 25th

Another fun week in the books! We made paper plate pumpkins and opened up the art easel this week! We played color and shape bingo, and we got to meet Ms. Obaid who will be student teaching with us through December on Mondays + Wednesdays. We had our 1st picture day and our 1st fire drill! It was a very busy week! Be sure to check out the google photo album!

Folders went home with a NEW book! The Gruffalo! We loved reading about him, and about being so big and brave!

Conference reminder slips + calendars were in folders this week as well! Please empty + return. Thanks!

If you are celebrating Halloween have fun + be safe! Either way enjoy your weekend!

Monday is a regular day of school. Tuesday all Dearborn students are out for election day.

October 22nd News + Updates

Mrs. Hamade: as most of you know Mrs. Hamade has been out the last 2 weeks. She sustained a concussion from a fall, and is still recovering. I had high hopes that she would be back with us on Monday, but she will continue to be out while she recovers and rests at home. We love, and miss her very much, but want her to be healthy!

Picture Day: Monday 10/25: Please send in the envelope with money or pay online via the Lifetouch website. I do NOT have change and have NO way of making change. Please send in exact change or a check. All children will have their picture taken for the yearbook, even if you are choosing not to purchase pictures. Please hand me the envelope Monday morning at sign in, I won’t have time to check every backpack. If you already sent in the money, you are all set!

***If your child is absent on picture day, there will be a retake day in a few weeks! If your child is sick or not coming to school because of the plumbing issues, they will have an opportunity to do retakes! Don’t worry!

Halloween: GSRP PreK does not celebrate any major holidays. Children are welcome to wear orange + black on Thursday, but we do NOT do costumes, candy, etc.

Plumbing Problems: The pump for our wing of the building has to be special ordered, so it could be through the week or next that we cannot use the water in our classroom. We wash hands in the morning, and at lunch time, and again if they need the restroom after rest time, in between times we are using sanitizer and hand wipes.

السيدة حمادة: كما يعلم معظمكم ، فقد خرجت السيدة حمادة في الأسبوعين الماضيين. أصيبت بارتجاج في المخ من السقوط ، ولا تزال تتعافى. كان لدي آمال كبيرة في أن تعود معنا يوم الاثنين ، لكنها ستستمر في الخروج حتى تتعافى وتستريح في المنزل. نحن نحبها ونفتقدها كثيرًا ، لكننا نريدها أن تكون بصحة جيدة!

يوم الصورة: الاثنين 10/25: يرجى إرسال الظرف بالمال أو الدفع عبر الإنترنت عبر موقع Lifetouch الإلكتروني. ليس لدي تغيير وليس لدي أي طريقة لإحداث التغيير. يرجى إرسال التغيير الدقيق أو الشيك. سيتم التقاط صور لجميع الأطفال في الكتاب السنوي ، حتى إذا اخترت عدم شراء الصور. من فضلك أعطني الظرف صباح الاثنين عند تسجيل الدخول ، لن يكون لدي الوقت لفحص كل حقيبة ظهر. إذا كنت قد أرسلت الأموال بالفعل ، فأنت جاهز تمامًا!

*** إذا كان طفلك غائبًا في يوم التقاط الصور ، فسيكون هناك يوم لإعادة الالتحاق في غضون أسابيع قليلة! إذا كان طفلك مريضًا أو لا يأتي إلى المدرسة بسبب مشاكل السباكة ، فستتاح له الفرصة للقيام بإعادة الالتحاق! لا تقلق!

الهالوين: لا تحتفل GSRP PreK بأي أعياد كبرى. نرحب بالأطفال لارتداء اللون البرتقالي + الأسود يوم الخميس ، لكننا لا نرتدي الأزياء ، والحلوى ، وما إلى ذلك.

مشاكل السباكة: يجب أن تكون المضخة الخاصة بجناحنا في المبنى مرتبة بشكل خاص ، لذلك قد يمر خلال الأسبوع أو الذي يليه لا يمكننا استخدام المياه في الفصل الدراسي. نقوم بغسل اليدين في الصباح وفي وقت الغداء ، ومرة ​​أخرى إذا احتاجوا إلى دورة المياه بعد وقت الراحة ، فإننا نستخدم بين الأوقات المطهر ومناديل اليد.

REID Parent Conferences, Fall 2021

DateTimeParent NameChild Name
Thursday, November 4th4:00-4:45 pmBatoulSirine
Thursday, November 4th4:45- 5:30 pmShahdMohammad Alsayyad
Thursday, November 4th5:30- 6:15 pmReemAbdullah
Thursday, November 4th6:15-7:00pmAdamMusa
Tuesday, November 9th4:00-4:45 pmSaba/GhamdanDena + Lena
Tuesday, November 9th4:45-5:30 pmSaba/GhamdanDena + Lena
Tuesday, November 9th5:30-6:15 pmAfrah/WassimMansoor
Tuesday, November 9th6:15-7:00pmSuadEleen
Thursday, November 11th9:00 – 9:45 amZainabAya
Thursday, November 11th9:45 – 10:30 amSarahHussein
Thursday, November 11th10:30 – 11:15 amFarahJouri
Thursday, November 11th12:00 -12:45 pmUmalkhairMohammed Alrukhami
Thursday, November 11th12:45 – 1:30 pmGhadeerMalik
Thursday, November 11th1:30-2:15 pmGhadahRyan
Thursday, November 11th2:15-3:00 pmRushamEmma
Thursday, November 11th3:00-3:45 pmEric/LenaAthena

October Happenings

Parents: If you arrive to school AFTER 8:45, even if it is 8:46 we are inside with the children getting the day started. Please go thru the office, and make sure you have a mask with you. After 8:45 I will NOT be coming to the door to let students in. Parents are NOT supposed to be in the building due to COVID precautions. Entering through another door is prohibited. Thank you for understanding.

Wednesday 10/13: Late start day! Please drop your preschooler off at 8:35 if you are able to. If you wish to come for the late start time, then please plan to be at our door at 9:35

Thursday 10/14: Classroom Parent Meetings! Parent meetings are a required part of our program. Please find care for younger siblings, and arrive on time with your preschooler.

9:00 Meeting: Aya, Mohammed, Musa, Hussein, Ryan, Jouri, Mansoor, Eleen

10:30 Meeting: Dena, Lena, Mohammad, Athena, Abdullah, Sirine, Emma, Malik (meeting is pushed back from 10 for this day only due to a whole school event)

Monday 10/25 Picture Day! Flyers will be handed out at our parent meeting! Please pay online for pictures, send in a check or cash in exact change. Teachers are not associated with the photo company and cannot make change.

We have been working hard on learning how to open packages, our daily routine, writing our names, cleaning up after ourselves, making friends, and having fun. As we move through the year you will start to see more come home. We have to start slow and build momentum so that the children are confident and comfortable with our day!

PreK News + Updates: October 1st 2021

We made it through a whole full week! The kids are doing SO good!

If you haven’t already done so, please check out our classroom photo album:

What have we been up to?

We have been very busy! The children are learning our routines and procedures, they are learning how to not only find their independence, but also to work as a team with the other children. We are learning each other’s names, and how to use good manners when we talk and interact with people at school.

What can I do from home to help?

*Please keep working on bathroom independence! Children should be able to use the restroom, including wiping, and pulling up their underwear + pants on their own

*Opening packages/eating independently: have your child attempt to open snacks, bags, etc. on their own. Tearing and ripping is harder than you might think! 😉 Children should also be feeding themselves, and not being spoon fed by an adult, this will help them to practice knowing when they are full, how to use utensils properly, etc.


Folders will only come home when I have items to send home. In the first few weeks a lot of what we do is within the classroom, so not a ton will come home.

Please NO food from home, just water! This includes birthdays …. per our state grant policy

Our 2nd parent meeting will take place on October 14th! It is on your PreK calendar that was sent home last week! Be sure to make note. Children will come with their parent on this day, and will leave with their parent as well. More info to follow.

THANK YOU for dropping off and picking up ON TIME! This is super helpful to our daily routines, and helps keep up that much needed consistency for the kids!

Have a wonderful weekend! See you on Monday!