Connecting a Chromebook

If you have checked out a school Chromebook and are having issues connecting try the steps listed below.
1. Turn off the Chromebook (holding the power button is okay)

2. Turn the Chromebook back on.

3. Connect to your home WiFi.

4. You should see a screen that says “Sign in to your Chromebook”. Leave the Chromebook on this screen for 5-10 minutes.

5. Restart the Chromebook again.

إذا قمت بسحب جهاز كمبيوتر محمول في المدرسة وكنت تواجه مشكلات في الاتصال ، فجرّب الخطوات الواردة أدناه.

  1. قم بإيقاف تشغيل الكمبيوتر المحمول (مع الاستمرار في الضغط على زر الطاقة)
  2. أعد تشغيل الكمبيوتر المحمول.
  3. الاتصال بشبكة واي فاي منزلك.
  4. يجب أن تشاهد شاشة تقول “تسجيل الدخول إلى الكمبيوتر المحمول”. اترك الكمبيوتر المحمول على هذه الشاشة لمدة 5-10 دقائق.
  5. أعد تشغيل الكمبيوتر المحمول مرة أخرى.

Dear Wonderful Students,

I miss you already!  Since the Governor of Michigan has ordered all schools to close to keep us safe, we will continue to learn from home.  I have made packets for you to work on at home. I would like you to please do the following everyday:

  1. Read for 30 minutes (books and words from your book bag)
  2. Raz-Kids 30 minutes
  3. iXL 30 minutes (kindergarten, 1st grade or 2nd grade tab)
  4. Zearn 30 minutes
  5. 1-2 pages from the packet

I will be checking Raz-Kids and iXL often.  I will also message you with Class Dojo, Google Classroom, email and sometimes phone calls.  It is important that you complete your work so that you do not fall behind.  

Mrs. Qasem☺

الطلاب الأعزاء ،

 لقد افتقدناكم كثيرا!  نظرًا لأن حاكم ميشيغان أمر جميع المدارس بالإغلاق لإبقائنا في أمان ، فسوف نستمر في التعلم من المنزل. 

 لقد صنعت الحزم لكم للعمل في المنزل.  أود منكم أن تفعل ما يلي كل يوم:

 1. اقرأ لمدة 30 دقيقة (كتب وكلمات من حقيبة كتابك)

 2.  30 دقيقة Raz-kids

 3. 30 دقيقة iXL (رياض الأطفال ، الصف الأول أو علامة التبويب الصف الثاني)

 4.  30 دقيقة zearn

 5. 1-2 صفحات من الحزمة

 سوف أتحقق من Raz-Kids و iXL كثيرًا.

  سأرسل إليكم أيضًا رسالة عبر Class Dojo او Google Classroom اوالبريد الإلكتروني وأحيانًا مكالمات هاتفية. 

 المهم أن تكملوا عملكم اليومي حتى لا تتراكم عليكم الواجبات


Mrs. Qasem

Wayne County Regional Enhancement Education Millage Proposal


School districts in Wayne County have placed a proposal on the November 8th ballot to provide added funding for our schools. It is the “Regional Enhancement Millage Proposal.”

If approved by the entire county, the 2 mil proposal will generate approximately $6.2 million from Dearborn but the District will receive $7.8 million in additional funding for our schools.  Money would go to local schools starting this year and the millage expires after six years.  Continue reading »

Wayne County Regional Enhancement Education Millage Proposal


School districts in Wayne County have placed a proposal on the November 8th ballot to provide added funding for our schools. It is the “Regional Enhancement Millage Proposal.”

If approved by the entire county, the 2 mil proposal will generate approximately $6.2 million from Dearborn but the District will receive $7.8 million in additional funding for our schools.  Money would go to local schools starting this year and the millage expires after six years.  Continue reading »

Notice for AOL Email Accounts

Dear Parents,

If you are an AOL email user, please be aware that you may not receive email notifications due to AOL policies. We are working to resolve this issue with AOL.

Thank you for your patience while we work with AOL to make sure you get classroom notifications from your teacher.


Technology Department


Welcome to my blog!  I will be using this blog to post information for our Elementary Team and keep you updated on ELL department news, assessment, and pretty much everything else!

Welcome to iBlog

Welcome to iBlog Teacher Websites Sites. This is your brand new classroom website.  There are some things you should do to get started.  Hopefully you have been following the Getting Started Tutorials and Step Sheets.

It is important that you edit your profile so that you can choose your school and grade level as this will help parents and students find your website.  Look for the link in the upper right when you are logged in.

Here are some resources to help you with iBlog: