I will be available for conferences at Lindbergh on Tuesday November 9, 2021.
September 14, 2020
Week 2: September 14
Objective: Continue with relationship building and learning about students.
Engineering/STEAM Connection:
Problem– How can we learn more about our classmates and teacher while we are
doing remote learning?
Solution: Create and share a name tag that shows your personality or how you are feeling.
Click on the following link to view the read along “11 Experiments that Failed”
Name Tag STEM Challenge
Can you create a name tag that meets the criteria below?
*Your name tag must hold a pencil
*Your name tag must be at least 6 inches long
*Your name tag must stand up on it’s own
*Your name tag must clearly show your name
*Your name tag must clearly show 2 pictures relating to science(think about your favorites!)
*1 piece of paper(white writing or printing paper, construction paper, or card stock)
*1 pencil
*Extra helpful material ideas: Pipe cleaner, rubberband, twisty tie, stickers,string, etc.
You can be as creative as you want and use materials you have at home:)
Special Instructions For The STEM Challenge…
*You must follow all criteria for creating your name tag.
*If you do not have some of the materials listed it is ok! No Worries:)
You can be as creative as you want and use materials you have at home to complete this challenge.
*Have fun! I can’t wait to see your finished name tags and get to know you better:)
Welcome Back to School!
Day 1 of Enrichment-
Today were just going to focus on getting to know one another and getting excited about science with a small activity, I hope you enjoy the activity!
Please watch the following youtube video and share a picture, thought, or video to my email: poissom@dearbornschools.org
Welcome Back to School!
I am looking forward to a year of learning and growing with the students at DuVall and Lindbergh.
I am posting my lesson for first, second, and third grade here on the blog.
There is a short introductory video, after viewing the video please use the following links for the activities.
- View video
- Read Fiona Flamingo
- Try one of the activities to do – colored heart, feelings emoji (send it to my email) choose an emoji that shows how you are feeling and describe why you are feeling that way, or share something about yourself and email it- poissom@dearbornschools.org
Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nL2mQeaVR2-YLDdRkswnOpYARyrDcOGF/view
Fiona Flamingo https://youtu.be/UThAhOYrUx0
Art Activity https://youtu.be/i8mVPp-NzLY
Week of June 8
Google Classroom codes:
- Ross-sh33vom
- Shapas-p3nwgs5
- Grahl-fpvg6m
- Sims-phu5dye
- Burke-fop6g7q
- Morrison-pm6l3wt
- Cibasek-zeb27t3
- Alabakoff-z4nffzp
- Moon-e7ceiqk
- Courtright-f4ruzvu
- Ranka-t3moleb
Parent survey-reopening of schools 2020-2021
School Reopen Committee Parent Survey June 5, 2020
The State, and our District, have begun the complicated and detailed discussion on the possible reopening of schools for the 2020-21 school year. These discussions will involve experts in instruction, operations, sanitation, transportation, food service, athletics, and many other areas that are part of operating a school district. Please know that any plans developed by the Dearborn Public Schools will need to adhere to directives and Executive Orders issued by the Governor.
Your feedback is required and valued in leading these plans at the district level. Please respond to the survey by June 12, 2020. Please keep an eye out for additional parent surveys in the near future.
School Reopen Committee Parent Survey #1 :
For translation assistance, parents may call 313-580-2532 from Monday June 8th through Friday June 12th 8:30 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. Thank you for your feedback and support!
Robert Attee
DuVall Elementary School
Please stay safe and healthy during the current shutdown. Additional district contact information is located below.
General information: 313-827-3006 or communications@dearbornschools.org
Social emotional hotline – 313-827-8500 or dss@dearbornschools.org
Tech support – 313-827-8400
Human Resources & Student Services – 313-827-3068
Special Education – 313-827-7050
Week of June 8
DuVall news:
DuVall 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony 2020
The DuVall 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony will take place on Thursday, June 11th starting at 10:00 AM. During this time, our staff will socially distance themselves 6 feet apart on the sidewalk of the school side of Francis Street. The Clap Out for 5th grade students will take place in the bus lane of the school on Francis Street. Starting at 10:00 AM, families from Ms. Ranka’s class will follow the path indicated below. Mrs. Courtright’s class will follow the same route starting at 10:30 AM.
Moving East on Beech Street, Turn Right on Edison Street. Turn Left on Cass Street. Turn Right on Francis Street. Following this path will allow all vehicles to follow the same flow of traffic. So that we are able to have an orderly flow of traffic, we are asking parents/guardians to drive their child for this event. Students and family members must stay in the vehicle at all times. We are also asking families to limit the number of vehicles involved to one per family. While approaching the school, vehicles may pull into the bus lane for the clap out and proceed slowly by the teachers. Near the end of the bus lane closest to Beech Street will be the 5th grade teachers. The 5th grade teachers will hand the family a bag containing our promotion certificate, other student awards, and a special surprise. As the family receives the bag on the passenger side window, a member from the DuVall PTA will take a picture of the moment so that pictures may be placed on the DuVall School News Blog.
I would like to thank all of the staff members for making this possible. I would also like to give a special thanks to the following parents who helped to make this event possible for our 5th graders. Mrs. Malmsten for helping to design and create a 5th grade gift bag for each student! Mrs. Bagdonas helped to create and bind the 5th grade memory books. Mrs. Makled helped to make the upcoming 5th grade promotion video. Mrs. Gross and members of the DuVall PTA helped to make these activities possible through their support!
Week of June 1st
Lindbergh News:
Dear Parents,
As the school year is coming to an end, we wanted to take this time to thank you for all of your continued support and understanding. None of what we have accomplished could have been possible without the strong partnership we have as a community.
Our plan this week is to have a day for material pick-up and drop-off. The day is currently planned for Thursday, June 4th in the afternoon. In order to maximize safety, we have assigned timings based on your child’s last name. If your child’s last name begins with the letter A-M, the pick-up/drop-off time will be from 12:00-1:30pm. If your child’s last name begins with the letter N-Z, the pick-up/drop-off time will be from 1:30-3:00pm.
We ask that students do not accompany adults and that we practice safety precautions at all times. Please plan on coming with a mask on, practice social distancing and come in to pick up items and leave immediately. We greatly appreciate your support in keeping everyone safe and healthy.
Below are a few important pieces of information to be aware of:
- Pick-up/Drop-off will occur on the South Playground (near Myrte).
- There will be an area marked for each classroom teacher. Student materials have been placed in brown paper bags and extra material in a plastic bag ready for pick up with your child’s name. There will also be a basket with the teacher’s name there for you to drop off any classroom books/materials. These items should be placed in a bag, clearly marked with your child’s name. Please remember, some students have lots of items, so come prepared.
- In the lot, there will also be bins for you to drop-off:
- library books
- musical instruments
- safety belts
- service squad pins
Please clearly mark your child’s name on these items by either placing them in a bag or using a piece of masking tape.
- There will also be a table to pick up your child’s medicine, anything left will be disposed of according to policy.
- If you have been collecting pop tabs, we will also have the box outside to collect those pop-tabs.
- Yearbooks and Spring Pictures have come in, there will be a table set up for those. 5th graders will get their yearbook in their promotion bags.
Since this will all occur outside, we are hoping that the weather cooperates. If things change, we will let you know.
Have a wonderful day!
Ms. Tiba
Zainah TibaPrincipalCharles A. Lindbergh Elementary School
Week of May 25
DuVall Families,
As our school year winds down, we have scheduled Tuesday, June 2nd as a day to allow families to pick up personal belongings that have been left at school due to the shutdown. During this time, we will follow the same procedure that was used during the distribution of chromebooks and math materials to allow families to get back personal items for students that were left in desks/coat racks. Also, we will collect any music instruments, library books, safety vests, and other classroom items that were borrowed prior to the COVID 19 Shutdown. As learning is still taking place, a future date will be shared when any chromebooks on loan will be returned. Please hand any returned items to the staff member assisting you and any items will then be returned to the building.
The procedure allows for parents to drive up to the bus lane on Francis Street near the preschool door (door 4) on Tuesday, June 2nd. Parents/ Guardians must have a Driver’s ID. A DuVall staff member will bring the parent the bagged student belongings. Please follow the schedule of distribution for classes below so that we can have an orderly distribution of the student property
11:00 – 11:20 Mrs. Courtright
11:20 – 11:40 Mrs. Ranka
11:40 – 12:00 Mrs. Moon
12:00 – 12:20 Ms. Cibasek
12:20 – 12:40 Mrs. Morrison
12:40 – 1:00 Mrs. Alabakoff
1:00 – 1:20 Mrs. Burke
1:20 – 1:40 Ms. Sims
1:40 – 2:00 Mrs. Grahl
2:00 – 2:20 Ms. Shapas
2:20 – 2:40 Mrs. Ross
2:40 – 3:00 Last call if you missed your time spot
Thank you for following the above guidelines and schedule for distribution to make this process possible as well as for the DuVall staff members who will be assisting during processing and distribution days.
Robert Attee
DuVall Elementary School
Please stay safe and healthy during the current shutdown. Additional district contact information is located below.
General information: 313-827-3006 or communications@dearbornschools.org
Social emotional hotline – 313-827-8500 or dss@dearbornschools.org
Tech support – 313-827-8400
Human Resources & Student Services – 313-827-3068
Special Education – 313-827-7050
May 4, 2020
DuVall News:
ABC Countdown to Summer!
Letter | Date | Activity |
A | May 5 | Wear your favorite athletic shirt OR make a paper airplane |
B | May 6 | Blow bubbles or play a game with a ball |
C | May 7 | Make cookies with an adult or decorate your sidewalk with chalk |
D | May 8 | Design a card or picture for your mom or aunt or grandma. Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 10th! |
E | May 11 | Exercise by doing something you learned from your physical education teacher. |
F | May 12 | Facetime or call a Friend |
G | May 13 | Play a board game with someone |
H | May 14 | Wear your favorite hat |
I | May 15 | Eat ice cream or play I-Spy or wear your clothes inside out |
J | May 18 | Jump rope for at least two minutes or do 20 jumping jacks |
K | May 19 | Tell a knock knock joke or kiss your mom or dad and thank them for everything they do |
L | May 20 | Write a letter and mail it to a friend |
M | May 21 | Make something (legos, cooking, blocks, fort, art) |
Letter | Date | Activity |
N | May 26 | Do something nice for someone or take a nifty trip to a virtual museumhttps://www.romper.com/p/10-museums-with-virtual-tours-for-quarantined-kids-who-need-a-field-trip-22628260 |
O | May 27 | Do something outside or eat something orange |
P | May 28 | Have a picnic or eat popcorn |
Q | May 29 | Quick! Run! Create an at-home obstacle course or go on a quest to find flowers that are blooming |
R | June 1 | Read your favorite story or rock out to your favorite song |
S | June 2 | Wear silly socks or sing a song that you learned from your music teacher. |
T | June 3 | Tell a story to someone |
U | June 4 | Think about 4 things that are Unique about you and make a list |
V | June 5 | Offer to vacuum for your parents |
W | June 8 | Go for a walk outside or do water play outside |
X | June 9 | Do something Xtra special for someone that is Xtra special to you |
Y | June 10 | Eat something yellow or do yoga. |
Z | June 11 | Do Zig Zag art or draw your favorite zoo animal |
Lindbergh News:
Dear Parents,
This week we will be offering a pick-up of some instructional material your child’s teacher has prepared. The prepared material will vary from class to class and your child’s teacher will let you know what you will need to pick up, if anything. To avoid large crowds and provide an opportunity for families with multiple children, the pick up will happen based on the first letter of your last name.
On Tuesday, May 5 from 1-3 pm, the pick-up will be for families whose last name starts with the letter A-M. And on Wednesday, May 6 from 1-3 pm, will be for families whose last name starts with N-Z. The materials will be set up on the South playground (where K-2 lineup).
The material will be placed on carts by grade level and teacher name. We ask that parents come alone with a mask, stand in line until they are asked to come forward and collect their children’s materials from the carts. We kindly request that you just grab the top book and do not shuffle through them and as always practice safe distancing. There will be cones and tape on the floor to also help guide the flow.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Stay safe,
Ms. Tiba
Zainah TibaPrincipalCharles A. Lindbergh Elementary School