June 1st – June 5th
Here is the last homework for this year. .هنا آخر الواجبات لهذا العام
Yaaay! We did it!!! !!!!نعم! نجحنا معا
Week 11 Kindergarten Assignment
May 26 – May 29
I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day and a Happy Eid!
!آمل أن يحظى الجميع بيوم تذكاري عظيم وعيد سعيد
Here is this week's work :) :) هنا الواجب المنزلي هذا الأسبوع
Week 10 Kindergarten Assignment!
May 18 – May 21
Hello Parents,
This will be a short week! There will be no school on Friday, May 22 and the following Monday, May 25 due to the Eid and Memorial weekend.
Eid Mubarak!
Be safe and enjoy the long weekend 🙂
,مرحبا يا أولياء الأمور سيكون هذا أسبوع قصير! لن تكون هناك مدرسة يوم الجمعة 22 مايو ويوم الاثنين التالي 25 مايو .بسبب عطلة العيد والنصب التذكاري !عيد مبارك :)كن آمنا واستمتع بعطلة الأسبوع الطويلة Here is this week's work :) :) هنا الواجب المنزلي هذا الأسبوع
Week 9 Kindergarten Assignments:
May 11- May 15
Happy Mothers Day to all the wonder mom’s out there. Hope you had a great day spent with the family!
Week 8 Kindergarten Assignments:
Thank you to everyone who came on Friday to pick-up their child’s materials. We will have one last distribution tomorrow. Please see below:
Material Pick-Up Date & Time: Last Call for material pick up….
Dear Parent/Guardian,
On Monday, May 11th, parents will be able to come to Geer Park to pick up their child’s Math book(s) and school materials that were ordered for each grade level.
Location: Outside the main entrance. Grade level tables will be set up. Please walk up to the grade level table to pick up the materials.
Grade Level Times listed below:
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m : All Grades: Young 5’s, Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade , 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade
It is recommended that only parents come to school to pick up their child’s materials.
It is recommended that parents wear a face mask when coming to pick up the materials.
Note: “No personal belongings will be allowed to be picked up at this time”. Once we get notified on a future date for this to occur, we will share it with the parents.
Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Material Pick-Up Date & Times:
Dear Parent/Guardian,
On Friday, May 8th, parents will be able to come to Geer Park to pick up their child’s Math book(s) and school materials that were ordered for each grade level.
Location: Outside the main entrance. Grade level tables will be set up. Please walk up to the grade level table to pick up the materials.
Grade Level Times listed below:
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m : Grades: Young 5’s, Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade
12:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. : Grades: 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade
It is recommended that only parents come to school to pick up their child’s materials.
It is recommended that parents wear a face mask when coming to pick up the materials.
Note: “No personal belongings will be allowed to be picked up at this time”. Once we get notified on a future date for this to occur, we will share it with the parents.
Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
Thank you,
The Geer Park Team
تاريخ ووقت التقاط المواد:
عزيزي ولي الأمر / الوصي،
يوم الجمعة ، 8 مايو ، سيتمكن الآباء من الحضور إلى جير بارك لاستلام كتب (كتب) الرياضيات الخاصة بأطفالهم والمواد المدرسية التي تم طلبها لكل مستوى دراسي.
الموقع: خارج المدخل الرئيسي. سيتم إعداد جداول مستوى الدرجات. يرجى السير إلى طاولة مستوى الصفوف لالتقاط المواد.
أوقات مستوى الصف المدرجة أدناه:
10:00 صباحًا – 12:00 مساءً: الدرجات: الصغار 5 ، روضة الأطفال ، الصف الأول ، الصف الثاني
12:15 مساءً – 2:15 مساءً : الصف: الصف الثالث ، الصف الرابع ، الصف الخامس
من المستحسن أن يأتي الآباء فقط إلى المدرسة لالتقاط مواد طفلهم.
من المستحسن أن يرتدي الآباء قناع وجه عند القدوم لالتقاط المواد.
ملاحظة: “لن يُسمح بالتقاط متعلقات شخصية في الوقت الحالي”. بمجرد أن يتم إعلامنا في تاريخ لاحق لحدوث ذلك ، سنشاركه مع الوالدين.
يرجى الاتصال بمعلم طفلك إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة.
شكرا لك،
فريق جير بارك
May 4 -May 8
Hello parents,
I hope you are enjoying the weather while staying safe at the same time! Please keep posting all your child’s work on classDojo. The Arabic translation is at the bottom of the same document.
Here is this week’s work 🙂
Week 7-Kindergarten – Assignments.
,مرحبا يا أولياء الأمور آمل أن تستمتع بالطقس مع الحفاظ على سلامتك في نفس الوقت! يرجى الاستمرار في نشر جميع .ClassDojo أعمال طفلك في .توجد الترجمة العربية أسفل نفس الوثيقة :)هنا الواجب المنزلي هذا الأسبوع Week 7-Kindergarten - Assignments. :اضغط هنا للوصول إليه
April 27 – May 1
Hello parents,
We hope it was easy finding the new assignments on ClassDojo under your child’s name! As you have experienced, we have been including the instructions links for each lesson. You will also find the translation at the bottom of the document.
This is the same information that was posted on your child’s Class Dojo portfolio. Click here to access: Week 6 Kindergarten Assignement
,مرحبا يا أولياء الأمور !تحت اسم طفلك classDojo نأمل أن يكون من السهل العثور على المهام الجديدة في .كما جربت ، قمنا بتضمين روابط التعليمات لكل درس .classDojo هذه هي نفس المعلومات التي تم نشرها على محفظة طفلك في Week 6 Kindergarten Assignments :اضغط هنا للوصول إليه
April 20 – April 24
Hello Parents,
I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy and safe.
Things have changed a little due to the Governor and the District’s guidelines. The teachers will be posting daily assignments on Class Dojo in each student’s portfolio. All assignments are graded and will be used for the final report cards. In case you have any issues with Class Dojo, this will be another place to access all weekly information and links. These documents include the teaching element as well as assignments so that parents will not be overwhelmed and students can be more independent. The teachers and I are all working together to make this easier for you, so if there are any issues, you can reach any of us by phone, e-mail, messaging on Class Dojo, etc.
This is the same information that was posted on your child’s Class Dojo portfolio. Click here to access Week 5 Kindergarten Assignments
Class Dojo Postings:
- Please feel free to send pictures and videos of your students working! They LOVE to share their work and we love to see them working hard 🙂 Please add ALL student work into your child’s portfolio in class dojo. We will be recording all student work.
- We will be sending a video each day to describe each assignment 🙂 Show your child so they know what to do!
- Your child’s learning is important; please make sure they get their work done 🙂
Show this schedule to your child! They know the expectations!
Have a great week and miss you all 🙂
P.S. If you would like to save this on your device, click download
April 13 -April 17

Wednesday, April 15, Math work
Week 3: March 30–April 3

Here is the another recommendations for this week!
Writing: We are learning about rabbits! Click here to watch a video about rabbits. Write 3 facts that you learned about rabbits today.
Reading: Log on to Raz-Kids and listen to 1 book. Practice writing and reading -ap family words.
Math: Log on to Zearn for 15 minutes.
Writing: Click here to listen to Rabbit Ears. When you are done, write about one thing you like and one thing you do not like.
Reading: Log on to Raz-Kids and listen to 1 book. Practice writing and reading -ap family words.
Math: Log on to Zearn for 15 minutes.
Writing: Happy April Fools Day!!! Click here to listen to April Foolishness. When you are done, write about a funny trick that you played on a loved one.
Reading: Log on to Raz-Kids and listen to 1 book. Practice writing and reading -ap family words.
Math: Log on to Zearn for 15 minutes.
Social Studies: Go on a walk around the neighborhood and look for the Lirpa Loof-a rare bird that appears around April 1st…draw a map of the different places that you looked. Send you teacher a picture or drawing of the bird on Dojo.
Writing: Click here to listen to The Easter Bunny’s Assistant. Write about how you could help the Easter Bunny. What is your special skill?
Reading: Log on to Raz-Kids and listen to 1 book. Practice writing and reading -ap family words.
Math: Log on to Zearn for 15 minutes.
Writing: Click here to listen to Turkey’s Eggcellent Easter. When you are done, write about your favorite part of the story.
Reading: Log on to Raz-Kids and listen to 1 book. Practice writing and reading -ap family words.
Math: Log on to Zearn for 15 minutes.
Extra Fun!!
Click here to watch a video that will show you how to draw a rabbit.