This week only Kindergarten to 2nd grade are starting The Hybrid Schedule. 3rd to 5th grade will start next wee March 8th. Third grade teachers are still holding learning labs in the afternoon for the week of March 1st.

On Tuesday, March 2nd @12:30 Mrs. Jakubik (our principal) will be hosting a Parent Meeting that will go over the details for returning back to school. I will post the Zoom link on my schoology page and label it Parent Meeting with Mrs.Jakubik. I will show your child how to get to it tomorrow so that they can show you. I really encourage all of you to join to get the information you will need when sending your child back to In-person learning.

We wanted to remind all 3rd grade parents regarding the 3rd GRADE PARENT MEETING tomorrow at 12:30 on Zoom. we will not hold our  regular Zoom meeting so instead you and your child should be attending the meeting. The principal , Mrs. Jakubik will go over our BACK TO SCHOOL/Hybrid Schedule Procedures\

Please log into your child’s Schoology account to log into Mrs. Atris’ course and click on the Zoom Link that says THIRD GRADE MEETING or click on the link below


Meeting ID: 894 2773 7598
Passcode: 550797

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Report Cards and Parent Teacher Conferences

The time is coming soon for report cards!

All student work will be graded as normal. Grading is being done as it was in the past, before Covid. The first marking period ends on October 30.

It is very important that you connect with the teacher to ask if your child is submitting their assignments.

Report cards will be sent home the beginning of November.

All teachers will be having parent teacher conferences on Zoom on the following days from 4:00-7:30

Thursday, November 5
Tuesday, November 10
Tuesday, November 17

Your child’s teacher will be scheduling the conference with you.

It is more important than ever for the school and parents to work together to ensure students are learning and working hard!

Thank you for all your help and hard work supporting your children in their learning!

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Hello Families,

The 3rd Grade Teachers recorded a short video for parents and students to watch. This video contains important information regarding Remote Learning Expectations, Learning Labs, testing information and much more to help guide your child to be successful in his or her 3rd grade year! If you have any questions or feedback, please fill out the Google Form.

Click here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfyrw2gEaWgPl_U_a1oixafsUDGXerTxnnMSndDqAkEMDBrpQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

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Week of 9/30-10/2

October 2, 2020

Dear Families,,

Thank you again for your continued efforts and support! As we get further into our remote learning, I feel that we are making progress with our expectations on our Zoom Meetings, our assignments and building our classroom community. This week, we finished our NWEA Math, which means we can now focus on instruction in all of the subjects. With this, we can move forward by setting up our reading and math goals in order to be successful and be prepared for the next grade level. Our daily schedule has been very consistent with following the district’s elementary online schedule. As we gradually add more assignments and delve deeper into Reading, Math, Social Studies and Science, we are confident that your child will begin to adjust to these new methods of learning.
Next week, we will be planning Zoom Parent Meetings. These meetings will be held right at the beginning of the day, so you and your child can both be involved in your child’s learning experience. In this week, we will discuss 3rd grade expectations, learning lags,grading, NWEA/MStep testing and Enrolling in Parent Accounts on Schoology. We will send meeting reminders on ClassDojo.

Thank you again for your continued support!

Educationally yours,

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Updates for Week of 9/21-9/25

Friday, September 25, 2020

Dear Families, 

I want to begin by thanking you for your continued support and your efforts with completing another week of remote learning.  It has been difficult because everything seems very new and we are faced with unique challenges but with patience and determination, we are able to overcome anything we put our mind to.  I wanted to just give you an overview of our learning for this week. 

Reading-  We are still establishing routines on how to be good readers, writers, speakers and listeners.  We have learned about how authors write for their audience by informing, entertaining and persuading them. We read many read alouds and distinguished the author’s purpose by discussing, listening and writing.  We are learning how to read independently and complete our Weekly Reading log.  We also reviewed long vowel sounds by working with partners and independently.   

Math– This week we learned about equal groups, skip-counting and array models  relate to multiplication.  Next week, we will delve deeper into multiplication by interpreting the meaning of factors.  

Writing- This week, we had many opportunities to write short responses to our reading.  We also learned how to write a persuasive letter by showing our opinions of being for or against school uniforms.  

In our Independent Learning, we learned how to access Xtra Math, Great Minds, and complete digital math lessons on Zearn. We also learned about turtle shells in Mystery Science!  

We have completed our NWEA-Reading this past week and we will be sharing your child’s progress and set up reading goals through Class Dojo.  Next week, we will complete NWEA-Math in the afternoon.We will communicate this information regarding date and times through Class Dojo.  

Please make sure you have your child complete all Schoology assignments that still need to be finished by Sunday.  Please also continue discussing and reviewing our Zoom expectations with your child before every Zoom meeting.  Thanks again for another awesome week of our 3rd grade Remote Learning, 

Educationally yours, 

The Third Grade Teachers

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NWEA Testing

Dear Parents:

Per the Michigan Department of Education, students are required to take the NWEA twice a year. Therefore, third grade students will begin testing Math & Reading this Monday, September 21st. Your child will need to bring in their chromebook. Your child will be in our classroom along with two other students and myself. They will need to wear their masks. The test will take around 1hr and 15 minutes. We are putting the schedule together and will message you on dojo the day and time you will bring your child to Maples next week. If you have any questions, please send us a message on Dojo. Thank you always for your support!
~Educationally yours,
Third Grade Teachers

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First Week of Schoology and Zoom!

Thank you to all of our Third Grade parents and students who did their very best in their first week of Schoology and Zoom! I know that we had many struggles with technical issues, connectivity issues and just trying to adjust to a new schedule. After meeting with all of you, we feel very confident and excited that this year will be an enjoyable and memorable one for our children. Being positive and having a good attitude for children is very important for them to understand that these trying times are a time to learn from these different experiences and make the best of each day! Again, our motto for this year is that we should try to go slow at first so we can go fast! Thanks again for all of your efforts and God Bless and protect your families.

Educationally yours,

The Third Grade Team

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First Day Update-Meet the Teacher/Parent Orientation and Schoology Login Info

It was so nice to meet the students that attended on the first day of school. I will be calling parents throughout the week to bring their 3rd grader in order to introduce him or her on our new program Schoology. I have attached some directions on this post, so if you want to get a head start on how to start to navigate Schoology, please just click the file to begin learning! We are also attaching a 3rd Grade Student/Parent Orientation , so please read it carefully.

Click on the picture to view the Student/Parent Orientation Sllideshow
Click on image for Schoology Login Information




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Welcome Back!!

Welcome 3rd graders and families! We are so excited to meet your child and make this year a positive and meaningful year to remember. As we start the school year in a remote learning environment, we are still going to do all the fun things that we do in a physical classroom setting. The week of August 31st will start softly which means we will gradually get acclimated with our new school schedule. We have to start SLOW to go FAST!! This week, your 3rd grade teachers, Mrs. Atris, Mrs.Casebolt, Mrs. Massey and Mrs. Imsande will be contacting you to meet for an orientation. In this orientation, your child’s teacher will go over the student and parent expectations, help parents set up their Schoology accounts and provide a reading assessment in order to set a baseline for reading instruction. We cannot wait to meet you! We will provide more information regarding Parent Zoom meetings and a daily schedule for your child to follow for the next coming days.

Third Grade Rocks!

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3rd Grade Summer Book Suggested Reading

Hello,I am attaching Mrs.Atris’s Suggested Book List for this week The presentation entails some excellent stories your child can listen to and also purchase from Scholastic.com

Click on the link/picture below to get started- (You have to be logged in with your Dearborn School account to access.


Click on the picture to start navigating the Virtual Room.

Please click on this link to listen for explicit instructions on how to navigate the virtual classroom. https://www.loom.com/share/d908014b59004432a62db9a6e4449053

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