We are continue with the Fire Station Visit series. So first is a read aloud about Clifford the fire dog. After that there is another virtual tour from the fire station with Mr. Liepe and Mr. Butler. I hope everyone is staying safe and working hard. We should be able to have a video chat soon. I have enrolled all the students into another platform that offers video chat, but you must be logged into the students account to see it. I will try to figure it out but we will definitely be have a kindergarten parent meeting in June and a conference with each of you.
The virtual visit this time is of the actual fire station were the firefighter stay when they are not fighting fires. Please watch and enjoy as you learn from a real firemen.
I want to see how everyone is doing with their writing so please have your child write their name 5 times with a black crayon or pencil. Then take a picture of it and send it to me at Liepeb@dearbornschools.org. Don’t forget “Flat Mr. Liepe” in your photos.
Don’t forget to use your Epic books account to read books. We have completed 100 books as a class so far. Keep up the work. The site link is https://www.getepic.com/ for books. Sign your child up to see the stories I am linking for them to listen too. They will also be able to listen to many other books and stories of their choosing. The class code is mhe8655.
Congrats to the 3 students that started their weekly work on Happy Numbers our online individualized learning for the students to work on numeracy. They are working on end of PreK and beginning of Kindergarten numeracy activities. Our class code is 911 561 to access it to see how you child is doing. There is also a link in our Google Classroom to the site. Every child has an account that I setup for them and I sent their password with the student login information, if you forget their password let me know. If you have not signed up yet I reset the password to 105. https://happynumbers.com/ . This site is awesome because it adjusts to the child’s knowledge of numbers. They will all start with a quick assessment to guide the lessons that are individualized for them. We have nine(9) students that are on their personalized learning path into Kindergarten. Please make sure you are logging in and working toward your weekly goal of 40 minutes a week. (10minutes/4days)
The children’s daily routine will be just like at school and have all the pieces that I did with them at school. So they will have a reading/listening activity, a writing activity, a mathematics activity, imaginative play (Plan, Do, Review), creative arts and gross motor. The fine motor activities are built into some of the other activities but may also be the activity.
The imaginative play and Plan, Do, Review are as easy as a couple times a day when the children are going to play start by asking them what their plan is, some examples are; What they will play with? What they are going to do with it? Who they might play with? How hey are going to use it? Then when they are done ask them to recall. Have them tell you details of the play activity they did.
The daily writing, reading and gross motor is always addressed in these 3 simple daily homework assignments since the beginning of the year. 1.Practice Writing. 2.Practice Reading. 3.Playing outside (social distanced) (ABC fit kids using 2 family members names or Cosmic Kids Yoga, CosmicKids.com ).
If you need to get a hold of me I can still be reached by email Liepeb@dearbornschools.org or you can call my classroom number (-827-7238) and leave a message, they go to my email. If I call back it will come from an unknown or unavailable number. I will only call Monday-Thursday between 9am-3pm. Be on the lookout for a call this week.
Thank you for continuing to help your kids while schools are closed. The new district remote learning plan is out and every student is required to work on assigned schoolwork for 2-3 hours daily and have contacts with the teacher every week. I am required to hear from every student also, this can be as simple as sending me a picture of one of the assignment from the day or commenting below in the comments. https://dearbornschools.org/services/dearborn-public-schools-continuity-of-learning-plan/
Happy Monday! It was another gorgeous weekend! My boys and I went to the baseball field and practice baseball. What did you you do? For today, please listen to 1 or 2 stories from Epic books through our classroom account. The site link is https://www.getepic.com/ for books. Sign your child up to see the stories I am linking for them to listen too. They will also be able to listen to many other books and stories of their choosing. The class code is mhe8655. The story is below being read to us. The epic version highlights the words as they are read, so listen to this story for free with the account you create. https://www.getepic.com/app/read/25749
Today is Monday so we will be writing a story. Please write about the 3 best things you did this weekend. This will work both on your writing and remebering skills. Make sure your picture matches what you are saying you miss. Remember you are the Author and Illustrator of your story. So you are doing the picture and “writing the ABC words” for your story. When finished, please write down what your child said about their picture, take a pic of their picture and send it to me at Liepeb@dearbornschools.org
Many are working hard on the online individualized numeracy piece. Our class code is 911 561 to access it. There is also a link in our Google Classroom to the site. Every child has an account that I setup for them and I sent their password with the student login information yesterday. https://happynumbers.com/ . This site is awesome because it adjusts to the child’s knowledge of numbers. They will all start with a quick assessment to guide the lessons that are individualized for them. We already have nine(9) students that completed the initial assessment and are on their personalized learning path into Kindergarten. Please make sure you are logging in and working toward your weekly goal of 40 minutes a week. (10minutes/4days)
There is a plan being finalized for a last Teacher Parent conference that we will be able to have before the end of the year. I had originally planned on doing these conferences this week but will not have a versicon. You should have received something from the school your child will be attending about kindergarten /Young 5’s registration. Please contact the elementary school if you have question about registration.
For next years GSRP program please contact Cotter Early Child hood Center or central office. You can fill part of the information online be prepared.
The children’s daily routine will be just like at school and have all the pieces that I did with them at school. So they will have a reading/listening activity, a writing activity, a mathematics activity, imaginative play (Plan, Do, Review), creative arts and gross motor. The fine motor activities are built into some of the other activities but may also be the activity.
The imaginative play and Plan, Do, Review are as easy as a couple times a day when the children are going to play start by asking them what their plan is, some examples are; What they will play with? What they are going to do with it? Who they might play with? How hey are going to use it? Then when they are done ask them to recall. Have them tell you details of the play activity they did.
The daily writing, reading and gross motor is always addressed in these 3 simple daily homework assignments since the beginning of the year. 1.Practice Writing. 2.Practice Reading. 3.Playing outside (social distanced) (ABC fit kids using 2 family members names or Cosmic Kids Yoga, CosmicKids.com ).
If you need to get a hold of me I can still be reached by email Liepeb@dearbornschools.org or you can call my classroom number (-827-7238) and leave a message, they go to my email. If I call back it will come from an unknown or unavailable number. I will only call Monday-Thursday between 9am-3pm. Be on the lookout for a call this week.
Today we are going to listen to a cute story about working together and courage. The story is from Epic books through our classroom account. The site link is https://www.getepic.com/ for books. Sign your child up to see the stories I am linking for them to listen too. They will also be able to listen to many other books and stories of their choosing. The class code is mhe8655. The story is below being read to us. The epic version highlights the words as they are read, so listen to this story for free with the account you create. https://www.getepic.com/app/read/10232
Also we have a special virtual Fire Station visit thanks to one of our parents, who is a Garden City Firefighter. There will be 4 different visits when we are done. For now the first video is of a Firefighter dressing in their protective gear. Please watch and enjoy as you learn from a real firemen.
I need you to make a thank you picture for the Garden City Fire Fighter Gismondi and Butler. I would like to send as many as possible on Friday to the Firefighters. Take a picture of it and send it to me at Liepeb@dearbornschools.org. Don’t forget “Flat Mr. Liepe” in your photos.
We only had 5 students start their weekly work on Happy Numbers our online individualized learning for the students to work on numeracy. They are working on end of PreK and beginning of Kindergarten numeracy activities. Our class code is 911 561 to access it to see how you child is doing. There is also a link in our Google Classroom to the site. Every child has an account that I setup for them and I sent their password with the student login information, if you forget their password let me know. If you have not signed up yet I reset the password to 105. https://happynumbers.com/ . This site is awesome because it adjusts to the child’s knowledge of numbers. They will all start with a quick assessment to guide the lessons that are individualized for them. We have nine(9) students that completed the initial assessment and are on their personalized learning path into Kindergarten. Please make sure you are logging in and working toward your weekly goal of 40 minutes a week. (10minutes/4days)
The children’s daily routine will be just like at school and have all the pieces that I did with them at school. So they will have a reading/listening activity, a writing activity, a mathematics activity, imaginative play (Plan, Do, Review), creative arts and gross motor. The fine motor activities are built into some of the other activities but may also be the activity.
The imaginative play and Plan, Do, Review are as easy as a couple times a day when the children are going to play start by asking them what their plan is, some examples are; What they will play with? What they are going to do with it? Who they might play with? How hey are going to use it? Then when they are done ask them to recall. Have them tell you details of the play activity they did.
The daily writing, reading and gross motor is always addressed in these 3 simple daily homework assignments since the beginning of the year. 1.Practice Writing. 2.Practice Reading. 3.Playing outside (social distanced) (ABC fit kids using 2 family members names or Cosmic Kids Yoga, CosmicKids.com ).
If you need to get a hold of me I can still be reached by email Liepeb@dearbornschools.org or you can call my classroom number (-827-7238) and leave a message, they go to my email. If I call back it will come from an unknown or unavailable number. I will only call Monday-Thursday between 9am-3pm. Be on the lookout for a call this week.
Thank you for continuing to help your kids while schools are closed. The new district remote learning plan is out and every student is required to work on assigned schoolwork for 2-3 hours daily and have contacts with the teacher every week. I am required to hear from every student also, this can be as simple as sending me a picture of one of the assignment from the day or commenting below in the comments. https://dearbornschools.org/services/dearborn-public-schools-continuity-of-learning-plan/
We were supposed to have our Zoo field trip today so instead here is a virtual tour of The Los Angles Zoo. The tour is about 12 minutes so watch through the whole thing to find which is your favorite animal. After please draw your favorite animal and share it. This was going to be the assignment at the Detroit Zoo today, so please make sure you show your drawing to “Flat Mr. Liepe”.
When they are finished, please write down what your child said about their drawing, take a picture of their drawing and send it to me at Liepeb@dearbornschools.org. Don’t forget “Flat Mr. Liepe” in your photos.
We only had 4 students start their weekly work on Happy Numbers our online individualized learning for the students to work on numeracy. They are working on end of PreK and beginning of Kindergarten numeracy activities. Our class code is 911 561 to access it to see how you child is doing. There is also a link in our Google Classroom to the site. Every child has an account that I setup for them and I sent their password with the student login information, if you forget their password let me know. If you have not signed up yet I reset the password to 105. https://happynumbers.com/ . This site is awesome because it adjusts to the child’s knowledge of numbers. They will all start with a quick assessment to guide the lessons that are individualized for them. We have nine(9) students that completed the initial assessment and are on their personalized learning path into Kindergarten. Please make sure you are logging in and working toward your weekly goal of 40 minutes a week. (10minutes/4days)
The children’s daily routine will be just like at school and have all the pieces that I did with them at school. So they will have a reading/listening activity, a writing activity, a mathematics activity, imaginative play (Plan, Do, Review), creative arts and gross motor. The fine motor activities are built into some of the other activities but may also be the activity.
The imaginative play and Plan, Do, Review are as easy as a couple times a day when the children are going to play start by asking them what their plan is, some examples are; What they will play with? What they are going to do with it? Who they might play with? How hey are going to use it? Then when they are done ask them to recall. Have them tell you details of the play activity they did.
The daily writing, reading and gross motor is always addressed in these 3 simple daily homework assignments since the beginning of the year. 1.Practice Writing. 2.Practice Reading. 3.Playing outside (social distanced) (ABC fit kids using 2 family members names or Cosmic Kids Yoga, CosmicKids.com ).
If you need to get a hold of me I can always be reached by email Liepeb@dearbornschools.org or you can call my classroom number (-827-8238) and leave a message, they go to my email. If I call back it will come from an unknown or unavailable number. I will only call Monday-Thursday between 9am-3pm. Be on the lookout for a call this week.
Thank you for continuing to help your kids while schools are closed. The new district remote learning plan is out and every student is required to work on assigned schoolwork for 2-3 hours daily and have contacts with the teacher every week. I am required to hear from every student also, this can be as simple as sending me a picture of one of the assignment from the day or commenting below in the comments. https://dearbornschools.org/services/dearborn-public-schools-continuity-of-learning-plan/
For today, listen to 2 short stories then watch the experiment and try it. Please listen to the story What Makes A Rainbow and The Color Caper, this story is from Epic books through our classroom account. The site link is https://www.getepic.com/ for books. Sign your child up to see the stories I am linking for them to listen too. They will also be able to listen to many other books and stories of their choosing. The class code is mhe8655. We are thinking fun, so listen to this story for free with the account you create. https://www.getepic.com/app/read/18382
Watch this neat and easy experiment, then make it on your own. You can try it in various ways so have some fun. The washable type markers work best but other can work. Have fun with the experiment. I can’t wait to see your results today. When you are finished, please share about their activity, take a picture of it and send it to me at Liepeb@dearbornschools.org. Don’t forget “Flat Mr. Liepe” in your photos.
We only had 3 students start their weekly work on Happy Numbers our online individualized learning for the students to work on numeracy. They are working on end of PreK and beginning of Kindergarten numeracy activities. Our class code is 911 561 to access it to see how you child is doing. There is also a link in our Google Classroom to the site. Every child has an account that I setup for them and I sent their password with the student login information, if you forget their password let me know. If you have not signed up yet I reset the password to 105. https://happynumbers.com/ . This site is awesome because it adjusts to the child’s knowledge of numbers. They will all start with a quick assessment to guide the lessons that are individualized for them. We have nine(9) students that completed the initial assessment and are on their personalized learning path into Kindergarten. Please make sure you are logging in and working toward your weekly goal of 40 minutes a week. (10minutes/4days)
The children’s daily routine will be just like at school and have all the pieces that I did with them at school. So they will have a reading/listening activity, a writing activity, a mathematics activity, imaginative play (Plan, Do, Review), creative arts and gross motor. The fine motor activities are built into some of the other activities but may also be the activity.
The imaginative play and Plan, Do, Review are as easy as a couple times a day when the children are going to play start by asking them what their plan is, some examples are; What they will play with? What they are going to do with it? Who they might play with? How hey are going to use it? Then when they are done ask them to recall. Have them tell you details of the play activity they did.
The daily writing, reading and gross motor is always addressed in these 3 simple daily homework assignments since the beginning of the year. 1.Practice Writing. 2.Practice Reading. 3.Playing outside (social distanced) (ABC fit kids using 2 family members names or Cosmic Kids Yoga, CosmicKids.com ).
If you need to get a hold of me I can still be reached by email Liepeb@dearbornschools.org or you can call my classroom number (-827-7238) and leave a message, they go to my email. If I call back it will come from an unknown or unavailable number. I will only call Monday-Thursday between 9am-3pm. Be on the lookout for a call this week.
Thank you for continuing to help your kids while schools are closed. The new district remote learning plan is out and every student is required to work on assigned schoolwork for 2-3 hours daily and have contacts with the teacher every week. I am required to hear from every student also, this can be as simple as sending me a picture of one of the assignment from the day or commenting below in the comments. https://dearbornschools.org/services/dearborn-public-schools-continuity-of-learning-plan/
Happy Monday! This weekend was cold and SNOWY? We celebrated a special day yesterday. I hope you did too. What did you you do for your MOM yesterday? For today, please listen to a story of your choice from Epic books through our classroom account. The link is https://www.getepic.com/ for books. The other story I want everyone to listen to is below. It is an animated video of the story and fun to watch.
Today is Monday so we will be writing a story. Please make your story ALL the things that your mom does and that you love about her. Make sure your picture matches what you are saying you miss. Remember you are the Author and Illustrator of your story. So you are doing the picture and “writing the ABC words” for your story. When finished, please write down what your child said about their picture, take a pic of their picture and send it to me at Liepeb@dearbornschools.org
We have Happy Numbers online individualized learning for the students to work on numeracy. Just over half the class is already completing work. Our class code is 911 561 is used to access it. There is also a link in our Google Classroom to the site. Every child has an account that I setup for them and I sent their password with the student login information, if you forget their password let me know. If you have not signed up yet I reset the password to 105. https://happynumbers.com/ . This site is awesome because it adjusts to the child’s knowledge of numbers. They will all start with a quick assessment to guide the lessons that are individualized for them. We have nine(9) students that completed the initial assessment and are on their personalized learning path into Kindergarten. Please make sure you are logging in and working toward your weekly goal of 40 minutes a week. (10minutes/4days)
Thank you for continuing to help your kids while schools are closed. The new district remote learning plan is out and every student is required to work on assigned schoolwork for 2-3 hours daily and have contacts with the teacher every week. I am required to hear from every student also, this can be as simple as sending me a picture of one of the assignment from the day or commenting below in the comments. https://dearbornschools.org/services/dearborn-public-schools-continuity-of-learning-plan/
The children’s daily routine will be just like at school and have all the pieces that I did with them at school. So they will have a reading/listening activity, a writing activity, a mathematics activity, imaginative play (Plan, Do, Review), creative arts and gross motor. The fine motor activities are built into some of the other activities but may also be the activity.
The imaginative play and Plan, Do, Review are as easy as a couple times a day when the children are going to play start by asking them what their plan is, some examples are; What they will play with? What they are going to do with it? Who they might play with? How hey are going to use it? Then when they are done ask them to recall. Have them tell you details of the play activity they did.
The daily writing, reading and gross motor is always addressed in these 3 simple daily homework assignments since the beginning of the year. 1.Practice Writing. 2.Practice Reading. 3.Playing outside (social distanced) (ABC fit kids using 2 family members names or Cosmic Kids Yoga, CosmicKids.com ).
If you need to get a hold of me I can still be reached by email Liepeb@dearbornschools.org or you can call my classroom number (-827-7238) and leave a message, they go to my email. If I call back it will come from an unknown or unavailable number. I will only call Monday-Thursday between 9am-3pm. Be on the lookout for a call this week.
I’m sorry, Mr. Liepe but I was walking around my house a I didn’t find any little bird. And then I decided to tell You the story of my aunt. She lived in Netherlands and last week she was riding in her bike when she found on her bike path a baby bird. He couldn’t fly and she took the bird home, and now she cares for him until he can fly.
I’m sorry, Mr. Liepe but I was walking around my house a I didn’t find any little bird. And then I decided to tell You the story of my aunt. She lived in Netherlands and last week she was riding in her bike when she found on her bike path a baby bird. He couldn’t fly and she took the bird home, and now she cares for him until he can fly.
Keep sending the pictures of your work with “Flat Mr. Liepe”. It is funny seeing what “we” are doing together. Also for today, please listen to the story below. For today, the story I am reading is “Why Should I Walk? I Can Fly!” from Epic books through our classroom account. The link to Epic Books is https://www.getepic.com/ . Sign your child up to see this and other stories. I link for them to listen too. They will also be able to listen to many other books and stories of their choosing. The class code is mhe8655. The book today can be read at https://www.getepic.com/app/read/63775 and below is me reading the story.
Today go for a nature walk to find a birds nest. Then watch to see if the mommy bird comes to feed the babies. Don’t forget to take a picture of the nest. Then count how many steps it takes to get home.(make sure to count with them to help reinforce proper counting. Please send your pictures to me at Liepeb@dearbornschools.org Remember your picture of me and you doing something.
We have added an online individualized Numeracy piece for each student, with half the class already completing work. Our class code is 911 561 is used to access it. There is also a link in our Google Classroom to the site. Every child has an account that I setup for them and I sent their password with the student login information, if you forget their password let me know. If you have not signed up yet I reset the password to 105. https://happynumbers.com/ . This site is awesome because it adjusts to the child’s knowledge of numbers. They will all start with a quick assessment to guide the lessons that are individualized for them. We have eight(8) students that completed the initial assessment and are on their personalized learning path into Kindergarten. Please make sure you are logging in and working toward your weekly goal of 40 minutes a week. (10minutes/4days)
Continue to have the students use their Epic Books accounts for Literacy to help them develop a sense of story. Listening to these stories will help develop their minds. The will use this in everything they do in the future. So use the link https://www.getepic.com/ with the class code is mhe8655.
Thank you for continuing to help your kids while schools are closed. The new district remote learning plan is out and every student is required to work on assigned schoolwork for 2-3 hours daily and have contacts with the teacher every week. I am required to hear from every student also, this can be as simple as sending me a picture of one of the assignment from the day or commenting below in the comments. https://dearbornschools.org/services/dearborn-public-schools-continuity-of-learning-plan/
The children’s daily routine will be just like at school and have all the pieces that I did with them at school. So they will have a reading/listening activity, a writing activity, a mathematics activity, imaginative play (Plan, Do, Review), creative arts and gross motor. The fine motor activities are built into some of the other activities but may also be the activity.
The imaginative play and Plan, Do, Review are as easy as a couple times a day when the children are going to play start by asking them what their plan is, some examples are; What they will play with? What they are going to do with it? Who they might play with? How hey are going to use it? Then when they are done ask them to recall. Have them tell you details of the play activity they did.
The daily writing, reading and gross motor is always addressed in these 3 simple daily homework assignments since the beginning of the year. 1.Practice Writing. 2.Practice Reading. 3.Playing outside (social distanced) (ABC fit kids using 2 family members names or Cosmic Kids Yoga, CosmicKids.com ).
If you need to get a hold of me I can still be reached by email Liepeb@dearbornschools.org or you can call my classroom number (-827-7238) and leave a message, they go to my email. If I call back it will come from an unknown or unavailable number. I will only call Monday-Thursday between 9am-3pm. Be on the lookout for a call this week.
Happy Day it was so great to see you! I miss you all so much. Make sure you look below for your drop off picture. For today make sure you look through the materials you got yesterday and make your name with the playdough. Read the books I brought. Then complete 1 page of the packet of your choose. The rest of the materials you will use as you want or need. Also for today, please listen to the story below.
We have added an online individualized Numeracy piece for each student, with half the class already completing work. Our class code is 911 561 is used to access it. There is also a link in our Google Classroom to the site. Every child has an account that I setup for them and I sent their password with the student login information, if you forget their password let me know. If you have not signed up yet I reset the password to 105. https://happynumbers.com/ . This site is awesome because it adjusts to the child’s knowledge of numbers. They will all start with a quick assessment to guide the lessons that are individualized for them. We have eight(8) students that completed the initial assessment and are on their personalized learning path into Kindergarten. Please make sure you are logging in and working toward your weekly goal of 40 minutes a week. (10minutes/4days)
Continue to have the students use their Epic Books accounts for Literacy to help them develop a sense of story. Listening to these stories will help develop their minds. The will use this in everything they do in the future. So use the link https://www.getepic.com/ with the class code is mhe8655.
Thank you for continuing to help your kids while schools are closed. The new district remote learning plan is out and every student is required to work on assigned schoolwork for 2-3 hours daily and have contacts with the teacher every week. I am required to hear from every student also, this can be as simple as sending me a picture of one of the assignment from the day or commenting below in the comments. https://dearbornschools.org/services/dearborn-public-schools-continuity-of-learning-plan/
The children’s daily routine will be just like at school and have all the pieces that I did with them at school. So they will have a reading/listening activity, a writing activity, a mathematics activity, imaginative play (Plan, Do, Review), creative arts and gross motor. The fine motor activities are built into some of the other activities but may also be the activity.
The imaginative play and Plan, Do, Review are as easy as a couple times a day when the children are going to play start by asking them what their plan is, some examples are; What they will play with? What they are going to do with it? Who they might play with? How hey are going to use it? Then when they are done ask them to recall. Have them tell you details of the play activity they did.
The daily writing, reading and gross motor is always addressed in these 3 simple daily homework assignments since the beginning of the year. 1.Practice Writing. 2.Practice Reading. 3.Playing outside (social distanced) (ABC fit kids using 2 family members names or Cosmic Kids Yoga, CosmicKids.com ).
If you need to get a hold of me I can still be reached by email Liepeb@dearbornschools.org or you can call my classroom number (-827-7238) and leave a message, they go to my email. If I call back it will come from an unknown or unavailable number. I will only call Monday-Thursday between 9am-3pm. Be on the lookout for a call this week.
It is great seeing all the pictures. Look for yours at the end of each days post. I am adding a little extra inspiration for the students to want to complete and share their work with me. We miss everyone very much. Please keep up the hard work at home.
Make sure you are on the lookout for my driving by your house to drop off some supplies and a special treat. The treat is in your bag and the story today is a hint as to what it is. Watch the story! Watch the window! And watch your bag for what is inside. (pictured below)
“Flat Mr. Liepe”
From now on when you take your pictures to share with the class make sure you include the teacher in the picture. I have made you each a “Flat Mr. Liepe” and put it in your bag. Be careful because I am fragile and need to be taken care of to last until graduation. Yes, High School graduation! 🙂 Yes, the surprise is:
In addition, to sending me the daily pictures, you post your pictures on your social media using the hashtag #FlatTeacher#FlatStanleySocialDistancing for everyone to see! Use both hashtags so you can find all the pictures later! It will be so much fun to see all the activities you guys do with me throughout the week! I can’t wait!
The story today is longer and the materials drop off will take a while so the main math activity is to count the materials I distrubuted and work on HappyNumbers. Today try to get a picture of Mr. Liepe at your house or your child with all of their new materials and send it to me at Liepeb@dearbornschools.org
We have added a new online individualized learning piece for the students to work on numeracy. Our class code is 911 561 to access it. There is also a link in our Google Classroom to the site. Every child has an account that I setup for them and I sent their password with the student login information yesterday. https://happynumbers.com/ . This site is awesome because it adjusts to the child’s knowledge of numbers. They will all start with a quick assessment to guide the lessons that are individualized for them. We already have seven(7) students that completed the initial assessment and are on their personalized learning path into Kindergarten. Please make sure you are logging in and working toward your weekly goal of 40 minutes a week. (10minutes/4days)
Thank you for continuing to help your kids while schools are closed. The new district remote learning plan is out and every student is required to work on assigned schoolwork for 2-3 hours daily and have contacts with the teacher every week. I am required to hear from every student also, this can be as simple as sending me a picture of one of the assignment from the day or commenting below in the comments. https://dearbornschools.org/services/dearborn-public-schools-continuity-of-learning-plan/
The children’s daily routine will be just like at school and have all the pieces that I did with them at school. So they will have a reading/listening activity, a writing activity, a mathematics activity, imaginative play (Plan, Do, Review), creative arts and gross motor. The fine motor activities are built into some of the other activities but may also be the activity.
The imaginative play and Plan, Do, Review are as easy as a couple times a day when the children are going to play start by asking them what their plan is, some examples are; What they will play with? What they are going to do with it? Who they might play with? How hey are going to use it? Then when they are done ask them to recall. Have them tell you details of the play activity they did.
The daily writing, reading and gross motor is always addressed in these 3 simple daily homework assignments since the beginning of the year. 1.Practice Writing. 2.Practice Reading. 3.Playing outside (social distanced) (ABC fit kids using 2 family members names or Cosmic Kids Yoga, CosmicKids.com ).
If you need to get a hold of me I can still be reached by email Liepeb@dearbornschools.org or you can call my classroom number (-827-7238) and leave a message, they go to my email. If I call back it will come from an unknown or unavailable number. I will only call Monday-Thursday between 9am-3pm. Be on the lookout for a call this week.
I miss four things: 1. The Magnetic shapes 2. The sandbox in the kitchen. 3. Mr. Liepe. I drew Mr.liepe in three different ways, the first one is showing him wearing big socks; in the second picture his wearing a pair of big boots, and third one he is using just one shoe and one sock, because he was hurry on his way to the park, and he forgot the other shoe. 4. Finally i miss the Fish Park.