Monday June 1st
There are only 4 more days of classwork so please keep working hard and there are 2 important dates this week. We went into school to pack up all the student belongings that were left. The distribution will be on Tuesday, June 2 from 9 am – 1pm to pick them up. The kindergarten transition information has been completed so we will be having a final virtual parent meeting Wednesday June 3rd and 11:00am. At that time we’ll also give the students a second to see each other before the summer. When we meet this is the login information. Meeting ID Phone Numbers(US)+1 276-695-5050 PIN: 812 065 279# Please be on the look out for the login information I will be sending out. It will be going out in multiple formats so everyone can join. You should have already received something from the school your child will be attending about kindergarten /Young 5’s registration. Please contact the elementary school if you have question about registration.
Today is Monday so we will be writing a story. Please write about the 3-5 things you did this weekend in the nice sunny weather. This will work both on your writing and remembering skills. Make sure your picture matches what you are saying you miss. Remember you are the Author and Illustrator of your story. So you are doing the picture and “writing the ABC words” for your story. When finished, please write down what your child said about their picture, take a pic of their picture and send it to me at
Online 5 students completed their online individualized numeracy work last week. Please continue to work on these. Our class code is 911 561 to access it. There is also a link in our Google Classroom to the site. Every child has an account that I setup for them and I sent their password with the student login information yesterday. . This site is awesome because it adjusts to the child’s knowledge of numbers. They will all start with a quick assessment to guide the lessons that are individualized for them. We have nine(9) students that completed the initial assessment and are on their personalized learning path into Kindergarten. Please make sure you are logging in and working toward your weekly goal of 40 minutes a week. (10minutes/4days)
For next years GSRP program please contact Cotter Early Childhood Center or central office. You can fill part of the information online be prepared.
The children’s daily routine will be just like at school and have all the pieces that I did with them at school. So they will have a reading/listening activity, a writing activity, a mathematics activity, imaginative play (Plan, Do, Review), creative arts and gross motor. The fine motor activities are built into some of the other activities but may also be the activity.
The imaginative play and Plan, Do, Review are as easy as a couple times a day when the children are going to play start by asking them what their plan is, some examples are; What they will play with? What they are going to do with it? Who they might play with? How hey are going to use it? Then when they are done ask them to recall. Have them tell you details of the play activity they did.
The daily writing, reading and gross motor is always addressed in these 3 simple daily homework assignments since the beginning of the year. 1.Practice Writing. 2.Practice Reading. 3.Playing outside (social distanced) (ABC fit kids using 2 family members names or Cosmic Kids Yoga, ).
If you need to get a hold of me I can still be reached by email or you can call my classroom number (-827-7238) and leave a message, they go to my email. If I call back it will come from an unknown or unavailable number. I will only call Monday-Thursday between 9am-3pm. Be on the lookout for a call this week.