I hope everyone is doing well… I miss you all so much!! I know things seem surreal at the moment… and there’s some confusion, and maybe even a little anxiety about what happens next, but please, don’t worry! We’ll take it one day at a time… and most importantly, know, that we’re in this together and that we’ll get through this together!
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. You can e-mail me (kobeiss@dearbornschools.org), post to the blog, and coming very soon, access an iLearn course (2D, 3D, & Intro to Art).
In the meantime, check the blog for lesson resources and updates, and feel free to practice concepts we’ve already learned in class relating to the 7 “Elements of Art”: Value, Line, Shape, Color, Space, Texture and Form. For example: Complete a daily sketch & reflect.
Take care & stay safe —
Ms. Kobeissi