Week of October 19
Week of October 12
Thursday, October 1 Schedule
Wednesday Schedule
Tuesday Schedule
Monday Schedule
Friday Zoom Schedule
Thursday Schedule
Wednesday Schedule
S – Synchronous A – Asynchronous
8:55 Zoom Morning meeting, bell work (S)
9:10 Zoom ELA block (S)
9:45 Independant block (A). Snack break if needed
10:30 Zoom Math Lesson
11.00 Independant practice (A)/Small groups (S)
11:45 Lunch
12:25 Zoom writing (S)
12:40 Independant writing (A)
1:00 Zoom NWEA (S). Remaining students work on Learning Lab (A)
2:00 Zoom Art. Link in specials folder, under Art.
2:30 Zoom NWEA (S). Remaining students work on Learning Lab (A)
3:40 Zoom – End of the day wrap-up
Tuesday Schedule
S – Synchronous A – Asynchronous
8:55 Zoom Morning meeting, bell work (S)
9:10 Zoom ELA block (S)
9:30 Independant block (A). Snack break if needed
10:20 Zoom Math Lesson
11:00 Independant practice (A)/Small groups (S)
11:35 Zoom Math review (S)
11:45 Lunch
12:25 Zoom writing (S)
12:40 Independant writing (A)
1:00 Zoom NWEA (S). Remaining students work on Learning Lab (A)
2:00 Break/snack/recess (a)
2:30 Zoom NWEA (S). Remaining students work on Learning Lab (A)
3:40 Zoom – Music (S). Link is posted in Specials folder under music