Language Arts/ Math/ Science/ Social Studies

From Monday April 20 to Friday April 24

Language Arts: Raz-Kids…. Read five (5) new books and write a summary for each book.Take a picture of your summary and send it to me. Make sure to write your name, the title of the book, and the date. Each summary is worth ten (10) points.

Math: I-Ready; work for 20 minutes each day. IXL; Continue working on your assigned skills.

Science: Go to Brainpop; login is woodworthMS. Password is hornets2020. Click on science. Look for unit, click on energy then, watch the video for the following: Conserving Energy, Current Electricity, Electric Circuit, and Electricity. After that, take the quiz for each of the topic.

Social Studies: Go to brainpop. Look for Ancient Culture. Click on Agricultural Revolution watch the video and take the quiz. Do the same for Athens, Cleopatra, and Egyptian Pharaohs. Take a picture of each of your brainpop quizzes and send it to phone. The number is 3132688087. Don’t forget to mention your name and the date.

All the work is due on Friday the 24th of April at 4:00 PM. If you need any clarification, you may call me or text me from 9:30 AM till 4:00 PM (M- F). Enjoy your learning and stay safe!

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