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School Reopen Parent Survey
Parents, please fill out this short but very important survey concerning your feedback on returning to school in the fall. Please, it is crucial that you take the time to answer the questions and leave your comments.
Please press on the link below to start the survey.
For translation assistance, parents may call 313-580-2532 Monday June 8th through Friday June 12th 8:30a.m. through 4:30p.m.
School ReOpen Committee Parent Survey #1
link for parents to register new students in the district.
Inaam Chami | |||
This link is for parents to register new students in the district.
Inaam ChamiLowrey Elementary
ELD Specialist/Room 134
Kindergarten Round-Up Invitation
Lowrey Elementary
Kindergarten Round-Up Invitation
If you have an incoming Kindergarten student or know of a family with a child entering Kindergarten please share this information.
Students should be 5 years old by September 1st.
On Thursday, May 14th from 1:00pm-2:00pm in front of Lowrey we will be passing out enrollment information and supplies for incoming Kindergarten students only.
Forms can also be found online on the Dearborn Public Schools site:
Lowrey School Enrollment:
Zeina Olabi 313-693-6427
If you have any questions please contact Student Services at 313-495-4004.
Google Hangout
hajjhassan hangout ELA
Tuesday, April 14⋅12:30 – 1:30pm
Join Hangouts Meet
Join by phone
+1 929-299-3311 PIN: 631 079 186#
10 minutes before
Organizer: Rima Hajjhassan
Rima Hajjhassan
Art Projects Ideas – fold up “squash books” – homemade ‘play doh’ (add some food coloring if you have for colored dough) – bubble painting – drawing outside – Nature Art sculptures
Virus-free. |
Attachments areaPreview YouTube video Squash Book How ToSquash Book How ToPreview YouTube video Salt Dough – Homemade ClaySalt Dough – Homemade ClayPreview YouTube video Bubble PaintingBubble PaintingPreview YouTube video Art OutsideArt OutsidePreview YouTube video Earth ArtEarth Art
Mystery Science Live
Next week, Doug is inviting students into his home for a LIVE, 20-minute science show. He’ll answer real kids’ questions about the current situation we’re all dealing with, as well as share a few fun surprises. Mystery Doug Livestream Tuesday, April 7, 10 am Pacific / 1 pm Eastern you on Tuesday!- The Mystery Science Team P.S. Can’t make it live? View the recording at after the event |
Questions? We’re here for you. Visit our FAQ or reply to this email.You signed up on mysterys |
Physical Activity from Mr. Loconsole
Stay safe and healthy!
Important document
Please fill out as soon as possible!!!
Thank you,