
Winter Break

Students and Guardians,

Winter break is an opportunity for students and educators to get away from school, recharge, and spend time with family and friends, but two weeks can be a long time for students to go without practicing their skills. I am asking the students to READ EVERYDAY and try to write everyday. Also, students need to complete the solar system project. Winter Break Starts December 22 and we return back to school on Jan. 8th, 2018

Solar System Model Project DUE JAN 8th, 2018

We have been learning about the solar system and models. In order to show what you have learned, I would like for you to create your own solar system model to display in the classroom.

There are some basic rules for your project: You must have the Sun and all 8 planets!

You may use anything you like to do the project. A coat hanger, a box, Styrofoam balls, food, whatever you would like!

Don’t forget to go on MyOn and MobyMax.

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