Happenings for May 11th-15th

Posted by Erica Fulton on May 11, 2020 in Class News |

8th Grade:

Happy Monday! I hope you are had a relaxing weekend and enjoyed time celebrating moms and the wonderful women who may not be your mom but who loves you like a mom.

So 8th graders, many have not turned in the items for the manufacturing unit. Please understand that students have had 6 weeks to complete the 7 parts of this unit. The first 4 parts should have only taken an hour to do total. Students may turn in work for this unit until this Friday but after that I will not accept late work as we begin our new unit today. Parents, please check in with your student daily and maybe even help them come up with a daily to do list of classwork for each class and due dates. Phone calls are going out this week for students who have not turned in assignments. 

As always please make sure any question you have is specific and that you have watched videos and read directions carefully for each unit before emailing

7th Grade:

An email has been sent regarding work that can no longer be turned in and work that is due this week.

  • Our next unit is on structures please start saving recyclable materials such as food boxes, plastic bottles, tubes, straws and paper cups. You may also want to consider materials found at the dollar store such as craft sticks and foam board. We will be researching various types of structures, you will be looking up some information regarding a structure and you will build that structure, which is why we need to save recycled materials.

6th Grade:

Please make sure to check your google classroom for the new assignment. I am so excited to see what ideas you come up with for a board game! You have a total of three weeks to create a game and a set of rules. I really want you to include your family in getting ideas and having them test out your game. Have fun!


Happenings for the week of May 4th-8th

Posted by Erica Fulton on May 4, 2020 in Class News |

8th grade:

Good morning and happy Monday,

This week our completing our manufacturing unit. Students have been working on this unit for five weeks now. In last weeks email I sent details on goals for when each part of this unit should be completed in order to be finished with the entire unit by this Friday.  Thank you to those who have sent me the parts of the unit you have completed already. By last Friday all parts of the unit with the exception of the last part should have been completed. 

Google Classroom for Applications of technology has the google slide presentation on the manufacturing unit. Please feel free to refer to that for questions.

Currently I only have some assignments for this unit turned in by Laith Ali – logo only, Mahdi, Brayden, Jai – logo only, Adham and Rana. All parts of this unit are due by Friday so please use your time wisely. I will not respond to questions regarding this unit next week as we will be moving onto our next unit on tools, machines and general safety when working with wood.

For the remainder of the school year I will be conducting video lessons as we will not be using google meets anymore. Teachers have been given the option to either do live or recorded lessons, I will be doing recorded. 

I do have ofice hours on Friday morning.

As always please read all information and watch videos before asking questions and make sure all questions are specific. 

Have a wonderful week!

7th Grade:

Good morning all,

So this week begins our new unit on Typography. I will have instructions and videos emailed out later today. I still need scaled floor plans from many students. Friday will be the last day I will except them. If you have not turned them in yet you will see a zero which can change this week if you turn in your work but after Friday it will stay a zero. Due last Friday was the pop bottle label, after this Friday I will not except the label project anymore.

Thank you to Safaa, Mahdi, Imad, Sal, Farah, Asma, Ahmed S, Rawan, Adam, Memrii, Mo J.Ragiah, Malak and Stella for turning in one or both of the assignments due so far. Many are turning in work without attachments so please check to make sure work has been attached before sending work.


Happenings for April 27th – May 1st

Posted by Erica Fulton on April 27, 2020 in Class News |

Good morning everyone,

In case you hadn’t already heard all google meets are cancelled this week as we transition over to a different format for face to face meeting. 

I also wanted to let my students know that I am working to find ways to help you understand assignments by creating short videos. All of the assigments and videos are will be on Google classroom. Parents and students please take a few minutes to go onto Google classroom and learn where to find assignments, instructions and grades. 

I appreciate the specific questions and I love seeing the technology pict-o-word posters that have been emailed to me. We have many creative students!!!  

Please remember to read all directions at least twice and look for the answers to your questions by problem solving, ask an adult at home if you are having technical issues. (I can’t do much to help if I cannot see whats going on).

6th and 7th technology students you have new assignments this week. 8th grade technology students you are continuing the manufacturing unit and creating your shoe model this week. I am still waiting on more shoes drawn in google sketchup (I created videos to help you make a shoe).  

Check your grades frequently, please be patient as I receive sometimes 30 emails a day from students and I try to answer them by 5pm. 

As always I hope you and your family are well and safe. 

Mrs. Fulton


Next Chromebook pass out date!

Posted by Erica Fulton on April 22, 2020 in Class News |

For those who need chromebooks, the next date is the 27th! The link below is the information you need to fill out before receiving a chromebook.



Happenings for the week of April 13th – 17th

Posted by Erica Fulton on April 13, 2020 in Class News |

8th grade:

Welcome back from “spring vacation”. I hope you were able to enjoy some of the nice weather last week. How crazy it was that we had a 70 degree day and then sleet and snow last week as well.

So before break I sent you a reminder of work to complete for the next unit on manufacturing and the design process. Click this link for the unit information:


This unit was due April 22nd but has been moved back to April 24th.

Please send completed work in one email once all seven parts are completed.

7th grade:

The architecture unit was started before vacation and so we will continue to draw out our floor plans. Please remember that you are not tracing the one you made on smallblueprinter.com but you are scaling your plan.

To recap how to do that you just take the size of a room and divide it by four.

Example: The garage you made online was 20′ X 20′ (‘ = foot/feet). So 20 divided by 4=5 (20/4=5). Then you will draw the garage onto paper using a ruler and pencil at a length of 5″ by 5″. Use the same symbols for walls, doors, windows, labeling, cabinets, appliances and items in the bathroom for this drawing as you did in smallblueprinter.com.

Here is the link to the Google slide show:


This assignment was due April 22nd but is being changed to April 24th. You will need to have completed the previous assignment using smallblueprinter.com. Use the link to floorplanner.

6th Grade:

This week we will work on measuring activities. We will begin with measuring games and watch measuring videos and practicing with measuring worksheets. We will finish this week drawing a ruler out and labeling the parts.


Happenings for March 30th-April 2nd

Posted by Erica Fulton on March 30, 2020 in Class News |

7th and 8th graders: Welcome to the 4th marking period! A big thank you to everyone who turned in work from the last two weeks. Just a reminder that all work from the beginning of the semester until March 12th was to be turned in by the end of the 3rd marking period (last Friday). Each class also had many opportunities to do makeup work in class as well as to do extra credit which was available with each unit. I say this because grades have been posted and the assignments from the past two weeks were counted as extra credit for those who turned their work in on time. Any work not turned in by Friday which was assigned before March 12th will count as a zero.

Please check your email regularly. 7th and 8th grade will have assignments for this week and the week after break (April 6th-10th) posted to Google classroom tomorrow morning.

6th graders:

This week I sent emails asking you to tell me a little bit about yourself and I want to express the great email responses already sent in! Thank you so much for sharing. The next thing we are going to do is to see what you already know about the units we are going to work on this marking period.


Happenings for March 23rd-27th

Posted by Erica Fulton on March 23, 2020 in Class News |

Students please remember to check your email daily. I have just sent out emails to all students with this weeks assignments. This weeks focus will be on catching up on late work and also giving students the opportunity to turn in extra credit to help boost grades.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) activities you can enjoy at home: This is not an assignment, just some fun activities to enjoy with your family at home!




-If you find any of these activities really great please seend me an email and maybe I can use one as a unit activity for next year!


Just a reminder…

Posted by Erica Fulton on March 17, 2020 in Class News |

First of all I hope you and your family are doing well. Please make sure you are checking your email daily and asking questions when needed.

6th Grade:

Thanks to those who have asked questions and have already sent me their board game rules and board ideas on paper. Remember that your rules (which can be with your group if you got that far already or on your own if your group did not get your rules finished) and your board, which can be on paper or done on computer, was due on Friday. The assignment is now due on Monday since Chrome books are being passed out Thursday from 2-6pm at Stout

You can also do extra credit which is also due on Monday.

Next week we will use a website called smallblueprinter.com/floorplanner to create a four room house. The unit packet will be sent on Sunday the 22nd.

7th Grade:

Thanks to those who have already sent your floor plan using smallblueprinter.com/floorplanner. I sent a copy of the packet and the assignment with room sizes on Sunday. If you have not received one please let me know.

Extra credit for this activity is to use the landscape tools in floorplanner to create grass, trees, a water feature, driveway and flowers to add to your floor plan. This extra credit is due on Monday instead of Friday the 20th.

Next week you can create your home using Mindcraft or if you prefer you can use a website called icovia.com to create individual rooms of your home with details in each room. This site is great for those interested in interior design.

8th Grade:

Your activity using Google Sketchup for students was sent to you on Sunday. Please first practice using Google sketchup by trying out the tools on this website. Once you are comfortable using the tools you can then go onto Google and search for Turtle sandbox on Google Sketchup. You can find a video on Youtube on how to make the turtle sandbox and you can also find a PDF of instructions.

This activity will introduce us to the manufacturing unit. This is the one in which you will create your own shoe design using the Engineering Design Principle.

Next week we will go over how to create a logo for your shoe company. This logo should represent the name of your shoe company and should not look like any current company logo (like NIKE or ADDIDAS)

sporacle.com is a site your can use to play games about company logos. You can Google search sports logo games , car logo games and food logo games as well.


What’s next?

Posted by Erica Fulton on March 14, 2020 in Class News |

Good morning. First of all I would like to say that I hope you and your family are doing well. Thank you to those who have already emailed regarding what activities we will be doing while on our extended break.

I hope to have some online activities as well as inexpensive projects students can work on over the next two weeks. For 6th grade these activities include drawing out a board game and a set of rules to complete the board game activity. We will also use a program to create a floor plan of a house.

7th grade can continue the architecture program we started on Thursday, create their homes using minecraft and complete the extra credit which will complete the 3rd marking period.

8th grade will suspend the building of circuits using our kits and instead I will look for a program to draw them online. We will continue with our next unit on manufacturing which you will design and make your own shoe.

Please check your email regularly for assignment due dates and please email me anytime with questions.


Happenings for March 2nd – 6th

Posted by Erica Fulton on March 2, 2020 in Class News |

8th Grade:

This week our focus is on finishing up the artificial arm project and then to spend this Thursday without the use of our non-dominate arm. Students need to see me between 7:50-8:00 to pick up a tag and a 1/2 sheet of paper. Students will then need to come see me between 2:47 – 3:00 to turn in their tag and 1/2 sheet. Our next unit will be on electricity.

7th Grade:

Students are spending this week creating their awesome PSA’s!

6th Grade:

Students will finish their unit on inventions this week with packets, paper and project due on Tuesday and then we will use Wednesday and Thursday to present our awesome projects.

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