Hybrid Learning Groups and Schedules

Snow School Hybrid Learning Return to School Plan!

Following the reintroduction of In-Person Learning Labs from (February 18th-26th), beginning on March 8th, fifth grade students will be back in the classroom for face-to-face instruction using a Hybrid plan.  The Hybrid plan will have students attending school IN-PERSON twice a week.  Wednesday will be a remote learning day starting at 8:40 am on Zoom.  

The class will be split into 2 groups: Group A and Group B.  Each group will have their own schedule.  The schedules below will explain more thoroughly what a student’s day and week will look like.


Click this link to view the schedule for: GROUP A

Here are the students who are in Group A:

Mohammad AbuSabha, Hamza Alaidaros, Hayat Alhajjai, Essa Almaweri, Yousif Almuflahi, Blaire Andrews, Miriam Anwar, Adiba Aun, Mae Aun, Malak Bazzi, William Castillo, Thao Ho, and McKenna Petersen (13 students)

Here is the schedule for GROUP B

Click this link to view the schedule for: Group B

Here are the students who are in Group B:

Renata HerreraRuiz, Ayman Hijazi, Xavier Jones, Nour Khalife, Matt Kujawski, Luke Majetic, James Perro, Ali Saab, Mohamed Saad, Lizette Sancen-Lopez, Khaled Shami, Hashim Shareef, and Amira Traore. (13 students)


Hybrid Model 

The Dearborn Board of Education has approved the District Hybrid Model of instruction which will include both in-person and remote learning opportunities for our children.  To ensure social distancing and  minimize the number of students in a class, students have been cohorted into either Group A or B.  Group A, consisting of half of Snow students, will attend in-person class on Monday and Thursday.  Group B consisting of the second half of Snow students, will attend in-person classes on Tuesday and Friday. Students will have asynchronous work and remotely attend special area classes on the days that students are not attending in-person classes. On Wednesday, all students will learn remotely from home (like the current mode of instruction).  You can learn more about Hybrid Learning Model on the district’s back-to-school website

Hybrid Class Orientation/Learning labs

  At the Learning lab , your child’s teacher will discuss important topics included in this letter, building procedures, procedures that are specific to the classroom, and time for teachers to answer any questions that you may have. In addition, Snow’s Hybrid Informational Parent Meeting will be held on Friday February 19th, 11;30 a.m.

Hybrid Instruction Start Date

Grades K,1, & 2 begin the hybrid schedule the week of March 1.

GSRP (PreK), Grades 3, 4, & 5 begin the hybrid schedule the week of March 8.

In-Person Daily Schedule

Arrival: 9:40 am 

Dismissal: 2:15 pm for Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students and  

                 2:20 pm for students in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade.  

Schedule for Wednesday and Asynchronous Days

Start time: 8:40 am 

End time: 3:35 pm  

*Please note, once we begin the hybrid model on March 1st, classroom teachers will no longer hold learning labs for students in the afternoon.

Specials Area Classes and Intervention Support

Special Area classes (Art, Music, Gym, Enrichment & Media) and intervention will be held on asynchronous days. (Group A-Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday) (Group B-Monday, Wednesday, Thursday). **Attending the Zoom Special Area classes on asynchronous days is mandatory.**

Preparing Your Child for In-Person Learning

It has been 11 months since our students have attended classes in-person.  There are many feelings and emotions that your child will experience.  Together, as a team, we…

  • Establish a bedtime routine and consistent bedtime to ensure that your child is well rested and ready to learn.  
  • Talk to your child about how they are feeling and let them know that how they are feeling is natural and that there are many that are feeling the same way.
  • To help your child adjust to wearing a mask for extended periods of time, have your child practice wearing their mask at home.
  • While the natural reaction when we see someone we miss is to hug them, please remind your child(ren) to refrain from touching, sharing, or holding hands with other children.  Such simple gestures that we don’t always consider talking points, could put us at risk. 

Family Covid Screening Process

Before your child comes to school on each in-person learning morning, families are expected to take the temperature of all members of your household.  

If your child (or a member of your household):

Has a temperature above 100.3 Shortness of breath or fatigueBody achesFever, chills or a coughHeadacheSore throat or congestion or a runny noseNausea, vomiting or diarrheaHas been a close contact of a person with Covid

Please keep your child at home and call the school office at (313) 827-6850 to notify us of your child’s absence.  We urge you to not take any chances. We must approach every situation as a family who is protecting each other from harm. 

Arrival Procedures

 Students will enter the building using their assigned grade level door, walk immediately to their class and stand on a spot marked in the hallway outside of their classroom.  It is important to remind your children that they must remain in their line, on the spot marked, at all times.  All hallways have markers on the floor to help students remain socially distanced while walking down the halls.  Parents may not enter the building at any time without a scheduled appointment.

Entry and Exit Procedures

All students will line up with their class outside at 9:40 am (first bell). At 9:40 am teachers will walk their classes into the school.  

 The Pledge of Allegiance will be recited inside classrooms. 

KindergartenersLine up on blacktop on Culver Street, Door #1
1st GradersLine up on blacktop on Culver Street, Door #1
Mrs. Chase, Mrs. Grizzell and Ms. Guadiana’s ClassesLine up on sidewalk on Culver Street, Door #2
Mr. DeSantis, Mrs. Majetic, Ms. Reslan, Ms. Sandakli and Ms. Shene’s Classes Line up on blacktop on Houston Street, Door #12

If it is raining or the wind chill is less than 20 degrees: Students enter the building through the lobby (Doors 1, 2, and 12) at 9:30am and proceed to line up outside their class. All staff will be outside the classroom, main lobby area, and hallways to assist children as needed.  Students are not to get dropped off before 9:30, students will enter at 9:30 and make their way to the classes while maintaining 6ft social distance 


Bussing will continue to be available for families who live further than one mile from Snow.  There will be assigned seating on the bus that each child will have to adhere to in order to ensure social distancing.   Again, safety is our top priority.  Please advise your children to socially distance while waiting for the bus to arrive.  As always, if you choose to forego bussing, you can drive your child to and from school.  You do not need to choose one or the other – bussing will be available to you on in-person learning days.

Classroom Set-Up

All classroom furniture has been set up to ensure 6 feet of social distancing and extra classroom furniture has been removed to provide additional space within the classroom. All students will face the same direction and student personal belongings will remain next to each student’s desk.  Students will remain inside of the classroom for the duration of the school day with the exception of lunch and recess.  


Lunch will continue to be provided for all students.  Students will have the choice of two daily lunch options. We have eliminated the option for students to take their own items at salad bar stations.  Families can send their child with a lunch, if they prefer to.   Students will be given the opportunity to use the restrooms prior to coming to lunch.  As students enter the cafeteria, they will sanitize their hands under touchless sanitizing stations and sit at their assigned lunch seat. Students will need to bring a water bottle from home. All drinking fountains have been disabled.  Water bottles with sports caps work best.  


Outdoor areas have been divided into sections.  Each class will be assigned a section where they will spend their recess time separate from other classes.  

Dismissal/ Parent Pick-Up Procedures

At dismissal, teachers will bring their class outside and stand at the designated grade-level area.  Parents may not enter the building at any time without a scheduled appointment.

Essential Student In-School Safety Expectations 

While children will be excited to return to school to see their friends and teacher, please make sure you remind your child(ren) that we must refrain from making physical contact (hugging, high-fives or holding hands) with other children and adults.  Additionally, masks must be worn at all times.  This is a strict, non-negotiable rule.  If a child chooses to break social distancing rules/guidelines, they will be removed from the learning environment. Make sure to discuss these rules with your child, explain the importance of the school safety rules and spend some time practicing these rules/guidelines at home.

Student Waiting Area 

If your child begins to feel ill while at school, they will remain in a designated waiting area until he/she is picked up.  Your child will be closely monitored in this room to assure they are safe and safety measures are followed.  Please make sure that you keep your child home if they feel ill or do not pass the Family Covid Screening Process.

Appointments to Enter the School Building

Snow parents must make an appointment to enter the school building.  Call the office at (313) 827-6250 to notify the staff if you need to drop something off for your child(ren) or pick something up. Someone will meet you outside the front doors.  This guideline is in-place to ensure socially distancing expectations are adhered to.

Sanitizing Procedures

A schedule to sanitize rooms has been established. All CDC recommended cleaning products and processes will continue to be followed.  Remember one of the most critical safety measures is to (1) maintain social distancing, (2) keep masks on and above the nose, and (3) hand washing.  

Please know that all of us here at Snow Elementary are working to create the very best learning experience for your child while maintaining the safety of all students and staff.

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