4/28 3rd-5th Grade Assignment
This assignment is for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. Other grades can do the assignment but will not be graded on it.
Click on the link below, watch the video then answer the questions! Please only submit a quiz one time!
Youtube link to video if it is not working in the form:
Posted in Blogs by Hannah Dudek with no comments yet.
4/23 K-2nd Grade Assignment
Click on the link below to watch and listen to the story “The Dot” then answer the questions that follow!
Posted in Blogs by Hannah Dudek with no comments yet.
4/22 ASD/SXI/SCI Activity
Found Object Names: Find small objects outside or inside and use the objects to spell out your name!

Posted in Blogs by Hannah Dudek with no comments yet.
4/21 3rd-5th Grade Assignment
What is a contour line?
A contour line is a line that defines the outer edge of what you are drawing along with defining details inside that edge.
We will be looking at continuous line contour drawings. That means we are going to be creating drawings WITHOUT picking up our pencil!
Watch and complete activity 1 then move on to activity 2 before turning in BOTH images! Have fun!
Posted in Blogs by Hannah Dudek with no comments yet.
Google Classroom
Happy Monday! Just an update based on the districts online learning plan; students at both Howe and Long will receive an email from me to access my Google Classroom.
I will be providing art instruction and will be grading submitted art and documenting student participation. This work will be used to complete 4th quarter report cards. Art lessons and assignments will be posted on my blog and Google Classroom! Please subscribe to my blog and sign up to the Google Classroom using the code. Assignments for each grade will be posted once a week and you will have 1 week to complete them. Upper Elementary will be posted Tuesdays, lower Elementary will be posted Thursdays.
I will be checking and responding to my email, DOJO (if your child’s classroom teacher has made one available) and Google Classroom. My “office hours” are Monday through Friday 11am-1pm for immediate response through email, DOJO, and Google Classroom. All other questions will be answered within 24 hours.
I’m so excited to see all the work! I miss seeing all my students in class!
Please continue to stay safe and healthy!
Ms. Dudek
Posted in Blogs by Hannah Dudek with 2 comments.
Melted Crayon Art
Try this! Unwrap some crayons then use a hair dryer to melt the crayons on a piece of paper or a board! Try melting 2 at once to mix some colors! *BE CAREFUL AS THE HAIR DRYER WILL GET HOT* Start off on the lowest heat setting and lowest speed then adjust as necessary! Keep a scrap piece of paper or board near to put crayons that you are done using until they have cooled off. Don’t forget to send me your creations! I can’t wait to see!

Posted in Blogs by Hannah Dudek with no comments yet.
Drawing Faces
Here is a great challenge for out advanced drawers! These are different steps to draw parts of a face! Practice drawing eyes, nose, ears, hair, and mouth, try drawing them in different sizes and adjusting the shapes of each feature. Once you’re comfortable try putting them all together to create a face! Want a REAL challenge? Try drawing someone in your house by looking at a picture or sitting across from them! Don’t forget to send me your creations! I can’t wait to see!
Posted in Blogs by Hannah Dudek with no comments yet.
Red Ted Art- Paper Squishy
Here is a great YouTube channel with tutorials on all different projects! https://www.youtube.com/user/redtedart/videos …Below I posted one of their videos on how to make a pokeball paper squishy using paper, clear tape, and either cotton stuffing or plastic bags! You can make any shape using the same technique! Make sure you send me a picture of your creations! I can’t wait to see!
Posted in Blogs by Hannah Dudek with no comments yet.
Check out these awesome play dough recipes!

1 cup shaving cream
2 cups corn starch
food coloring
Posted in Blogs by Hannah Dudek with no comments yet.
Ready for a Scavenger Hunt?!
Check out this great selfie scavenger hunt to get you moving!

Posted in Blogs by Hannah Dudek with no comments yet.