Recover and return materials from school

Posted by Dale Donelson on May 21, 2020 in Class News |

Attention Stout Families,  From Monday, June 1st through Friday, June 5th, from 10am to 3pm, students will be able to RECOVER any materials they have in the building (hall and gym locker) and RETURN any materials that are property of Stout (library or classroom books, textbooks such as social studies, etc) that they may have. […]


New Schedule for Mr. Donelson’s Geography and ELA Classes

Posted by Dale Donelson on May 3, 2020 in Class News |

Starting Monday, I will be posting 2 prerecorded videos for both my Geography and ELA classes. The videos will be on my google classroom sites. For ELA, the reading will be on ILearn while the assignments for Geography will be my on my Google Classroom. You may watch the 1st prerecorded video of the week […]



Posted by Dale Donelson on May 1, 2020 in Class News |

Due to still learning about and using Big Blue Button, there will be no advisory class until next week. A NEW SCHEDULE for sessions will be coming out for next week. Keep your eyes out for an email from Mr. Oke or Mrs. Faraj. I will be today for questions today. I do have an […]


No BBB Video live sessions Again today

Posted by Dale Donelson on April 29, 2020 in Class News |

Due to still learning about how to implement the new live conferences, BBB, I will not be able to go live today foe my ELA and Geography Sessions. For ELA, see announcements in ILearn and google classroom. You are to only complete MONDAY’s Assignment: reread pgs 9-20 and look over questions that will be forthcoming […]


No BBB Live Video Sessions Today

Posted by Dale Donelson on April 27, 2020 in Class News |

Due to still learning about how to implement the new live conferences, BBB, I will not be able to go live today foe my ELA and Geography Sessions. For ELA, see announcements in ILearn. For Geography, visit Google Classroom and complete the reading selection, complete the assigned questions by using a google form sheet labeled […]


Mr. Donelson’s Geography ILearn Site: Only to be used for BBB Video Conferencing

Posted by Dale Donelson on April 26, 2020 in Class News |

Please join Mr. Donelson’s By going to Student Portal on Dearborn School’s main site, select Learn Classroom bubble, select my Geography Course, and use the flooring code to join: 2a8a3h All other class activities, assignments and directions will be found on my Geography Google Classroom.


Mr. Donelson’s Google Classroom Advisory Class

Posted by Dale Donelson on April 26, 2020 in Class News |

To enroll in Mr. Donelson’s Google Classroom Advisory class, please go to the student student portal on Dearborn Schools website, go to tab “Useful Links” and select “Goggle Classrooms”, select Mr. Donelson’s Advisory Class and enter the code: zig2e6q


Rescheduled ELA Google Meet due to technical difficulties …

Posted by Dale Donelson on April 22, 2020 in Class News |

My morning google meet session with my Social Studies group went well without a hitch, but Ive not had internet connectivity since 12:30pm. Hence, I was not able to have my ELA Google Meet at its scheduled time. I will be on at 3pm today and 11am on Thursday, whichever one you can make. As […]


Mr. Donelson’s ELA Class Novel: The Crossover

Posted by Dale Donelson on April 21, 2020 in Class News |

After signing up for my Google Classroom (found in a previous post), Please read the instructions which ask you to read the first 10 short reading passages. (pgs 9-20) Please read them this evening and be ready to discuss them in Google Meet on Monday.


Mr. Donelson: Google Classroom: Sign Up

Posted by Dale Donelson on April 21, 2020 in Class News |

Ive created Google Classrooms for ELA and Geography. Please sign up for the classes you are in using the codes below. I know most of you have used this before in other classes. Email me if you need help logging onto the classes you are in. ELA Code: d5e3aro Geography Code: 3ileth4

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