Dearborn High School Media Center

September is Public Library Sign-Up Month
If you don’t have a public library card, get one this month.
You can fill out an online application prior to coming to the library by downloading it here.
Free cards are issued to:
- Dearborn residents
- Non-resident Dearborn taxpayers and their family members residing at the same address Proof of current payment of City of Dearborn taxes is required.
- Family members residing at the same address as non-resident paid cardholders
- Non-residents who live in the Dearborn School District
- Non-residents who are currently employed at a business located in the city or school district of Dearborn. You are required to present:
- A letter on official letterhead stationery from their Dearborn employer (this form may be from the personnel office) which verifies employment.
- Valid proof of residential address with photo ID.