Link Practice
New Login Information
Dear Families,
This weekend I have been working on creating logins for various school-approved accounts/ websites for your child. Below you will find more information in regards to specific site access. Please let me know if you have any questions. Lastly, some of the sites require confirmation from a parent email, so expect a message from a digital platform known as EPIC (this is an online reading site for kids).
It would be a good idea to attempt logging into these various websites throughout the course of next week.
- Class Code: cibasc
- Type in your first and last name
- Username: Student ID Number
- Password: Birthdate (Ex: Sept. 9th, 2012-09092012)
- Class Code: XM4G7V
Materials for the Week of 09/08
Dear families,
It was a wonderful week getting to know you and your children. I hope you find this information useful as we navigate this online learning environment. Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated.
- Here is a video on how to log your child into Schoology and where to find both the lesson plan and Zoom links for each week. Please make sure to do this before your child logs in on Tuesday! Moving forward, Schoology will be our main platform of communication!
How to log into Schoology- click me to watch a video!
How to Access Zoom Meetings in Schoology: Week Two
- We have created this student schedule for you to print or download on your child’s computer. A major skill we work on in Third Grade is fostering independence by establishing routines and a schedule. We hope this will be a useful tool during our remote learning adventure. Please review the student schedule with your child prior to our Zoom on Tuesday so they know what to expect. There may be slight deviations from the more details schedule listed for parents.
Student Schedule- click to view
- If you have not yet subscribed to my blog, here is a video to walk you through blog subscriptions to get updates from the teacher and school news. Please also make sure to subscribe to Mr. Short’s blog and my blog before we begin Tuesday.
How to Subscribe to the Blogs- click me to watch the video!
Mr. Attee’s DuVall iBlog-
Ms. Cibasek’s iBlog-
- LEARNING LABS: At the bottom of the Lesson Plan document you will see the information for Learning Labs this week. Everyday I have three students scheduled to enter the virtual labs and complete a brief reading assessment with me. Please be sure to review when your child’s date and time is scheduled.
It has been a great week getting to know you and your child! We have some pretty awesome kids in our classroom this year; I am so excited for them to learn online together. I can’t wait to see everyone Tuesday-Zoom Style:)
Wednesday 09/02
Good Morning Everyone,
For this week, please be sure that you are following the WEEKLY SCHEDULE that was posted Monday night. I will be sharing all of this information on my iBlog as well for the first few weeks of schools .
Since I know this can all be overwhelming, I am also including a WEEK ONE CHECKLIST for students and families to keep on track. The checklist includes all of the assignments and forms that should be submitted this week. Many of you have already completed the majority of the activities.
Please attempt to have the majority of the work turned in or completed by Thursday, but note I will also allow submissions on Friday for those families with caregivers working outside the home.
Our Weekly Schedule 08/31
Dear Families,
Attached below I created a comprehensive schedule of what will be covered this week. New links may be adjusted or added and I placed check marks next to the items that need your attention.