This is our last week!

Hello Parents! It is hard to believe, but the school year is coming to the end on Friday, June 18th!

I just wanted you to be aware that Monday and Tuesday will be my last day with your child in person…and Wednesday will be our last virtual day together. My husband is having surgery on Thursday, June 17th so I will need to be with him during his surgery and recovery time throughout the summer. Your child will still attend on Thursday and Friday this week, but Mrs. Haifa Shaibi will be my sub for Thursday and our half day Friday.

I just wanted to let you know that it was an honor to teach your child this year and I really appreciate all of the patience and support you have given me during this crazy year of school. Hopefully, we are back to normal come fall and I look forward to seeing your children as they progress through 5th grade.

Just a quick note about Tuesday and Thursday….we will have a new version of field day on those days, thanks to Mr. Moyer. We will participate in Field Day from 10-12 on June 15th and 17th. Please make sure your child dresses comfortably and wears gym shoes. This will be a fun way to end the year!

Also, your child will be bringing home most of their supplies on Monday and Tuesday, but remember….school continues until 11:45 on Friday, June 18th.

I hope your child has a blast at Summer Camp if they are participating, otherwise I hope they have a great summer!

And parents, enjoy the summer now that you can get out and have fun!

I will see everyone soon!!

Hello Parents!

Just a reminder that tomorrow (Monday) and Tuesday will be picture day! If you would like to order a package, have your child bring in their completed form with money in the envelope. ALL students will be photographed regardless of whether or not they are purchasing a package. The photos will be placed in the 2020/2021 yearbook.

We are continuing to take the Reading and Math NWEA. If your child has missed a test, the test will be made up as soon as possible.

The module 5 math test has been taken by the students who attended school last week. If your child was absent or out of town, please make sure they review the Math Module 5 study guide that we completed together prior to them coming into school.

Just a reminder that there will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, May 28th or Monday, May 31st due to Memorial Day.

Enjoy your day!

Hello Parents!

Just a reminder that we will be off tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. Students will return on Monday, April 17th.

Also, we will be having FREE summer camp this year at Snow! Please see the link below to sign your child up!

The Summer Camp program may include STEM, English, Math, Gardening, Nutrition, Yoga, Lunch, Introduction to Neurology, and much, much more.

The program begins on June 23 and continues through August 13 (Monday through Thursday of each week – no Fridays). 

There are two time options:

9 am – 2 pm or 9 am – 5 pm

This program is at NO COST to our families.

Registration link

Have a great long weekend and Eid Mubarak to all of you who celebrate!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you wonderful, hardworking moms out there! I hope you have a fantastic day!

Just a reminder about this week coming up…we will only be attending school on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday through Friday we have off. If your child did not finish the Language Arts or Math M-Step they will be finishing it when they come in either Monday or Tuesday.

Save the date: Picture day is May 24th and 25th. The background choices and the payment envelope went home with your child either Thursday or Friday. If you did not get to see it, check their homework folder.

Have a wonderful rest of your weekend and Mom’s….have a great day! We appreciate all you do!!

Summer School Information

Snow will be offering an 8 week Summer Academic and Enrichment Program. There are two options for enrollment a 9am-2pm and a 9am-5pm time slot. Snow is planning a robust and innovative summer school to create an extremely impactful program. As of now, the programming is set to be an opportunity for learning loss recovery and additional growth. A typical day may include Gardening and/or Mindfulness, English Language Arts, Mathematics, Engineering (coding, robotix, etc), Lunch and PE. What is designed will be structured and of high value. More information will be forthcoming as we get closer to the end of the school year. 

Registration form link
Mohammad Abdelfattah

Snow Elementary Principal

Happy Sunday

Good Morning Parents! Where has the school year gone? It is that time already! Time for M-Step! We will be beginning tomorrow and Tuesday with the Language Arts M-Step. Your child does not have to bring in their chromebook, but if they like to use a mouse or their own headphones please have them bring those in Monday and Tuesday.

We are also beginning an iReady Contest! Please read the information below:

Snow Wolves,
We only have 8 more weeks of school and to finish strong we are having an iReady competition!  
Each week the top 5 students with the most minutes will be entered into a drawing for a gift card to Custard  Co. on Monroe Street.  image.pngThe Custard Company donated $5 gift card for prizes
The competition begins Monday 4/26/21

Hello and Happy Sunday!

Hello parents! Just a quick note to let you know that we WILL be starting back on our Hybrid Schedule tomorrow. Group A will line up at Door #2 to begin our in-person learning. Group B will meet me on Zoom at 8:40 am.

We will be starting the M-Step Assessment in May, so it is VERY important that your child attend the M-Step Practice sessions when they are asynchronous (not with me). These sessions are lead by Mrs. Saad and will be very helpful to familiarize the students with the testing standards and strategies to help them do their best on the test. Thank you for your continued support!

Hello Parents!

Welcome back parents! I hope everyone had a great Spring Break and Happy Easter!

The District has decided that school this week will be strictly virtual, so we will ALL begin school tomorrow and for the rest of the week at 8:40 am. The specials (art, music, enrichment, gym) will be pop-in as we did before the Hybrid Schedule.

I realize that the children probably do not have all of their supplies at home for math or reading, but we will adapt and get through it!

Thank you for being flexible with this inconsistent world we live in. As always, I thank you for your constant support.

Below is a message for our families that speak arabic:

االهالي الكرام،
سوف تستأنف مدارس ديربورن الرسمية الدراسة في األسبوع
القادم ولكن انالين وذلك من أبريل ٦ -٩ الشهر. لن يكون هناك
اي دراسة من داخل المدرسة أو وجها لوجه في األسبوع القادم.
سوف يتم التعليم انالين فقط.

شكرا لتعاونكم


Have a great Spring Break parents! Safe travels if you are traveling and have a restful week if you are having a staycation!

Your child is not obligated to do Zearn or iReady over the break, but if they are bored and want to work on that to catch up or stay on top of things they are welcome to do that.

Just a reminder: Lesson 25 homework should be completed by tonight as well as the final copy of their Narrative Writing “Lucy”. Both graphic organizer and final copy should be turned in by the end of the day.

Enjoy the break and Happy Easter to those who celebrate!!