Class Syllabus
Salina Intermediate
Course Syllabus
Mr. Carson
Course Description
I am looking forward to an exciting new year in physical education. The Physical Education program at Salina Intermediate is very important to your education and is designed to promote your physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. I will strive to keep the students as physically active as possible during class time while helping them develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to become and remain physically active for a lifetime. In order to meet these goals students need to be prepared and present for class. As a physical education teacher, my goal is to provide a safe and positive learning environment for the students. However, this requires students to take responsibility and engage in their own learning.
- Students will be able to demonstrate competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
- Students will apply knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
- Students will demonstrate the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
- Students will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
- Students will recognize the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and social interaction.
Physical Education Daily Rules & Expectations
- Be on time: Students are to be in attendance daily and be on time. Students that are tardy or late to class will lose points and will have their focus card signed.
- Dress Code and be prepared for class: Students are expected to be dressed in appropriate attire each day. Students are also expected to have their planners with them at all times.
- Listen and follow all directions. Students are responsible for all expectations and directions given by each teacher or sub the first time it is given.
- Do not leave the class without permission. All students will remain in the physical education area until the teacher tells them to leave.
- Keep your hands, feet and other objects to yourself at all times.
- Show respect for yourself, others, and equipment. Obscene language, gestures, harassment, disrespect or bullying will NOT be tolerated. Also destruction or misuse of physical education equipment will not be tolerated.
- Show good sportsmanship, teamwork, and encourage one another
- Always give effort, try your best and learn
- No cell phone or any electronic devices
- No food or gum
Proper Dress for Class
- A COMPLETE CHANGE OF CLOTHING must be worn. PE clothes are to be worn ONLY during PE class time. Proper clothing includes:
- Comfortable shorts/sweat pants
- T-shirt/Long sleeve t-shirt/sweat shirt
- Athletic gym shoes that tie and cover the foot completely
*Be prepared to go outside (weather permitting) with a sweatshirt, jacket and/or sweatpants
Classroom Consequences
1.) Verbal Warning
2.) Time-Out/Sit-Out from activity
3.) Letter/Phone call home to parent or guardian
4.) Referral to principal or administrator
Locker and Locker Room
One small locker in the physical education locker room will be assigned to each student. During class, the lock should be put on the assigned locker with all belongings locked inside. After class, physical education clothes must be locked back in the small assigned personal locker. Changing must take place only in the locker room. All locks should be locked before, during and after each class. Leaving the locker unlocked or not placing belongings into the locker is the number one reason students lose their cloths.
- NO SHARING OF LOCKS OR LOCKERS. I will not give out combinations to another person’s locker. This means if the person you are sharing a locker with is absent, you will be responsible for figuring out an alternative, or losing your points.
- Only a combination lock is permitted. The combination must be given to the teacher.
- Once class begins, no one will be allowed back in the locker room without permission from the teacher.
- All valuables must be locked in a locker during class. The physical education staff will not be responsible for lost or stolen belongings.
Physical Education Grading Policy:
A. Daily points (60%): Each day you will have the opportunity to earn 10 points in class. These points can be earned by meeting the following expectations:
Daily Points
You will earn a daily grade based on the following:
- Dressing out 2 points
- Being on time 2 points
- Participation 2 points
- Using good sportsmanship 2 points
- Following directions 2 points
Total = 10 points
B. Written tests/quizzes, assignments, skill tests and some possibilities to earn extra credit points (40%):
Students will be tested on their knowledge of different games/sports played throughout the year.
C. Final Grade: The final grade is based on computing the percentage of the daily point total plus the test/assignment/skills test total.
D. Make-Up Work: Student will have the opportunity to make up missed class periods by writing a paper chosen by the teacher or performing physical activity task. It is the student’s responsibility to get make-up work from the teacher.
Grading Scale:
A+ | A | A- | B+ | B | B- | C+ | C | C- | D+ | D | D- | E |
100 | 99-94 | 93-90 | 89-87 | 86-84 | 83-80 | 79-77 | 76-74 | 73-70 | 69-67 | 66-64 | 63-60 | 59-0 |
Physical Education Medical Excuse
- If a student needs to be excused from participating in Physical Education, they must do the following
- Bring a signed and dated written note from a parent or guardian with a valid reason (illness/injury).
- If the student has a serious illness or injury that will keep the student from participating for more than three days a doctor’s note will be required. The teacher will then assign alternative work.
Medical Conditions: Please list any medical conditions that may affect your child Physical Education class. If it is a condition that will affect their everyday performance we require a note from your doctor with the restrictions listed. This information will be held in the strictest confidence. The health and welfare of your child is our first concern.
Please describe any medical concerns regarding your child: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this form or the physical education program.
Teacher: Mr. Carson
Email Address:
Telephone Salina PE Office: 827-8267 ext. 24364