Here is the link for the kindergarten meeting on Wednesday March 24th.
HONK – HOOT- HOLLER- For Ms. Debbie!
Ms. Debbie, our school secretary is retiring.
Please join us for Ms. Debbie’s retirement parade
Friday February 26th at 1:00 pm
You can make a good bye sign… Come honk your horns.
Pull up to the front of the school and wave to Ms. Debbie..
You must stay in your car, do not park your car and get out. We need to social distance.
See everyone on Friday…
An Important Letter From Mr. Martin About Hybrid Learning!!
Dear River Oaks Community,
We are so excited to have our Rockets coming back to River Oaks!!! It has been almost a year since our students have been at the building to work on their academic and social development and it is time for them to come back 🙂 At the last board meeting it was decided that we will transition into the “Hybrid Model”. This means that we will have 2 cohorts of students;
- Group A- comes to school from 9:40am-2:20pm on M/TH (2 days)** Lunch will be provided and we will follow the CDC and Wayne County Health Guidelines. Group A-students will have their special area classes on days that they are not at school. The whole class will meet remotely on Wednesdays with their classroom teacher.
- Group B- comes to school from 9:40am-2:20pm on Tues/Friday (2 days)**. Lunch will be provided and we will follow the CDC and Wayne County Health Guidelines. Group B students will have their special area classes on days that they are not at school. The whole class will meet remotely on Wednesdays with their classroom teacher.
- Important- the classroom teacher will meet with students at home using zoom from 8:40am-9:05am on days that they are not at school. The classroom teacher will go over their content practice for the day, remind students about special area classes for the day, and answer any questions students may have. Attendance will also be taken at this time for the asynchronous day.
- Both groups have live remote lessons on Wednesday with their classroom teacher. (1 day)
- River Oaks classroom teachers will post their A-Day and B-Day student schedules on their schoology page each week.
Preparation for the Hybrid Model has taken place over the course of this school year. Our classrooms have been altered to align with the “National CDC Health Guidelines” and our school district has been working with the Wayne County Health department to make sure we have taken the correct steps to have our schools as safe as possible.
At River Oaks we have been working extremely hard providing live instruction in the morning and offering learning labs in the afternoon that are specific to our students academic levels. To prepare for the Hybrid model groups, we looked at the following items; placing siblings together in the Dearborn High Feeder on the same days, planning for students that need support services, planning for students that need transportation, balancing numbers in the groups to align with national spacing guidelines, and looking for common levels amongst the students in the 2 groups. This process was very time consuming and making changes can cause a “domino effect”, so we ask that no changes are made during this hybrid transition period. My hope is that the Hybrid Model goes very well and we can be back to a normal 5 day week in the near future. We are all going to have to continue to work together to keep the levels low at our building and our students/staff/ and parents safe.
Please remember to go over the “COVID Screening Questions- English or Arabic” with your student(s) each day and to keep them home if they have any symptoms.
Additional resources from the school nurses click here.
Thank you to all of our parents for everything that you have done over the last year to help with your student’s education! We appreciate your constant support and devotion 🙂
Mr. Martin
A Note From Mr. Martin…
Return to School Information…
Dearborn Public Schools is excited to announce the district has met the COVID measurements set by the Board of Education and will start phasing students and staff back to in-building learning.
February 18, 2021 – In person learning labs will start. Classrooms teachers will schedule the students.
March 1, 2021 – Kindergarten, 1st and second grade students will start the Hybrid schedule. 2 days of face to face learning with half the students from the class. 2 days at home doing asynchronous review work (no live classroom instruction). Gym, Art, Music, Media & Technology will have at least one live lesson on the days at home. Wednesday will be the same as now for all students.
March 8, – Pre-school, Third, fourth and fifth grade students will start the Hybrid schedule. 2 days of face to face learning with half the students from the class. 2 days at home doing asynchronous review work (no live classroom instruction). Gym, Art, Music, Media & Technology will have at least one live lesson on the days at home. Wednesday will be the same as now for all students.
Social distancing guidelines will be followed to help students/staff be safe. Students will eat lunch at school.
A parent meeting will be held soon. You will have an opportunity to ask questions and get additional information.
I know this news is both exciting and stressful. We will work through this transition together. Please call the school if you have any questions or concerns.
Free tutoring for students!!!
Grand Valley State University is providing tutoring for students at no cost. All that the parent/guardian needs to do is fill out a consent form and schedule a tutoring session based on subject and time. All tutors have to fill out an application, pass a background check, and participate in an orientation and training.
Here’s the link:
A Message from Mr. Martin
Please watch the video:
You can use this link to sign in:
Halloween Contest!!

Library Book Check-out
Next week we will be opening our school library for book check out! Here is the information from Mrs. Ackerman:
Letting you know that we’re going to be starting “Curbside Checkout” next week. Students will be able to place holds on library books and I’ll have them ready for pickup on Thursday, the day I’m at River Oaks. I’ll start teaching them how to use the Destiny Library program to search the collection and place a hold in our lessons this week. I’m sure there will be glitches and a few bumps in the road, but our kids need to have books, it will work out fine. They will check them out one week and return them the next.
Mrs. Ackerman is your child’s media teacher so it sounds like they will be learning how to use the Destiny Library program during their Media special (Thursdays at 1pm). For more information, please reach out to Mrs. Ackerman:
Coffee with the Principal, Thursday, October 15 at 6:30pm
Schoology Email
Good morning,
You may have received an email this morning from Mr. Troy Patterson that involves a username and password for Schoology. This is to access your parent account on the website. Here are some tips that were sent to us.
Parents go to a different URL than students. – Parents will go to *- Students (and teachers) will still go to
Once the parents login in, they should change their password. (Their user name will be the same as their Parent Connect user name with a P before the number. Thus, if their Parent Connect user name is 1234567, their Schoology user name will be p1234567).
There is a post with information for parents on the Home Learning Hub (including a translated version of the email).