Return to School Information…

Dearborn Public Schools is excited to announce the district has met the COVID measurements set by the Board of Education and will start phasing students and staff back to in-building learning.

February 18, 2021 – In person learning labs will start. Classrooms teachers will schedule the students.

March 1, 2021 – Kindergarten, 1st and second grade students will start the Hybrid schedule. 2 days of face to face learning with half the students from the class. 2 days at home doing asynchronous review work (no live classroom instruction). Gym, Art, Music, Media & Technology will have at least one live lesson on the days at home. Wednesday will be the same as now for all students.

March 8, – Pre-school, Third, fourth and fifth grade students will start the Hybrid schedule. 2 days of face to face learning with half the students from the class. 2 days at home doing asynchronous review work (no live classroom instruction). Gym, Art, Music, Media & Technology will have at least one live lesson on the days at home. Wednesday will be the same as now for all students.

Social distancing guidelines will be followed to help students/staff be safe. Students will eat lunch at school.

A parent meeting will be held soon. You will have an opportunity to ask questions and get additional information.

I know this news is both exciting and stressful.  We will work through this transition together. Please call the school if you have any questions or concerns.

Census Application

Dear Parent(s),

Every year, billions of dollars in federal funding go to hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other resources based on census data.

For a better future of our city, schools, and students , please click on the link now and fill out the census. It only takes a few minutes from your time to make a difference.

Complete the Census application here:


(teachers’ names)

Personal items pick-up

Families can pick up their child’s personal items on Wednesday or Thursday June 3rd or 4th from 12-2 pm.  It will be a drive through system.  Also, please return any library books, LLI books, classroom books, or books bags you have at home. Thank you.

May Home-Learning Calendar and Updates

Hello families,

I hope all is well. Thank you so much for all your support with your child’s learning at home. I am sending out the May home-learning calendar tonight, so look for an email. PLEASE READ THE NOTES ON TOP OF THE CALENDAR. Some things were added/changed for this month. One of those changes is that children will need to complete Eureka Math workbook pages at home. These pages were included in the calendar. Families will need to pick up workbooks on either Tuesday, May 5 from 12-3 or Wednesday, May 6 from 10-12. Families will also receive a packet. This packet is for summer practice. Students do not need to complete the packet until we are done with the school year, which is on June 11. Please pick the date/time that you would like to pick up their learning materials.

Also, I am aware that the links on the April home-learning calendar did not work since the document was in pdf form. That was changed for the May home-learning calendar, so now you can easily click on the links and be directed to the webpages provided.

Children will be graded based on the completion of their daily assignments. I am always available for help through ClassDojo or email.

Thanks again,

Ms. Abulhassan

Raz-Kids and IXL

Hello families,

Raz-kids and IXL are great online sites that I would like students to continue using for math and reading, as stated in their home-learning calendar. I was looking at their online activity on these sites and I was able to see that only a couple students have been active. Please remember to follow the calendar. Let me know if you want to request a chromebook. We will be offering another pick-up date and time next week.

Thank you!

Thanks to all who submitted their child’s work last Friday. I really enjoyed looking at all their photos and seeing the hard work they put into their writing.

Moving forward, please remind your child to start with a capital letter when starting a new sentence, include finger spaces between words, and use an ending mark to end sentences (period, exclamation mark, or question mark). Encourage them to add details to their writing to give it more voice. Also, follow the pacing of the calendar and the sentence starters given. By Friday, your child should have a completed paragraph about the topic (please do not make a list).

In addition to their writing, I would appreciate photos of their weekly work in the subsequent weeks. I am able to track their online learning, so do not worry about that. I hope they are continuing to read daily.

Your continued support with their learning is greatly appreciated and respected. I know it’s not always easy, but we want them to continue to make progress despite the circumstances. Please remember, I am always here to support you with their learning. I am doing my best not to overwhelm any of you, and recognize that the health, happiness, and safety of ourselves and children come first.

Let’s have another great week of learning!

Lots of love,

Ms. Abulhassan

April Home Learning Calendar

Hello kindergarten families, 

I hope you all are doing well and staying safe. I miss your children SO MUCH. The April Home Learning Calendar will be sent out tomorrow via email. Please refer to the calendar for daily instructions/learning activities.

For my class only, I will also send out an invite to connect with me on ClassDojo. Please look for an email. As stated in their calendar, students will need to submit a photo through ClassDojo of their weekly writing every Friday. In addition, this will be a tool we use to communicate directly in real-time.

You can contact me via email or message me on ClassDojo (once we have it set up) for any questions or support I can offer during this at-home learning experience. Again, my email is

Stay safe,

Ms. Abulhassan