Dear Parents,
River Oaks is currently registering students for the 2020-2021 school year for pre-school, kindergarten and young 5’s. We need your help and getting this information out to all parents in the district. Please let me know the names of anyone that will be starting school this year at River Oaks.
Hello families,
I hope all is well. Thank you so much for all your support with your child’s learning at home. I am sending out the May home-learning calendar tonight, so look for an email. PLEASE READ THE NOTES ON TOP OF THE CALENDAR. Some things were added/changed for this month. One of those changes is that children will need to complete Eureka Math workbook pages at home. These pages were included in the calendar.
Families will need to pick up workbooks on either Tuesday, May 5 from 12-3 or Wednesday, May 6 from 10-12.
Families will also receive a packet. This packet is for summer practice. Students do not need to complete the packet until we are done with the school year, which is on June 11. Please pick the date/time that you would like to pick up their learning materials.
Children will be graded based on the completion of their daily assignments. I am always available for help through Seesaw or email.
Thanks again,
Ms. Good
Please visit your childs special area teacher blogs.
https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/zechar/ – Joanne Zechar – Art Teacher
https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/webbl/ – Linda Webb – Gym Teacher
https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/kizyb/ – Ban Kizy – Technology Teacher
https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/keyofg/ – Conda Green – Music Teacher
Hello families,
The April Home Learning Calendar will be posted on our class app Seesaw today. Please refer to the calendar for daily instructions.
You can contact me via email for any questions or support I can offer during this at-home learning experience. My email is goodk@dearbornschools.org or direct message on Seesaw.
Stay safe,
Ms. Good
The Elementary Report Cards for Marking Period 3 are currently being processed and will be available to parents in ParentConnect, Monday April 6, 2020. Following is some information on how parents can access report cards data in MIStar ParentConnect. Please note that if you have more than one child, you should be able to see data for all your children and you do not need separate logins for the different schools (if your children attend more than one school).
How do parents login to ParentConnect? To login to ParentConnect, parents need their PIN and password; this is how it is obtained: Parents go to the Dearborn Schools’ website (dearbornschools.org) and then the ParentConnect link. If they don’t know the login info, they click the (Need Your Login Information) link and it will prompt them to enter their email address (as provided to the school and entered in MIStar), and then click Submit. This process emails them their PIN and Password. After logging in, click on the “report card marks” module.
Parents please continue checking our classroom app Seesaw for daily updates!
-Ms. Good
- Chromebooks will be available for pick up tomorrow at 9 a.m. at River Oaks.
- This will be a drive through pick up. You do not have to get out of your car; the chromebook will be handed to you.
- One chromebook per RO family.
- The chromebooks will need WiFi to work.
- You are responsible for any damages. Please be careful.
The district is providing breakfast and lunch to students. The location for our school is Dearborn High School. The food will be available for pick up during the hours of 10:00 am -12:00 pm.