Welcome to Ms. Mohsen’s iBlog

2B and R/W Intervention students,

I hope that you and your families will remain safe and in the best of health during these difficult times. While school is closed, we will use this iBlog to communicate and stay up to date in our classes. I will be in touch with you through Remind to keep you posted.

Take care of yourselves and your families.

Ms. Mohsen

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Welcome to iBlog

Welcome to iBlog Teacher Websites Sites. This is your brand new classroom website.  There are some things you should do to get started.  Hopefully you have been following the Getting Started Tutorials and Step Sheets.

It is important that you edit your profile so that you can choose your school and grade level as this will help parents and students find your website.  Look for the link in the upper right when you are logged in.

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